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1、Starter Module4My everyday life 重点词句梳理Unit 1What day is it today?单词卡片名词: day, today, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, birthday形容词: favourite 短语归纳write it in your book, my favourite day 句型再现1.What day is it today? Its Monday.2What day is it tomorrow?Tuesday.3My favourit

2、e day isWhat day is your favourite day?Unit 2Whats the weather like? 单词卡片名词: spring, summer, autumn, winter, weather形容词: warm, hot, cool, cold介词: like 短语归纳in spring, in summer, in autumn, in winter 句型再现1.Whats the weather like in spring?Its warm.2Whats the weather like in Harbin in winter?Its cold.U

3、nit 3Whats your favourite sport? 单词卡片名词: basketball, football, swimming, sport, school, idea动词: let, play代词: us介词: after 短语归纳your favourite sport, play basketball, after school, on Wednesday 句型再现1.Whats your favourite sport, Daming?Football!2Lets play football after school.OK. Good idea!教材内容解读本模块围绕“

4、My everyday life”这一话题展开,介绍了日常生活中涉及的星期、天气和体育运动的英语表达。Unit 1 通过学习“What day is it today?”句型,使学生运用所学句型,练习有关星期的词汇。Unit 2 通过学习“Whats the weather like?”句型,让学生学会用英语描述天气情况。 Unit 3 主要是围绕“Whats your favourite sport?”句型进行教学,让学生学会用英语表达自己最喜欢的运动。功能话题应用1What day is it today? Its Monday.2What day is it tomorrow? Tues

5、day.3My favourite day isWhat day is your favourite day?4Whats the weather like in Harbin in winter? Its cold.5Whats your favourite sport?Football.6Lets go swimming on Wednesday.7Good idea!(一)星期的命名1Sunday(suns day): 日尔曼民族和古罗马人一样,有时也用日月星辰来命名一星期中的某一天。作为一星期的第一天,Sunday是献给太阳的。2Monday(moons day): 在古罗马神话中,月

6、亮为太阳之妻。因此,在一星期中必须有一天是献给月亮的。3Tuesday(Tiws day): 这一天是为了纪念战神Tiw而用他的名字命名的。4Wednesday(Wodens day): 这一天是为了纪念Woden。 Woden是北欧神话中的主神,主司知识、文化、诗歌、战争等。5Thursday(Thors day): 这一天是献给北欧神话中雷神Thor的日子。6Friday (Friggs day): Frigg是北欧神话中主司婚姻和家庭的女神,也是主神Woden的妻子。7Saturday(Saturns day): 这一天是献给罗马神话中主司农业之神Saturn的日子。(二)Weather

7、 ReportA group of people are making a movie in the desert. One day, an old Indian goes up to the director and says, “It will rain tomorrow.” The next day it rains.A week later, the Indian goes up to the director again and says, “There will be a storm tomorrow.” The next day there is a storm.“This In

8、dian is incredible,” says the director. He tells his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather.However, after several successful predictions of the weather, the old Indian doesnt show up for two weeks.Finally the director sends for him. “I have to shoot an important scene tomorrow,” says t

9、he director, “And Im depending on you. What will the weather be like tomorrow?”The Indian shrugs his shoulders. “I dont know,” he says, “My radio is broken. It doesnt work.”一个电影摄制组正在沙漠进行拍摄。一天,一位印度老人来到导演面前对他说:“明天会下雨。”第二天果然下雨了。一周以后,这个印度人又来了,他来到导演面前对他说:“明天会有暴雨。”果然,第二天有暴雨。“这个印度人真神,”导演说。他告诉他的秘书去雇佣这个印度人来预

10、测天气。然而,几次预测天气成功之后,这个印度老人连续两周没有露面。最后,导演派人把这个印度人请来了。导演对他说:“我明天必须拍摄一个重要的场景,全都指望你了,明天天气如何?”这个印度人耸了耸肩说道:“我不知道,我的收音机坏了,它不工作了。”(三)美国人最喜欢的体育运动美式足球“American football”是美式足球,又叫橄榄球,与篮球、棒球并称为美国三大体育项目,是美国人最喜爱的体育运动。作为美国体育的支柱产业,排在第一位的是橄榄球运动,而不是篮球。在美国,橄榄球比赛对抗激烈,异常火爆。有各种职业赛、业余赛、地区赛、大学联赛。比赛场面对抗性极强,场上队员穿防护服装,带着头盔面具,不管是有球队员还是无球队员之间都有冲撞、追抢、拦截、摔打、挤压等多种“野蛮”动作,观众也是激情昂扬,呐喊助威。比赛间歇时,美式拉拉队登场,载歌载舞,热情奔放,中间还有空翻、叠罗汉等高难度动作,十分精彩。在美国,一场比赛就是一次盛大的民间节日。橄榄球比赛场地与足球比赛场地大小相近,是在类似于足球场大小的草坪上进行,不同于足球的矩形大门,它的球门是两根高高的杆子。两个队各有十几名队员,在比赛时可以用手抢夺两头尖尖的橄榄球,也可用脚踢,队员之间还可以推、拉、挤、撞。这种比赛要求队员身强体壮,比赛很是刺激,各大学、中学都有各级球队,定期举行比赛。


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