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1、 八年级英语期中考试题(10分) 大黄集中学毕连才一.单词辨音:选出划线字母读音与其他三个不同的一种(0分)( ).A.c .rade Clan D.ha ( ) A.get B rest C sfe D. lso( ). ll B.if C. bile D.sick ( )4.Aboth B note C. wle wom( )5.Auch B.u C.undred D unti ( )A.the. tese C. ths D.thiry( )7.s Biter C.seven D.meas ( )8.AcomB comterC.curyD. city( )9worry ry C.vry D

2、.ny ( )10A.mean . d C.wek D e二单选(10分)1.-Watd you hinofths ilm? -t_ thanheltne, Ithink.A. intrsi intreste .mre intresting .mor intsted2My ares_ a e onweekedsA re all re oth C.alare . both re3.-e yo_ atEngli?-No,b iime id_ in the glih ex. goo, god .wll, well C. wel, od D. god,well4.Pet i _ ha Sam.un B

3、funnr C.o funny D. orefnn5.ck a Peter are rohers,and_ _ std i No. MddleSchl.A, al, em B,ll,they C, both, hm D, bth,t6.-A:Can yucome to y par? -:_A.O ose,Id ikeo B. I cant gthere Co, I ont o D. Yes, I ill.7.Imoing to Shanghi ylan_Mondayein. in Bat Con D of.I n lith coorof he -shirt Woulyoshow me _on?

4、A othe B thothr C anoher Dors9Thankyufr _ meAak B asking as t a C. hasto .hae o10 have_ homewr thi ekn.Amucht B o uh to many Dn oo三.完形填空(0分)Alvr thordeope portsSports helpeoplto k_1_,han iv_ Peoe ply diferentgames winter a smmer._3_ isgodfor swimmg. And n winte peopofte o skatig.Sm ports re ver _ _

5、and epe everywrlithemFr exal, oobal veryopulI hina, most pee, men, _5_ boys angrl, like to wachfootbl gae. Tey fte tlkbout them_6_ numpingbegan log,long ago. But bstl oleybal re ather _. Peplegatoplay the o longao And pple are_ nwsports o ga allhetime.Wte sing one f _9_. eope _0_iffent ountes mynoe

6、al to unran eatr, ut after agm they ofte becoe fred.( )1A. heath B. uy C. elth D.lz ( )2.A.on B. loger C. happy D.apiy ( )3A. iner .Smme C. Aum . ng ( )4 boring B diffilt .epensiv D. intetig( )5.man B. womn C.od Dyong ( ).A. u . n C.Runng . n ( ).A. ew B. intersting . popur Dld( )8Astart B. play C.

7、lng D. ttig ( )9. les Bewest C eodest D. th ees ( )10. i B. of C r D四 阅读理解(1分) () Evonekowhat exrcisi pran We eedtoexrcise. otors yt isgod foru. tkeep or bodies stong We tdaimecoe,we must et up. This is the imeo exie Exrc eans o hgwh tebdyTee are n wy o eercse. You can walk, rn,swi, ate,or play all

8、gaes Mkure yu xcse in te oloig ways:yohve t li ha yuredog. xerisenoh-b not o muchItis god t cis twic eac wk.hry intesechi seug.y alkinds f ins untl you one, to othree sporsht fee rightoryu. Eercise nbenFrins cxerse together at fitess centr,o theyc play ports her. How do ou exeris? 1. the passa erir

9、telsstaell need_. A. drink B.relx eerise D.wrk 2.Whch of the followingstscant wnd in thpassag?A ishig B.Runin C.Swimm DWalin 3 Wht doe ercse mean? A I eansdon thingswith ebody . Iteas studyigIt men ig eson. D It enplaing 4. Watcan er otothebody?.It anmaethebody a B.It canmake ssle rC. t cn makethbod

10、y si D.I can mk e body healthy5. Te d“fitess center” in the paae mean_A减肥中心 B.健身中心 C购物中心 .医疗中心() Oay, To shifrnds, “ Im on havehodays in Bijg. u Icant pek hinse, oI goi to h evnglases a ae Chineseter fr a monh.” So is hlidacoen e go to Chna hpy. Atr he omesback, isrins k hi, “ Do youvean oubl wih you Chnese wenyouare iBeijin, Tom?” “o,



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