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1、Unit 1 Music 1. 战斗结束后,双方均宣称获胜。After the battle, both sides claimed victory.2. 他开始学的是法语,但最后却成为一名英语翻译。He started out to study French, but ended up as an English translator.3. 我必须强调他们只不过是孩子这一事实。I must put emphasis on the fact that they are only children.4. 她公开表明观点,反对在这块肥沃的农田上建造新机场。She went on record as

2、 being against building a new airport on this rich farmland.5. 那首充满节奏感的流行音乐源于他的灵感,深受全世界年轻人的喜爱。That pop song alive with rhythms is born of his inspiration, and is very popular with the young worldwide.Unit 2 Information6. 在大多数情况下,交通事故都是由于司机的疏忽大意造成的。In most cases, traffic accidents arise from the driv

3、ers carelessness.7. 从某种意义上说,现在的学生对传统教学方法的反应不佳。 In a sense, students today respond badly to traditional methods of teaching.8. 在有些山区,猎人们打猎时总是先将野兽围拢在一起。In some mountain areas, hunters always begin their hunting with rounding up beats.9. 如果在购货后七天内对我们的货物不满意,我们保证全额退还货款。 We guarantee to fully return your

4、payment for our goods if you are not satisfied with them within seven days of purchase.10. 这家工厂的工人平均每天工作八小时。据估计,如果技术上有重大改进的话,他们就不必工作那么长时间。On average the workers of this factory work eight hours a day. It is estimated that they neednt work that long if there are some significant technical improvement

5、s. Unit 3 Man and woman11孩子们聚会后,我几乎花了一个小时来清理房间。 I spent nearly an hour clearing up the room after the childrens party.12毫无疑问,如果不额外付酬,许多人都不愿意上夜班。 No doubt a number of people are reluctant to go to work at night without extra pay.13随着圣诞节的来临,这家超市的店员们一直在不停地接待顾客。 With the coming of Christmas, the assista

6、nts of this supermarket wait on customers continuously.14. 据报道,去年该地区生产增长了9.6%,不过却是以环境污染作为代价的。 It was reported that the production of this area went up by 9.6 percent last year at the expense of environmental pollution.15. 即使现在,由于对女性的歧视,女性还不能享有与男性完全相同的晋升机会。 Even now women cant enjoy fully equal promo

7、tional prospects with men as a result of the prejudice against them. Unit 4 Feelings16他们希望你能协助他们完成那项实验,但是你没有做出任何反应。 They anticipated that you could assist them to finish the experiment, but you havent made any response.17从长远来看,我们主要关心的事应当是如何应付目前的财政危机。 How to cope with the present financial crisis sho

8、uld be our major concern in the long run.18即将制定的政策关系到失业问题,因此需要各方面的反馈意见。 The policy to be made soon has something to do with unemployment so feedback from all sides is called for.19随着大街上的车越来越多,好多人不再喜欢晚饭后去散步了。 As there are more and more cars in the street, quite a lot of people go off taking a walk af

9、ter supper.20史密斯教授在我校担任校长多年后退休,现在正忙于写一本书。 After acting as our president for years, Professor Smith retired. Now he is engaged in writing a book. Unit 5 Biology21大部分队员认为他的建议不可行,所以都强烈反对采纳他的建议。Most of the team members didnt think that his suggestion was feasible, so they had a strong objection to it.22

10、对世界各地的农民来说,秋季是收割庄稼的理想季节。 Autumn is the ideal season for farmers worldwide to harvest crops.23他们的小船重重地撞在一块巨石上,裂成两半。他们不得不再另找一条船。 Their boat hit heavily on a huge (stone) rock and split into two halves. They had to find another one.24那次大火差不多摧毁了整座城镇。目前,警方正在努力调查火灾的起因。 The fire virtually wiped out the who

11、le town. At present, the police were making efforts to investigate the cause of it.25总的来说,从这些实验中得到的数据都在0.13和0.15之间变动,不过到目前为止还没有得到完全相同的数据。 As a whole, all the data taken from these experiments range from 0.13 to 0.15, but none are identical so far.Unit 6 Love26最重要的是你要学会信任别人,只有这样你才会被别人信任。 It is essent

12、ial that you should learn to trust others and only so can you be trusted by others.27除童年时代外,在他的一生中,还没有经历过什么艰难困苦。 He hasnt experienced any hardship in his lifetime other than his childhood.28如果你对某个人一见钟情,很可能那还不是真正的爱情,只是一种暂时的吸引而已。 If you fall in love with somebody at first sight, most likely than not,

13、thats not true love but instant attraction.29她声称她理解永恒友谊的真谛,但她却不知道信任是友谊的基础。 She makes it out that she knows what everlasting friendship really means, but she doesnt know that trust for each other is the foundation of friendship.30虽然有些人的婚姻是出于政治、经济或社会利益,但大多数人并没有放弃对真爱的追求。 Some peoples marriage is for po

14、litical、economic or social advantage but most people still dont quit their quest for true love. Unit 7 Life and Death31无论如何,你都不应当考试作弊。 You shouldnt cheat in the exam in any event.32我们赞同本周末在杰克家里聚会。你们觉得怎么样? We are in favor of a get-together at Jacks this weekend. What about you?33专家们呼吁公众行动起来保护环境。 Spec

15、ialists called on the public to take action to protect the environment.34从维持现有社会秩序这个意义上说,政府所采取的行动还远远不够。 The actions taken by the government are far from enough in the sense of preserving the present order of society.35虽然法院指控那名医生故意将病人致死,却对他从轻判处了。 The court accused the doctor of the deliberately putting the patient to death but only imposed a light sentence on him.


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