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1、JIRA上创建新项目起草人:XX起草时间: 2009-5-14,起草文档修订人: XX修订时间: 2010-6-11,添加文档格式修订人: XX修订时间: 2011-8-16,去掉部分管理员1. 文档目标介绍如何在 JIRA 上创建一个项目,并分配权限。2. 文档对象JIRA超级管理员,目前限于这5个账号。3.3.1. 原则说明1、测试人员一般归属于 test-users。2、开发人员一般归属于为某项目所特意建的 group3、一个项目对应一个 permission scheme, permission scheme 与 group 进行关联, group 与 user 进行关联,从而决定不同

2、的人有不同的权限。3.2. 具体步骤3.2.1. 创建项目组 Group1、 点击菜单中的“管理”超链接,进入后台管理的主页面。2、点击左侧的“Group Browser”,可以看到本系统中所有的组。3、在右侧的红框中输入组名,比如“DP Group”,然后点击“Add Group”按钮,即创建好 一个组。4、组名中不要包含中文或全角字。3.2.2. 添加组成员 Members1、在组列表中找到刚才创建的组DP Group,点击最后面的超链接“Edit Members”。Displaying groups 1 to 20 of 25.Add Groi名称:AD MS Project Group

3、5删除 | Edit MembersAEMS Project Group2 :查看:,删除 | Edit fvlembersBPBJ GRP5 #:- R&D BFBJ Scheme删除 I Edit MembersBTI Test Group5 M:1 Java R&D Scheme Permission Scheme for cody R&D BPBJ Scheme R&D DP Scheme R&D JZGL Scheme R&D OMS Scheme R&D Domino Scheme SHCM ZHGL Scheme删除 | Edit MembersCMSH SP Group4 :查

4、看:,删除 | Edit MembersDCTM Group DCTM Scheme删除 | Edit MembersDP Group0直看?删隆ggit1总1也磴.JZGL GRP6 查看) R&D JZGL Scheme删除 I EditSembersLESD5删除 | Edit MembersSAC AMDS4直看)删除 | Edit MembersSGM-DCTM2 Group4 #:-删除 I Edit MembersGroup NameUsersPermission Schemes操作2、在红色圈中的输入框中输入组成员的姓名全拼,以英文逗号分隔,输入完毕后点击上面 的“ Join

5、”按钮,就完成了组成员的添加。3、 如果要删去组成员,则可按住 ctrl 按钮,选中多个姓名,最后点击 Leave 按钮即可。Bulk Edit Group MembersThis page allows you to edit the user memberships for each group.You cmn add to and remove users from multiple groups at a time. When selecting multiple groups please note: All the comm on users in the selected gro

6、ups are displayed un der the All* label and the remaini ng disparate users are displayed un der the label with its group name Removing Users - Removing user(s) listed in the All section will remove the selected user(s)from all of the selected groups. However if user(s) are selected under a specific

7、group name (s), the selected user(s) will be removed from the group its listed under. Adding Users - All user(s) to be added are added to all of the selected group(s).Step 1: Select group(s) to edit and refresh the members listStep 2: Select users to leave ORjoin the selected group(s) and click on t

8、he corresponding buttonSelected 1 of 25 Gro 叩 sADMS Project Group AEMS Project Group BPBJ_GRPBTI Test Group CMSH_SP GroupDCTM&oupAdd members to selected group(s) JoinDP GroupJZGL_GRPLESDSAC_AMDS SGM-DCTM2 Group SHCM TDC3.2.3. 创建权限方案 Permission Scheme1、在左侧的导航点击“Permission Schemes ”,进入权限方案列表页面2、找到权限方案

9、“Permission Scheme for copy ”,点击最后面的超链接“Copy”项目DCTM Scheme documentumPermissions! Copy | 編辑丨删除Default Permission SchemeThis is the default Permission Scheme. Any new projects that are created will be assigned this scheme公司网站20Permissions | Copy | 編辑Java R&D Scheme EIM-企业内部平台Permissions | Copy I 辑 1

10、删除Manaaer Permission SchemeThis is the manager Permission Scheme. Any new projects that are created will be assigned this scheme manaaerPermissions I Copy I 辑 I 删除No Permission DM-V档昔理系统 DSD_Documentum DSD PB万科集团统一丈档平台上海电信宽带増值业务管理平台(ITMS)上海移动(CMSH)上海移动战略信息分析和预警系统二期工程江苏MIS二期现场勒查Permissions I Copy 1 辑

11、 1 删除Permission Scheme forPermissionsCfCopJ)編辑 | 删除R&D BPBJ Scheme备品备件管理Permissions | Copy I 辑 1 删除R&D DP Scheme部门日常管理系统Permissions I Copy 1M辑 1 删除R&D JZGL Scheme基站昔理系统Permissions I Copy 1 辑 1 删除R&DOMS Scheme上海移动系统运行錐护Permissions I Copy I 辑 | 删除l. a .宀 丄口i nn II?.-.注意:此方案严禁删除。3、这时候会在列表最上面,发现多了一个权限方案

12、“Copy of Permission Scheme for copy”, 这就是我们要在上面做文章的方案。Permission SchemesEPermission Schemes allow you to create a set of permissions and apply this set of permissions to any projectAll permissions within a scheme will apply to all projects that are associated with that scheme.The table below shows t

13、he permission schemes curre ntly c on figured for this server. For permissi on s that apply to all projects see Global Permissi ons.名輛顶目Cody of Permission Scheme for codPermissions | Copy | 編辑 | 删除DCTM Scheme docume ntumPermissions! Copy1 删除Default Permission SchemeThis is the default Permission Sch

14、eme. Any new projects that are created will be assigned this scheme皆司网站20Permissions | Copy | 編辑Java R&D Scheme EIMTfc业内部平台Permissions | Copy | 編辑 | 删除Manaaer Permission SchemeThis is the manager Permission Scheme. Any new projects that are created will be assigned this scheme man aaerPermissions I

15、Copy | 編辑 | 删除No Permission DM 文档管理系统 DSD DocumentumPermissions | Copy | 編辑 I 删除4、点击后面的“Permissions”超链接,进入权限配置页面。5、点击第一行的“增加”按钮:Edit Permissions Copy of Permission Scheme for copy屢On this page you can edit the permissions for the Copy of Permission Scheme for copy permission scheme. Grant permission to users/groups View al


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