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1、Page No.224667891114Page No.323334353738SGSAtte nding Surveyor Han dli ng/Report Procedure现场检验员操作和报告规程Index1. Scope范围2. Draft Survey 水尺计重3. Weighing or random/check Weighing衡重和随机 /抽检重量4. Tally 理货5. Supervisi on of container uni oad ing 集装箱的监卸6. Supervisi on of the vessel discharg ing船舶的监卸7. Supervis

2、i on of container stuffi ng 集装箱的监装8. Supervisi on of the vessel load ing船舶的监装9. Manual sampli ng 人工取样10. Sample preparation制样Attached docume nt 附相关表格1. Moisture Determination Record.测量水份计算表2. Outturn weight.按每批加权平均计算表3. ISO standard Scoop. ISC标准取制样铲尺寸4. International Sieve.国际标准筛网对照表5. Calculation of

3、 Proportion.明金属比例计算表6. Melting of Metallic Material Record.金属熔锭重量记录Page # of 24SGJ1. Scope 范围- This procedure specifies how to report to the han dli ng office whe n atte nding surveyors are perform ing the in specti on at the locati on of the in specti on. The main job is in clud ing daily report an

4、d Final In specti on Report after completi on of the in spect ion.这个规程是现场检验员在现场如何操作和报告给办公室,主要工作是包括汇报每天的工作进展和检验完毕后递交最终检验报告.- The in spectors should carefully read the work in struct ion and know in specti on scope in details before to perform the in spect ion.在检验工作之前,检验员必须认真,仔细阅读工作指令单上的具体内容和明确知道检 验工作

5、的内容.- Attending surveyor should prepare all related the equipments and documents in accorda nee with work in structio n.检验员必须按工作指令单的内容准备相关工具和资料.- During in specti on, atte nding surveyors should report irregular situati on if have at the locati on of the in spect ion to han dli ng office (ha ndli ng

6、 T/C for this file, sect ion head or line man ger) on the time.检验过程中,现场检验员如发现一切异常情况必须在现场第一时间报告办公室具体 负责的协调员,主管或操作经理.- Daily report should be sent han dli ng office before noon time of the work ing day or phone call to report in details if atte nding surveyors have no eno ugh times to prepare whe n in

7、 spect ion is started.现场检验员每天中午前报告工作进展,如没时间写报告可以电话通知.- Final in spect ion report should be prepared by atte nding surveyor with in 24 hours after completion of the inspection and sent to handling office on time including photos.最终检验报告和现场照片必须在检验工作完成后24小时交办公室.2. Draft Survey 水尺计重The total discharged o

8、r loaded quantity should be determined by initial and final draft survey in accorda nee with the vessel displaceme nt in atte ndance of the SGS surveyor, local CIQ/CCIC surveyor, vessel chief officer and other releva nt parties.SGS检验员,本地商检局/商检公司,船舶大副或其他检验机构对根据船舶轻,重排水量 计算出装,卸货物的重量.The survey must be

9、con ducted meticulously, tak ing into acco unt all the prevail ingcircumstances. The draft survey consist of the“ initial ” and “ final ” surveys, whicby measurement, calculation of the vessel s displacement before and after loading or discharg ing. The differe nee betwee n these two displaceme nts

10、is the weight of cargo discharged/loaded.SG_现场检验员根据现场情况,必须一丝不苟对船舶的初始和最终船舶状态进行观察,测量和计算得出装卸货的重量2.1 Equipment used for draft survey 水尺计重通常使用的工具:- A certified draft survey hydrometer.检测合格的密度计- Calibrated sounding tape.检测合格的量水尺- Water finding paste.量水膏- A powerful hand torch or flash light for draft read

11、ing at night time if possible. 可能的话备照明灯或手电以备夜间用- Calculator / computer.计算器或计算机2.2 In initial draft survey 在做初水尺注意事项:- Identify the vessel and confirm the cargo quantity of Bill of Lading. 与船方确认装船数量和卸货提单重量.- Obta in the vessel con sta nt at load ing port or previous voyage from vessel chief officer a

12、nd report to the handing office on time if it is any discrepancy when you found.与船方了解装港或前几个航次船舶常数.如与初尺结果差异很大应立即报告办公室.- Obtain the copy of the ship s particular, cargo stowage plan, bilgfeaWatecord ofvoyage. Proposed discharg in g/load ing seque nee and other required docume nts if any. 须船方复印船舶规范,积载/

13、配载图,本航次污水仓记录,装/卸货次序和其他相关文件.- Identify the position and name of all deductible liquid tanks from chief officer. 要求船方大付提供所有压载水舱/淡水舱名字和位置.- Ide ntify the displaceme nt table, ballast water sounding table of the vessel and con firm that it is with in the period of validity.确认船舶排水量表,压载水舱和谈水舱表是否有效.- Copy,

14、 record and photo the main data of displacement table at one meter intervals if possible.可能的话复印或拍照船舶排水量表上平均吃水上下一米的主要数据.- Others if any如有其他注意事项.2.3 Conduct draft survey 水尺计重过程:- Read the draft markat six (6) side of vessel s in attendance of SGS surveyor, chief officerLocal CIQ/CCIC surveyor and othe

15、r releva nt parties if any. Record the draft read ingfigures.SGS检验员,船方大付,本地商检局/商检公司或有关检验机构观察船舶六面吃水并 记录.- Sounding of all the ballast tanks and fresh water tanks using a calibrated sounding tape. Record the orig inal figure in deductible weights.用检测合格的量水尺对所有压载水舱,淡水舱测深.记录原始的扣除重量.- Collect a represe ntative sea water sample which was from half deep of the quarter mean draft to record the den sity using a calibrated hydrometer.提取位于一半平均吃水,具代表水样,用检测合格的密度计测量密度.- As a general rule, the quantity of fuel oil, diesel and lubricating oil is to be provided by chief engin eer of vessel with



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