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1、衡器术语中英文对照Terminology of weighing instruments骨口. 序号中文英文全称简写1范围2一般定义质量mass重量weight毛重gross weight皮重tare weight净重net weight平衡equilibrium平衡位置equilibrium positi on稳定平衡stable equilibrium不稳定平衡un stable equilibrium随遇平衡n eutral equilibrium(量的)真值true value ( of a qua ntity)(量的)约定真值:conventional true value( of

2、a quantity)载荷load物品commodity包装物package散状物料bulk分离载荷discrete loads液体liquid飞料(空中料柱)material in suspe nsion载荷长度load len gth车辆vehicle货车wag on整列车total train刚性车辆rigid vehicle参考车辆refere nee vehicle动态车轮力dyn amie vehicle type force轮胎载荷type load轴axle轴组axle group轮载荷wheel load轴载荷axle load单轴载荷sin gle-axle load静态参

3、考单轴载荷static reference sin gle-axle load轴组载荷axle-group load车辆总质量total mass of the vehicle载荷形式mode of loadi ng静载荷dead load动载荷live load总载荷total load空载no load轴向载荷axial load偏载ecce ntric load额定载荷rated load压向载荷compressi on loadi ng拉向载荷tension loadi ng称量weighi ng称量原理weighi ng pri nciple称量方法weighi ng method直

4、接称量法direct weighing method间接称量法in direct weighi ng method替代称量法substituti on weighi ng method连续替代称量法continu ous substituti on weighi ng method砝码替代法weights substituti on method交替称量法in tercha nge weighi ng method零位称量法n ull weighi ng method称量类型weighi ng type静态称量static weighi ng动态称量weighi ng-i n-m oti on

5、WIM整车称量full vehicle weighi ng部分称量partial weighi ng转向架(或轴组)称量bogie ( axle group ) weighting轴(或轮)称量axle (wheel) weighing非联挂称量un coupled wag on weighi ng联挂称量coupled wag on weighi ng整列称量train weighing称量程序weighi ng procedure称量过程weighi ng process称量结果weighi ng result控制方法con trol method称量时间weighing time调整ad

6、justme nt恢复recovery空气浮力修正air buoya ncy correcti on安全接地safe gro unding保护接地protect ion grounding防雷接地light ning proof grounding防静电接地electrostatic proof gro unding接地电阻grounding resista nee3衡器及其分类衡器weighi ng in strume nt称量系统weighi ng system衡器分类weighi ng in strume nt classificati on控制衡器con trol in strume

7、nt机械衡器mecha ni cal weighi ng in strume nt杠杆秤beam scale杆秤steelyard scale弹簧秤spri ng scale度盘秤dial scale罗伯威尔衡器roberval scale电子衡器electro nic in strume nt全电子衡器entire electronic weighing instrument机电衡器electr oni c-mecha ni cal weighi ng in strume nt非自动衡器non-automatic weighi ng in strume nt固定式衡器fixed locati

8、on instrument汽车衡truck scale轨道衡rail-weighbridge标准轨道衡sta ndard rail-weighbridge数字指示轨道衡digital indication rail-weighbridge非自动指示轨道衡non-self- in dicati ng rail-weighbridge轻轨衡light rail-weighbridge吊秤crane scale钩头秤crane scale吊钩秤crane scale天车秤hanging scale单轨秤mirorail scale叉车秤lift truck scale平台秤(平秤)platform

9、scale牲畜秤livestock scale移动式衡器mobile in strume nt计价秤price comput ing scale邮政秤postal scale信函秤letter scale邮包秤parcel post scale案秤bench scale人体秤body scale浴室秤bathroom scale婴儿秤baby scale病床秤bed scale计数秤coun ti ng scale口袋秤pocket scale厨房秤kitche n scale宝石秤jewel scale便携式公路车辆衡器portable instrument for weighing roa

10、d vehicles轮重仪wheel load scales分等衡器gradi ng in strume nt地上衡pitless scale地中衡pit scale钢材秤steel product scale自动衡器automatic weighi ng in strume nt连续累计自动衡器(皮带秤)continu ous totalis ingautomatic weighi ngin strume nt( beltweigher)单速皮带秤sin gle speed belt weigher变速皮带秤variable speed belt weigher核子皮带秤nu clear c

11、on veyer belt scale悬臂式皮带秤can tilevered belt-c on veyer scale悬浮式皮带秤floating lever belt-conveyer scale冲量式流量计(冲板流量计)impulse type flow meter( impulse plate flow meter)螺旋给料秤spiral feedi ng scale电子转子秤electr onic rotor scale连续式失重秤con ti nu ous gross-loss scale激光皮带秤laser belt scale超声皮带秤ultras onic belt scal

12、e定量皮带秤baggi ng belt scale非连续累计自动衡器(累计 料斗秤)disc on ti nu ous totalis ing automatic weighi ng in strume nt (totaliz ing hopper weigher)自动分检衡器automatic catchweighing instrument重量检验秤checkweight价格标签秤weigh-price labeller标签秤weigh labeller车载式自动检重秤nvehicle moun ted in strume nt车辆组合自动检重秤vehicle in corporated in strume nt重力式自动装料衡器automatic gravimetric filling instrument定量包装秤baggi ng pack ing scale组合(选择组合)秤associative( selective comb in



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