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1、北京语言大学21秋英语语音在线作业二答案参考1. He _ read the book _ remembered what he had read. Anot only; but also BbetwHe _ read the book _ remembered what he had read.Anot only; but alsoBbetween; andCeither; norDwhether; orA2. When did Gertrude finally get to the theatre? Just before the end of _ . Athe act secondWhe

2、n did Gertrude finally get to the theatre?Just before the end of _ .Athe act secondBact secondCact twoDthe act twoC3. 【C2】AabundantBadequateCscarceDrare【C2】AabundantBadequateCscarceDrare正确答案:C4. The mother told the little boy to do all the things _.A.on himselfB.on his ownC.to himselfD.by own参考答案:B5

3、. It _ they who lent me the television.A.wasB.isC.wereD.are参考答案:A6. Mr. Johnson is the head of the _ department in this company. Apersonal Bpersonnel CMr. Johnson is the head of the _ department in this company.ApersonalBpersonnelCpersonalityDpermanentB7. We _ to be careful of rats since the whole s

4、treet was full of rubbish. Awarned Bhave warWe _ to be careful of rats since the whole street was full of rubbish.AwarnedBhave warnedChave been warned Dwere warningC8. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词disapp/o/int中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.dev/o/teB.P/o/landC.g/o/D.sh/o/ck参考答案:D9. Newspapers stuff between th

5、e layers as further protection against bad weather.( )此题为判断题(对,错)。答案:错10. 图腾崇拜图腾崇拜正确答案:图腾崇拜是将某种动物或植物等特定物体视作与本氏族有亲属或其他特殊关系的崇拜行为是原始宗教的最初形式大约出现在旧石器时代晚期。图腾为印第安语的音译意为“他的亲族”或“他的氏族”相当于是整个部族的标记。许多氏族往往以它命名。图腾崇拜的动物是不能捕杀的只能在特殊的场合举行祭祀时才能将其杀死。图腾崇拜是将某种动物或植物等特定物体视作与本氏族有亲属或其他特殊关系的崇拜行为,是原始宗教的最初形式,大约出现在旧石器时代晚期。图腾为印第安

6、语的音译,意为“他的亲族”或“他的氏族”,相当于是整个部族的标记。许多氏族往往以它命名。图腾崇拜的动物是不能捕杀的,只能在特殊的场合举行祭祀时才能将其杀死。11. Please do not help yourselfPlease do not help yourself不要随便拿东西。12. Bill must have been away from the office, _ how many times I phoned him, nobody answered it.Bill must have been away from the office, _ how many times I

7、 phoned him, nobody answered it.AWhateverBNo matterCIn spite ofDThoughB13. (11)(David is always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays.) There s this TV show that he loves , a soapopera showing on Channel 2, and he has watched it regularly for almost two years now. (12) ( His wife has11. Rewrite this sentence b

8、y adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.Example: She likes music. She likes music , doesn t she?12. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.Examle: She likes music. She doesn t like music.13. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.14. Change

9、 this sentence from active voice into passive voice.15. Change this complex sentence into a simple sentence.参考答案:11. David is always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays , isnt he?12. His wife hasn t given up telling him to help with the dishes after rndinner.13. What does he forget to eat?14. The TV is turne

10、d on by him.15. He grabs the remote control firmly in his hand and uses it to encourage rnor threaten the characters on the screen.14. There have been several minor conflict between the two countries over the past decade.( )此题为判断题(对,错)。答案:错15. As we have reached the decision, no _ discussion is nece

11、ssary. (far)As we have reached the decision, no _ discussion is necessary. (far)further16. My study of maths has _ much of my time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoymeMy study of maths has _ much of my time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment.A. taken offB. taken downC. taken away

12、D. taken up答案:D17. AwhereverBhoweverCwheneverDwhicheverAwhereverBhoweverCwheneverDwhichever正确答案:C解析:whenevernomatterwhen符合本句的意思:无论什么时候需要都可以有一次深度睡眠。18. Write a note based on the given facts:留言者:小吴时间:6 月 6 日对象:胡教授内 容:很抱歉我无法参加今天下午的教学例会,因为我岳母感冒发烧,急需送医院.请将紧急和重要的信息传达给我,我会尽可能尽快处理。19. _ from heart trouble f

13、or years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he_ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.ASufferedBSufferingCBeing sufferedDHaving sufferedD20. 人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。正确答案:It was found that no water

14、fall known in Europe could compare with Niagara.It was found that no waterfall known in Europe could compare with Niagara.21. 26在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.c/a/ptainB.v/a/riousC.Atl/a/nticD.met/a/llic参考答案:B22. A: Good evening,Valley Hotel .B: Good evening, who is that speaking please? ( )此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:错误23. Something must be done quickly if endangered species_saved.Aare to beBbeCcan beDwSomething must be done quickly i


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