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1、开题汇报撰写的方法 开题汇报的撰写关键包含以下多个方面: 1开题汇报名称 开题汇报名称就是开题汇报名字。这看起来似乎是个小问题,但实际上大家写专题名称时,往往写得不正确、不适当,从而影响整个开题汇报的形象和质量。那么,怎样给开题汇报起名称呢? (1)、名称要正确、规范。 正确就是开题汇报的名称要把开题汇报研究的问题是什么,研究的对象是什么交待清楚。开题汇报的名称一定要和研究的内容相一致,不能太大,也不能太小,要正确的把研究的对象、问题概括出来。 规范就是所用的词语、句型要规范、科学,似是而非的词不能用,口号式、结论式的句型不要用。因为我们是在进行科学研究,要用科学的、规范的语言去表述我们的思想

2、和看法。 这里有一个专题名称叫“培养自主学习能力,提升课堂学习效率”,假如这个题目是一篇经验性论文,或是一个研究汇报,还不错,但作为专题的名称,则不是很好的。因为专题就是我们要处理的问题,这个问题正在探讨,正开始研究,不能有结论性的语气。若改为“自主学习能力的培养对提升课堂学习效率的影响”则较为妥当。 (2)、名称要简练,不能太长。 不论是论文或开题汇报,名称全部不能太长,能不要的字就尽可能不要,最长通常不要超出20字。 2研究的目标、意义 研究的目标、意义也就是为何要研究、研究它有什么价值,研究背景是什么。 这通常能够先从现实需要方面去叙述,指出现实中存在这个问题,需要去研究,去处理,本开题

3、汇报的研究有什么实际作用。然后,再写开题汇报的理论和学术价值。这些全部要写得详细一点,有针对性一点,不能漫无边际地空喊口号。 3研究的指导思想 开题汇报研究的指导思想就是在宏观上应坚持什么方向,符合什么要求等。 这个方向或要求可能是哲学、数学、自然科学、政治理论,也能够是科学发展计划,也能够是相关研究问题的指导性意见等。 4研究的目标和假设 开题汇报研究的目标和假设也就是课题最终要达成的详细目标,要处理哪些详细问题。 相对于目标和指导思想而言,研究目标和假设是比较详细的,不能笼统地讲,必需清楚地写出来。只有目标明确、假设详细,才能明确工作的详细方向是什么,才能了解研究的关键是什么,思绪就不会被

4、多种原因所干扰。 确定专题研究目标和假设时,首先要考虑专题本身的要求,其次还要考虑开题汇报组实际的工作条件和工作水平。 5研究的基础内容 我们有了开题汇报的研究目标和假设,就要依据目标和假设来确定我们这个开题汇报详细要研究的内容。 相对研究目标和假设来说,研究内容要更详细、更明确,而且一个目标和假设可能要经过几方面的研究内容来实现,我们不一定是一一对应的关系。 大家在确定研究内容的时候,往往考虑的不是很详细,写出来的研究内容尤其笼统、模糊,把研究的目标、意义看成研究内容,这对我们整个专题研究十分不利。 6研究的步骤和进度 开题汇报研究的步骤和进度,也就是开题汇报研究在时间和次序上的安排。 研究

5、的步骤和进度要充足考虑研究内容的相互联络和难易程度。通常情况下,全部是从基础问题开始,分阶段进行,每个阶段从什么时间开始,至什么时间结束全部要有要求。 7研究方法和资料获取路径 开题汇报研究的方法很多,包含历史研究法、调查研究法、试验研究法、比较研究法、理论研究法等,但在研究性学习中的开题汇报研究方法用得最多的是社会调查法和受控对比试验法。一个大的专题往往需要多个方法,小的专题能够关键采取一个方法,同时兼用其它方法。 在应用多种方法时,一定要严格根据方法的要求,不能只凭经验、常识去做。比如,要经过调查了解情况,怎样制订调查表,怎样进行分析,全部不是随随便便发张表,列部分百分数、平均数就行了。

6、开题汇报研究资料的获取路径也很多,包含文件调查、考察调查、问卷调查、设计并进行试验、科学观察等。关键采取哪些资料获取路径,一定要经过充足的研究。 8研究的结果形式 开题汇报研究的结果形式包含汇报、论文、创造、软件、课件等多个形式。专题不一样,研究结果的内容、形式也不一样。但不论形式是什么,专题研究必需有结果,不然,就是这个专题没有完成。 9研究的组织机构和人员分工 在集体开题汇报研究方案中,要写出专题组组长、副组长,专题组组员和分工。专题组组长就是本专题的责任人。 专题组的分工必需要分得明确合理,争取让每个人了解自己的工作和责任,不能吃大锅饭,不过在分工的基础上,也要注意全体人员的合作,大家共

7、同研究,共同商讨,克服研究过程中的多种困难和问题。 How to write a research proposal When you are applying for a research degree, like the PhD, you will very probably have to write a research proposal as a part of your application file. A PhD is awarded mainly as the result of your making a genuine contribution to the state

8、of knowledge in a field of your choice. Even though this is not the Nobel Prize yet, getting the degree means you have added something to what has previously been known on the subject you have researched. But first you have to prove you are capable of making such a contribution, and therefore write

9、a research proposal that meets certain standards. The goal of a research proposal (RP) is to present and justify a research idea you have and to present the practical ways in which you think this research should be conducted. When you are writing a RP, keep in mind that it will enter a competition,

10、being read in line with quite a few other RPs. You have to come up with a document that has an impact upon the reader: write clearly and well structured so that your message gets across easily. Basically, your RP has to answer three big questions: what research project will you undertake, why is imp

11、ortant to know that thing and how will you proceed to make that research. In order to draw the researchers attention upon your paper, write an introduction with impact, and that leads to the formulation of your hypothesis. The research hypothesis has to be specific, concise (one phrase) and to lead

12、to the advancement of the knowledge in the field in some way. Writing the hypothesis in a concise manner and, first, coming up with a good hypothesis is a difficult mission. This is actually the core of your application: youre going to a university to do this very piece of research. Compared to this

13、, the rest of the application is background scenery. Take your time to think of it. When you have an idea, be careful at the formulation. A wellwritten hypothesis is something of an essays thesis: it provides a statement that can be tested (argues ahead one of the possible answers to a problem), it

14、is an idea, a concept, and not a mere fact, and is summed up in one phrase. In some cases, you will have no idea what the possible answer to a problem worth being researched is, but you will be able to think of a way to solve that problem, and find out the answer in the meantime. Its ok in this case

15、, to formulate a research question, rather than a hypothesis. Let those cases be rare, in any way. Another piece of advice when writing your hypothesis, regarding the trendy research fields: chances are great that theyre trendy because somebody has already made that exciting discovery, or wrote that

16、 splendid paper that awoke everybodys interest in the first place. If youre in one of these fields, try to get a fresh point of view upon the subject; make new connections, dont be 100% mainstream. This will make the project even more stimulating for the reader. Imagine that you are writing about the trendiest subject, with absolutely no change in the point of view, and you are given the chance to make the research. Trends come and go, fast; what are the chances that, in four


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