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1、2022年考博英语-中国艺术研究院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题It is believed that the recent findings are also applicable to other areas of design engineering.问题1选项A.practicalB.relevantC.convenientD.comparable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据句意:人们相信,最近的发现也适用于设计工程的其他领域。applicable意为“可适用的,可应用的”。A选项practical“实际的,实用性的”;B选项relevant“相关的”;

2、C选项convenient“方便的”;D选项comparable“类似的,可比较的”。选项A与之意思最为接近。2. 翻译题An unremarked consequence of our new information ageone that will influence readers, writers, and publishers in the futureis that bad writing, chat speak, text, millions of message board posts that come from and lead nowhere, are having a

3、cheapening effect on all written content. Editors and news directors today fret about the Internet as their predecessors worried about radio and TV, and all now see the huge threat the Web represents to the way they distribute their product.The idea that the practice and craft of writing can simply

4、retool itself for the digital age overlooks the fact that the Web is giving rise to totally unique forms of expression, a writing that is different from the kind traditionally found in books.For lovers of literary writing, who are now watching the marketplace and Internet erode the remains of ninete

5、enth-century print culture, these assurances may not be particularly consoling. We have no choice but to accept them. Arguing against the forces of digitalization is as much a losing battle as cursing the coming of the evening tide.But before we invest ourselves too deeply in this future, consider t

6、his: If new technologies expose the biases inherent in print and text, so the converse is true as well. Coding skills are highly marketable in the twenty-first century. We, as a civilization, are duty-bound to encourage technological know-how.However, before we make the mistake of convincing ourselv

7、es that a knack for writing software is more valuable than the ability to simply write well, we might consider looking anew at the souvenir that is the book. One day, computer programsthese objects of our fascination and frustrationwill learn to write themselves. And well be left with our ideas, how

8、ever grand or shallow.【答案】信息新时代有一个不太会引人注意的后果,那就是蹩脚的写作。闲聊也好,文本也好,还有留言板上不计其数的跟帖都来无踪去无影,使文字内容大打折扣,对未来的读者、作者和编辑都将产生很大影响。今天的编辑和新闻主管为因特网而苦恼不已,恰如其前辈们担心收音机和电视那样(会抢他们的饭碗)。他们都认为网络形成的巨大威胁会影响自己产品的销路。有一种观念认为,写作练习及技巧完全可重振写作,以适应数字时代。这种观点忽视了这样一种事实:网络正在引发一些非常独特的表达形式,这种写作完全不同于常见的传统书本模式。对喜爱文学写作、正目睹图书市场和因特网侵蚀十九世纪印刷文化残余

9、的人而言,这些断言可能并不怎么令人宽慰。但除了接受,我们别无选择。与数字化势力抗辩无疑是一场必败之仗,就如同诅咒晚潮的到来一样徒劳。但在尚未过深卷入前,我们不妨考虑一下:如果说新技术暴露了印刷和文本的固有偏见,那么反过来也可以说,书面文字极其适合揭示数字时代的短视。编码技术在21世纪极为畅销。随着文明的发展,我们应义不容辞地鼓励掌握技术诀窍。然而,要是以为编写软件的诀窍比流畅写作的能力更有价值,那就错了。在尚未犯错之前,我们或许有必要重新审视一下历史的纪念品书籍。有朝一日,电脑编程这一既让人着迷又令人失望的东西将学会自己编程。而我们的思想会被弃之一旁宏观高论也好,肤浅短见也罢。3. 单选题No

10、body would expect a city water system designed for 1 m residents to be able to handle a 1,000-fold increase in population in just a few years. Yet that is what the internets fundamental addressing scheme has had to accommodate. When the network was first established there were only a handful of comp

11、uter centres in America. Instead of choosing a numbering system that could support a few thousand or million addresses, the internets designers foresightedly opted for one that could handle 4 billion. But now even that is not enough.The addressing system, called internet protocol version 4 (IPv4), c

12、annot keep up with the flood of computers, mobile phones, hand-held gadgets, games consoles and even cars and refrigerators flooding onto the network. Nearly 85% of available addresses are already in use; if this trend continues they will run out by 2011, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation an

13、d Development, a think-tank for rich countries, warned in May.The shortage is not the only problem; so too is growing complexity. IPv4 addresses are allocated in blocks to network operators. The path to reach each network is published on a global list that is constantly updated. Big computers, calle

14、d routers, use these entries to guide the flow of traffic across the internet. But as more devices and networks link to the internet, it becomes necessary to subdivide the address blocks into ever-smaller units. This risks overtaxing the millions of routers that handle the internets traffic, which m

15、ust be regularly upgraded to keep up. Were there no alternative to IPv4, parts of the internet would eventually suffer from sporadic outages.Fortunately a new system does exist, called internet protocol version 6, which provides 3.4X1038 addresses. This means IPv6 addresses can be allocated to netwo

16、rk operators and companies in much larger quantities. It also provides a clean slate for establishing new paths over the internet, reducing complexity. But switching means upgrading millions of devices.In fact, support for IPv6 is already widely available in software and hardware, but it has not been used much. Only a few research institutions and the American government took the IPv6 plun



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