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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题问题1选项A.Cough.B.HeadacheC.Diarrhea.D.Fever.【答案】D【解析】5. M: Good afternoon. Have a seat. So what have you come in for today? W: Thank you. Im feeling ill. Ive got quite a bad cough. I dont seem to have a fever. Ive also got a headache and a little bit of diarrhea.

2、 Q: Which of the following is not a symptom that the woman has?【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:以下哪项不是这位女士的症状?由文中“Ive got quite a bad cough. I dont seem to have a fever. Ive also got a headache and a little bit of diarrhea.(我咳嗽得很厉害。但我好像没有发烧。我有点头疼,还有点腹泻。)”,可知D选项“fever(发烧)”不是女士的症状,符合题意。A选项“咳嗽”;B选项“头疼”;C选项“腹泻”是女

3、士的症状,不符合题意。2. 单选题4.问题1选项A.Pizza is her favorite food.B.Pizza is her second choice.C.She dislikes the mans idea.D.She couldnt agree with the man more.【答案】D【解析】M: Ive got an idea. Lets order a pizza.W: Great. I second that notion.Q: What does the woman mean?【解析】态度方向。男士提议定披萨,女士说:Great. I second that no

4、tion(好呀,我同意)。3. 单选题11.问题1选项A.Listen to music.B.Read magazines.C.Go play tennis.D.Stay in the house.【答案】C【解析】M: Louise, what are you doing now? W: Oh, just listening to music, looking through magazines. M: Staying in the house on a nice day like this? Come on, lets go play tennis. W: Oh great! You ma

5、de my day. Q: What is the woman going to do? 【解析】态度方向。对话中女士在听音乐、看杂志,男士建议她出去打网球。女士说great。4. 单选题1.问题1选项A.The womans condition is critical.B.The woman has been picking up quite well.C.The womans illness was caused by a mosquito bite.D.The woman wont see the doctor any more.【答案】B【解析】M: Well, just keep y

6、our arm straight there. Fine, there will be a little prick like a mosquito bite. OK? There we go. Ok, I will send that sample off and well check it. If the sample is ok, we wont need to go on seeing you anymore.W: So you think Im getting better?M: Absolutely.Q: What can be inferred from the conversa

7、tion?【解析】细节题。女士问医生自己是否好转,医生回答当然。5. 单选题3.问题1选项A.He is going to get married.B.He is going to get his bachelors degree.C.He will count on the woman for help.D.He will bring his own booze to the party.【答案】A【解析】W: Well throw Tom a bachelor party.M: Then count me in.W: Great. Be at our house at 8 p.m, and

8、 bring your own booze.Q: What is true about Tom?【解析】细节题。男士表示想去单身汉晚会,女士确认了时间为晚上八点,并且要自带酒水。6. 单选题7.问题1选项A.She didnt do anything in particular.B.She send a wounded person to the ER.C.She had to work in the ER.D.She went skiing.【答案】C【解析】W: Did you do anything over the weekend?M: Not much. What did you d

9、o?W: I had planned to go skiing. But I wound up working in the ER.Q: What did the woman do over the weekend?【解析】细节题。女士说:I had planned to go skiing. But I wound up working in the ER(我本打算去滑雪,但不得不在设备间工作)。7. 单选题11.问题1选项A.Sea food.B.Dairy products.C.Vegetables and fruit.D.Heavy food.【答案】D【解析】W: How long

10、does the pain last when you get it? M: It comes and goes! Sometimes I hardly feel anything, other times it can last up to half an hour or more. W: Is there a type of food that seems to cause stronger pain than other types? M: Um, heavy foods like steak or lasagna usually brings it on, Ive been tryin

11、g to avoid those. Q: What type of food seems to cause stronger pain to the man? 【解析】细节题。男士说heavy food通常会造成这种疼痛。8. 单选题14.问题1选项A.She is seriously ill.B.She has to look after her husband at home.C.She will persuade her husband to go to hospital.D.She will be taken good care of by her sister and daughte

12、r.【答案】C【解析】W: Oh, I couldnt possibly do that. I couldnt tell my husband and anyway, whod look after him?M: I can understand your concerns. If you knew that he would have come here today, what do you think he would say?W: Hed be so worried. He doesnt like it when anyone is sick and he hates hospitals

13、.M: Well, you might also think about what you would say to your sister and daughter?Q: What can be inferred about the woman?【解析】女士说:I couldnt tell my husband and anyway(我不知道怎么开口告诉他),Hed be so worried. He doesnt like it when anyone is sick and he hates hospitals(他平时就恨生病,也讨厌来医院),因此她一直焦虑如何说服丈夫来医院。9. 单选

14、题11.问题1选项A.The chemistry homework is difficult.B.The chemistry homework is fun.C.The math homework is difficult.D.The math homework is fun.【答案】A【解析】M: Catherine, how is the math homework coming?W: Thats a piece of cake. But the chemistry homework is really a hard nut to crack.Q: What does the woman mean?【解析】对话中女士说数学作业a piece of cake,即 “小菜一碟”,但是chemistry homework is really a hard nut to crack,即化学作业非常棘手。10. 单选题5.问题1选项A.He is a lawyer.B.He is a doctor.C.He is a travel agent.D.He is an immigration officer.【答案】B【解析】M: Well, tell me abo


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