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1、精品文档其实,以上话题可以概括为 四类作文:客观经济类 :电商、网购、电影产业、旅游产业变好客观社会类: 二胎、老龄化有利有弊类(主要是科技) :电子书、手机、游戏、微博问题类: 学术剽窃、假冒产品、吸烟、PM2.5、浪费粮食、交通问题第三段可以共享.精品文档可能用到的主题词:1 资源保护 (Energy and Resource Saving/reservation)2 环境保护 ( Environmental protection)3 人口增长 (The growth of China s population)4 家庭暴力 (The Problem of Domestic or Fami

2、ly Violence)5 社会保障系统 / 资金 (Social security system/fund)6 假冒伪劣产品问题 ( Counterfeits and unqualified products)7 食品安全 (food safety)/粮食安全( grain security)8 消费者权益保护问题 ( The protection of consumers rights and interests)9 知识产权保护问题( Intellectual Property protection )10. 学术剽窃( academic plagiarism)11. 节约粮食 ( gr

3、ain conservation)第一部分重要词汇:(一).第一段词汇:Figure 图像; Table 表格 ; Graph 图表; Diagram 柱状图; Bar chart 柱状图; Pie chart 饼状图;(二).科技类词汇:网恋 cyber romance;网购 online shopping; 团购 Group shopping; 秒杀Sec-kill;网店 online shop/store ;退款 refund;科学技术 science and technology; 沉迷网络 web-addiction ;电脑犯罪 computer crime ; 电子商务 e-com

4、merce;信誉 credit;虚拟生活 virtual life ;信息时代 information era ;网上冲浪 surf the Internet ;电子书 electronic book ;网上评价 internet review ;网上纠纷 online dispute ; 恶意骚扰 malicious harassment;品质保证 quality guarantee(三) .教育专题词汇:培养 cultivate ; 课余的 extracurricular ; 填鸭式 duck-stuffing ;文凭热 diploma craze; 教学改革 educational re

5、form ;学术的 academic; 创新学习 innovative learning ; 全体教员 faculty ;高等教育 higher education ; 假毕业证 / 文凭 fake certificate/diploma ; 考研热 the craze for graduate school; 深造 further ones study ;贫困学生 poverty-stricken students ;素质教育 quality education.精品文档德才兼备possess political integrity and professional ability ;提高学

6、生身心素质improve the health and psychological quality ;适应社会的改变adjust to the social changes quickly;努力获得精神文明make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress;伦理道德专题 (尊老、爱幼、爱心 ) 词汇:伦理 ethics, moral principle ; 道德 moral ,morality ;老人 senior citizens, old and helpless parents, elderly people;逃避责任 shirk

7、 the duty, shun the responsibilities ;虐待 mistreatment, be ill-treated, be neglected ;中国文化传统美德 traditional virtue of Chinese culture ;经济支持 financially support ;严厉惩罚 severely punish;培养意识cultivate the awareness;遏制不良现象curb evil phenomenon ;(四). 环境专题 (环保、节能 )词汇:雾霾 haze;工业化 industrialization ;橙色预警 orange

8、alert空气污染指数air pollution index ;有毒物质 toxic substance;悬浮颗粒物 airborne particulate matter ;污浊的空气 foul air ;空气质量检测 air quality monitoring ; 有害空气污染物 hazardous airborne pollutant ; 防尘口罩 anti-dust gauze mask;能见度低 low visibility ; 机动车尾气尘 vehicle exhaust;乘客滞留 passengers stranded;释放、泄漏有害气体和液体discharge/ let ou

9、t/ leak/ pour out harmful gases andliquids(五). 经济类词汇:经济 economy; 繁荣 boom ; 零售 retail ; 促销 promote sales; 管理management; 金融 finance, commerce/commercial经济全球化 economic globalization ;购买力 purchasing power ;可持续发展 sustainable development ; 不正当竞争 unfair competition ; 假冒伪劣产品 fake and inferior product ;售后服务

10、after-sale service;打假 crack down on fake commodities ;品牌效应 brand effect ;激烈竞争 fierce competition ;生计问题 bread -and -butter issue 企业形象 enterprise image; 信用危机 credit crisis;稳定物价stabilize prices;流行的消遣方式popular pastime.精品文档(六). 管理类专题资本 capital ; 债券 bond; 预算 budget; 没收 confiscate;拨款 appropriate ; 公司 corpo

11、ration ;贸易顺差 active trade balance 贸易逆差adverse trade balance; 审计员、查帐员auditor ;资产负债表 balance sheet; 便宜货 bargain;董事会 hoard of directors ; 盈亏表 bottom line ; 生意兴隆 brisk;泡沫经济 bubble economy ; 商业重组 business restructuring;货物清单 cargo manifest; 商品展销会 commodities fair第二部分第一段通用模板:1. According to the table, the

12、文章主题 increased from 数字 in 年份 to 数字 in 年份 . Although this was a small increase, the way in which 修饰 changed greatly.2. Since 年代 , China has witnessed a great change in主题 . As the graphshows, the percentage of 主 题 词 1 decreased considerably, dropping from 数 字 in 年 代 to 数 字 in 年 代 , while the correspon

13、ding figures for 主题词 2 increased dramatically, risingfrom 数字 to 数字 over the same period.3. As can be seen from the above graph, money value of annual global electronic commerce transactions is increasing gradually in the past nine years. In 2002, the money value of global electronic commerce transac

14、tions is almost $ 4 billion, while the number reaches $ 360 billion in 2011, 90 times that of 2002.4. It can be seen from the pie chart that accounts for the largest proportion. 主题词 makes up 百分比 of 百分比 represents 主题词.精品文档百分比 is defined as 主题词5. Isolated as the figures seem to exist, as a matter of fact, they are connected with one another closely.第三部分二、三段超级模式:(一)客观经济类:电商、网购、旅游产业变化(电影产业见后面语料)


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