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1、高考二级词汇表(01 wod) (08 wrs)aboad asolut absrb aadeic accelrte accountacouning acurat accuse acievnt id acre acor atrss actual D dvtisement adjutmen admistraion mire adi adult advnce dvetur advrtseaffaAfic Arian erwrd agriclr ahea ai IDS im aircraft rmal airspac aik alergc onsid aphabet algether aazeaaz

2、igabsar(-rs) aount amusme analyze alsis ancet e nglankle anunc annoncemnt anoy anxit anxious ao apatmnt apologi poogy appaance apliction ppl appointment apreciate apoch pron arcite architure Aric rgue rumen arise(rose, arise) rmhai arrane aranemet arrs arival rr artist ash hae aside aspect asistant

3、associati astrnomr athlet atmosphre tth ttc aempt atendatttd attrat atactive aiee athr automati avene avrageaard aware afu B(7wr)backr(s) bacon baintn baggage balane and bar bark asbasemn basin asis bat bat ate athubattey batle B bead et bauty be behave beong belt bec bend bneath benit bccle io irhl

4、ace bt(bt bitte) lackmai bme lank blane bleed blocbous oil bom bone bonus bo bored bote owling oxig brake branch ban brt bridegrom re bief briant brad rdcast broen bo bude bu brla u bush businsmanwomn butr btton (03ord)af cae calm an canteen crpnr care cariage crrt atoon cse cash ctle cttl cautius c

5、ave ell enigrae cetimter entral crmoy cin chalenge challeng canne cractr charge chapter hart cha cek heerul che cheica chemist hec cew chi hif childhood igar igaette rcus tie civil civati casc w cleer cler cmte clinic loth cloting cco olar com cofort commen comet coentra concen conclude conclsi codu

6、t condutor cofent conir nfus congratution cnnectio csensusconseqece cosideratin consist constant onstrutio conut cotn contempoary ont coint onra contbution conenince onvnn cookie crn orrectio zyos court courtyad ow crere credi crme criminal cp cossrad crowcrowe cboard(6 wod)dage rknes dta bt decasee

7、e der dea fnse defend elghted dean departt decton esert eerv esign desire essrt sroy dtectie detrmie dvote dvotion dial diamod diet dffer dnordp diplomcy diablity dsable didvntage disre disageeme diar dsappoined isater iscount disdisc isike isobey distace disant ditinction disiguish ict ive diore ou

8、met dollar domtor wntown drag drawing dem dll rnk dusk dut ubin dusty E (39 word)eagle ster eater tr educa educat effetive electricit emarrs embass mploy rgeic engine enjoyable entir entance eny equa epmn ro ecape eayent ein ct exatly echange eist exitenc it expe exanaion eecation xplode eprt exresion xta xtm esgt (53 words)fcial fair fas famia fre faut favor a ethr ee elow femle fen firce fe ie frm ist fle flah flas


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