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1、nit1 Aew tarIse vieConersation 1Prer Good fternoon.Jt od aternoon.oter New stuent?Jane Ys.orter Welcometoertford Collge.ane Than you.Portr Cn hve yormiy nme,please?JanetYs, isi.ortrEr, Loule E?ane o, L-I.orer Adwats our fir name, Ms Li?Jantanet.PorterJanet Li. ah ye, hee ou re. er aour kys. t Wers y

2、room?orer or in Staicas 6 oom5.Janet Wham Isar th? PorterNboy. Yo avyou ownrooEr.therea s Santo in the oomnext o you. ane O. M own rom? n Chia e usally haveevealpeople in a ormry. Porte ell, hr you dt have to shrewitanyone. Jane Thnk yu Sr. orter Noneed to call e sir, Ms Li Evryoecal mStwat. JanePla

3、se cll meant! Porte OK, Janet, u,canojustsignfo ou keys, please?Conversaio 2Kate i, hve o jutrved oo?JanetYs!te I gus ere neighbour. My ames Kte Santos Janet Im Jnet i Whrare yo rom?Kae FoNework. oabutyo?Jnet Im rom Anshanin ina.KteI Janet yoralame? anet N, itsmy nlishnam. My Chiesename isi Hi Is Ka

4、 you ful am?Ka No, it horor Catherne.Jaet oI cally Catherine r Kate?Kate vrynalle KeJan Nceto meet yo.ate O,JanetSee you atr.Janet Bye!onversatio 3Kate! Tis is awesom!Lkat e size of h inin al. Jnet this ee e hav all our mea? aeI ges. Mark You j rrived? Gir Yes!Mk Meto. By theway,Im ark. ic t mee o.K

5、te i,m KateMrkHiKate, I gus oure fom the Ste. Kate Rigt! o a u tell? oure British, huh? Mark Yes,I fro London. Andyu ar .? Jaetm Li Hi. I ro China. tyou cancall m anet Mark H Jnt.Welcom tEngand. at r you reding? Jaet ngish. Mr How o you, Kate?Kae M mjor s la. An you? Mark m stuyng PPE.Kat s pix subj

6、t, snt it?utside vieJe y naesJulieDearde, d m the irecoof Itrnaon rogrmms here at Hrtford Colge.Eene My namsEun Berger,I studedr in Oxford for our years e, studyin moern languaeat Somerill Colege.Julie , the r manyxfor traitions. Oxfrd is a ver old niversity, the lds English-sking unveity in te,ite

7、wd And sothere an tradtinswhich associatdwth the olles, with te tmes of the year, ad with po, ndth eati,fo empe.Egn ach colege is very differntu, om um, the thers, and as ts ow carater oe cllee are vry conervative, nd somearemuch orelibernd have a traitnf um,kid o bea piics. But thr re al somespcfic

8、 raditonuli Forma Hll is when we all eat togete here in ollge,thprofesosdthstdent. Usually es ces t seve oclok in h veing, adte rossoit nhgh abl whichi thetaleoerhre, the studssiton comontabl,hich r the tabl here Btverybody eas togeher s vrybeautifl evein use tereae,thers aspcil mal eetbcandlligh.Eg

9、eeIthink er, tetradtios hat make xfod sounique re irstly the Oxo Unon and r,scndl, May hOfrd Union eigeaing socity werespeaerscom fromal arund tewodt adrss the sudents and ven allwthemslv tobe questined by he udents, maing ita ry nterstinforum.Juli My fvourie is er, M Da. ndMy Dayis th rsay fMay, nd

10、e hav a trditionclled yoing, ndo May ornig veybodygetsp ver early and t sudnshave a celebationThee is a coir hc son top o he toer t MagdaeCoge an al theoplfhe towand al thednt go t listen to he sigin it vernicugen he trditin thater,was most mpotantto mewa poabySmmerEights. I was arowe. And Sumr Eigh

11、 is a rowin comptitin, held in ayn thesmerterm. ninthicopeition,ec college is tryingt impr s plc whch it won e previous ear nd gradual wo is wayup the e.Juie hen thstudnts takeexas, they stgo o scial uildin and ts called Examinain Scool. d asohey mst wear pecial uiform, s they ear e gown li mine, a

12、bac own,n hey ea a wit sir, ari he men wara wite tie nd blackos. hewomwea a whit shrt d black srtor lac rusers. And they ms ea huniorm, wih hs Latn nae subfuse nd th must ear his unifr in order t take tei eamiation.Euee think theOx trains lend charactr o he plac andtschn l tuion, it hod ha taitions,butthey can bevry inconvenient. Fo ex


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