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1、八年级英语上册第八单元section B教案设计 八年级 肖丽娜一、 导入:(Leading up)Ask and answer some questions.1、How was your/his/her last school trip?2、What did you/he/she do last school trip?3、Where did you go last school trip?4、Were there any animals in the aquarium?5、Did you see a seal there?二、学习目标:(Teaching Objectives)1、Lear

2、n to talk about activities in the past tense.2、Discuss activities next day off and make some conversations.3、Learn to solve problems by listening to the tape.4、Describe your last day off with target language.三、导学升华:(New lesson)1、Teach some key words with pictures.2、Talk about which activities you wa

3、nt to do and which activities do you want to do.3、Pair work make conversations with your partner.4、Listening to the take then check the answers.四、总结策略:(Drill)1、Play games Ask students to talk about activities then discuss them.2、Which group talk more ,they will win the games.3、Make conversations lik

4、e these.、A: On my next day off , I want toB: That sound good、A: On my last day off ,I wentB: That sounds boring/五、巩固总结:(Consolidation)1、Do exercises. Lining up answers.: How was your/his/her last school trip? A: I went to the aquarium.: Where did Tom go last night? B: Yes, there were.: Where did you

5、 go last Sunday? C: No, I didnt.: Were there any sharks in the aquarium? D: It was awful.: Did you see a seal there? E: He watched TV last night.: How was weather that day? F: It was sunny. Make sentences with pictures.六、小结:(Summary)Weve learned some different activities and talked about them freely.七、作业:(Homework)1、 Write an article about your last day off.2、 Prepare the next lesson.


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