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1、PEP小学英语四年级上册月考试卷 班级: 姓名: 学号:听力部分:(50分)一、听音,选择你所听到的英语单词,写在提前括号内(20分)( )1. A. classroom B. bedroom C. bathroom( )C. crayon( )3. A. wall B. walk C. window( )4. A. light B. night C. nine( )5. A. duck B. ball C. door( )6. A. picture B. pupil C. pencil( )7. A. four B. floor C. foot( )8. A. teachers desk B

2、. students desk C. many desks( )9. A.Chinese book B. English book C. notebook( )10. A. candy B. toy C. key二、听音,判断句子正误,正确的写,错误的写.(10分)( )1、We have a new classroom. ( )2、Its near the door. ( )3、Lets clean the windows. ( )4、Whats in your schoolbag? ( )5、Whats in it? A notebook,two keys and three toys.三

3、、听音,选出你所听到的英语句子.(10分)( ) 1、A、Whats in the classroom? B、Whats in your schoolbag? ( )2、A、Lets go and see! B、Lets go to school!( )3、A、Its near the door. B、Its under the desk.( )4、A、Lets clearn the windows.B、 Lets clearn the teachers desk.( )5、A. The floor is yellow. B. The door is yellow.四、听音、根据你所听到的内容

4、排序.(10分) ( )Excuse me.I lost my schoolbag. ( ) Thank you so much! ( )Whats in it ? ( )An English book, two toys and a notebook. ( )Here it is !笔试部分:(50分)一、 英汉互译.(10分)1、teachers desk_ 2、blackboard_3、 English book _ 4、notebook_5、6、picture_7、门 _ 8、地板_9、玩具 _ 10、 钥匙_二、选择填空.(10分)( )1.Sarah: Whats in the c

5、lassroom? Wu Yifan:_. (A) One blackboard, one TV, six lights. (B) Its nice and clean.( )2.Chen Jie :Let me help you. Amy: _.(A)Thank you. (B) Hello.( )3.A: Wheres ? B:_.(在窗户旁边) (A)Its near the window. (B)Its near the desk.( )4. Lets clean the windows. _. A. Sorry. B. OK. ( )5. I have _ English book.

6、 A. a B. an 三、情景交际.(10分) ( )1、建议同学们打扫教室时,应该说:A. Lets clean the classroom. B. Let me clean the windows. ( )2. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说: A Where is my key? B .Who is she? ( )3、如果你想告诉对方我们有一个新朋友,应说:A、We have a new classroom. B、We have a new friend.( )4、你的同桌有一个新书包,你很好奇里面装的什么,你会怎么问:A、 How many books do you have?. B、

7、 Whats in your schoolbag?. ( )5、你的笔记本丢了,在失物招领处你会说: A、I lost my notebook. B、What colour is it ?四、找一找,根据问句找答句.(10分)( )1.Let me help you . A、Really?( )2.What colour is it? B. Its near the window.( )3.Whats in your school bag? C. Thank you.( )4、Where is it? D、An English book and a maths book .( )5、We have a new classroom. E、Its black and white. 五、连词成句.(注意首字母大写,标点符号.)(10分) 1. classroom ,Whats, the ,in _2. near ,window ,the ,Its _3.a new have I schoolbag . _ 4. the ,Lets ,classroom ,clean , white ,its , and . _


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