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1、Health & Safety Policyfor Lafarge Cement ChinaRoles and Responsibility in Safety安全角色和职责Approval ByDate:It is up to every manager at every level to ensure the Health and Safety of those people in the workplace under their responsibility. The manager must implement the policy and systems within their

2、zone of control and influence.每个层次的经理人员必须确保他们负责围人员的健康和安全。经理必须在其控制和影响的围执行安全方针和体系集团健康和安全方针,20XX9月n In accordance with Group H&S Policy, the H&S organisation is based on the principle that the managers in the operational line are in charge of ensuring safety on Lafarge Cement Chinaplants.根据集团健康和安全方针,拉法

3、基中国水泥工厂的健康和安全组织机构基于以下原则,即负责运行的经理必须负责安全管理。As a direct consequence,each manager must, at least, stop any workor action which is not done according to H&S standards.结果应该是,每位经理必须停止任何不符合健康和安全标准的行为和工作。n The operational managers are helped in this task by a safety body made up of professionals who, in thei

4、r area of expertise, deal with:负责运行的经理在这方面将得到由专业人员组成的有经验的安全团队的帮助,来处理以下事务: Coordination of actions Assisting with enquiries, analyses, action plans, etc. Advise and expertise Technical and regulatory monitoring information and communication Interface with official and outside bodies 行动计划的协调 提供咨询,进行原因

5、分析并制定行动计划 提供建议和专业技术支持 技术和法规监督 信息和交流 和政府及外界的交流n For the sake of efficiency and a clear positioning of safety, this body reports at the highest level of the operational line:为了提高效率和有清楚的职位界定,安全向生产运行的最高层汇报 The CEO for the Regional Safety Director, The Head of the BU for the BU Safety Manager, The Plant

6、Manager for the Plant Safety Manager. 区域的安全总监向首席执行官汇报 BU的安全经理向BU的最高领导或受委托的工业经理汇报 现场的安全经理向工厂厂长汇报-n Based on these principles, this document sets out the Lafarge Cement China standard definition of the key roles of both types of key players in safety and the recommended safety structure基于这些原则,设定了拉法基水泥

7、中国下面为中国区的安全从业人员和组织机构的关键职责的标准n The managers roles concerning health shall be defined later on.经理人员在健康方面的角色将在随后定义The responsibility and duties of the Managers regarding safety经理在安全方面的责任和义务Regional President /CEO中国区总裁- Responsible for Regional H&S Policy and Management System implementation and perform

8、ance attainment- Approve the updates to Regional H&S Policy and Management System proposed by the Regional Safety Director- Approve the regional annual H&S objective, budget and action plan proposed by the BU managers and Regional Safety director- Make H&S a regular topic of regional management and

9、follow-up regional safety performance.- Following a fatal accident in his zone, participate in a review meeting with the relevant Safety, the General, Industrial and Plant Managers concerned- Require BU managers to take specific H&S measures- Ensure Safety Behaviours was set as the key indicator for

10、 all employees promotion within Lafarge China- Lead by example- 负责中国区健康和安全方针和管理体系的执行并完成业绩目标- 审批中国区安全总监关于健康和安全方针和管理体系的更新- 审批中国区安全总监和区域总经理所提出的年度健康和安全目标,预算和行动计划- 定期在区域管理会上讨论健康和安全话题并追踪区域安全业绩- 追踪死亡事故,和相关人员共同包括安全经理,总经理,工业经理和工厂厂长一起参加事故分析会议- 要求区域总裁采取专门的健康和安全措施- 确保将安全表现设定为所有员工提升的关键的业绩指标之一- 以身作则Business Unit

11、Manager 各分区总裁 - Responsible to the implementation of the H&S policy and Management System and performance attainment in his/her BU - Ensure that BU has established a safe operational organization - Ensure that all operations are complied with the H&S legal requirements in his/her BU.- Define BU H&S

12、Policy and Management System, consistent with regional Policy and System, and ensure that all employees are familiarised with them via an effective training programme- Ensure that the Managers who supervise the sites receive adequate information and training to allow them to perform their H&S role -

13、 Set annual BU H&S objective with the Managers who supervise the sites and the BU H&S Manager, approve the subsequent action plan proposed by them, allocate an appropriate budget, and evaluate objective achievement- Monitor BU H&S performance, taking appropriate, timely decisions- Make sure that all

14、 accidents are fully and promptly investigated and actions taken to prevent recurrence according to the Incident/ Accident Reporting and Investigation- Supervise fatal accident investigations, appointing an Inquiry Board as appropriate - Chair BU H&S Committee meetings where held; if not held, make

15、H&S a standard topic of BU Management Committee meetings - Require the BU Industrial/Marketing & Sales/Logistics/HR/Purchase. Directors to take specific H&S measures- Ensure Safety Behaviours was set as the key indicator for all employees promotion within BU- Lead by example- 负责执行健康和安全方针和管理体系和在其负责围实现安全业绩- 确保BU建立一个安全运营的组织机构- 确保BU的所有运营符合健康和安全法律要求- 确定BU的健康和安全方针和管理体系,与中国区保持一致,并确保通



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