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1、牛津英语(*9A*分册)第2单元讲学案Vocabulary 【学习目标】1理解什么是同义词2学习和记忆有关同义词【重点难点】 一, 重点难点 整理已学的同义词通过学习同义词,扩大词汇量【学习过程】 【预习指导与检测】(一)预习指导1. mean 动词,意为 “意思是”,名词为meaningWhat do you mean? = What is your meaning?2. on the right (left) 在右边(左边)3. on the opposite side of each word 在每个单词的对面(二)预习检测A、写出以下单词的近义词:begin hope clever h

2、appinessstrong calm knock laugh own receive shout energetic sad become afraid correct B、用所给词适当形式填空:1.She learned driving without any _ (difficult).2. Vitamins are necessary for healthy _ (grow).3. In winter air conditioners can make the room more _ (comfort).4. I have a strong _ that something terri

3、ble is about to happen (feel).5.His favorite subject is _ ( physics ) education, as he is good at running.【课堂互动探究】Group discussion: Try to finish the synonym wheel in the book【课堂反馈练习】单项选择:*( ) 1. “Do you want an apple, a banana or a pear?” “_. They all look bad.”A. Both B. None C. All D. No one( ) 2

4、. Colours can make us _ or sad.A. to feel happily B. feel happilyC. to feel happy D. feel happy( ) 3. Your son is old enough to _ himself.A. wear B. dress C. put on D. have on( ) 4. Put it down, Tom. You mustnt read_ letterA. else anyones B. anyones else C. anyone elses D. anyone else( ) 5. He told

5、me he would tell us _ .A. surprising something B. surprising anythingC. something surprised D. something surprising( ) 6. Most boys_ guns to dolls while most girls _ have dolls than guns.A. would rather; prefer B. prefer; would rather 订正、笔记栏C. would rather; would rather D. prefer; prefer( ) 7. This

6、pair of jeans looks nice_ Sandy because she looks very nice_ blue.A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in( ) 8. She feels unhappy, _?A. doesnt she B. does she C. isnt she D. is she( ) 9. Im very sorry to keep you _ for a long timeA. wait B. waits C. waiting D. to wait*( ) 10. Daniels bag must be in

7、 the room, _ ?A. is it B. isnt it C. mustnt it D. must he【小结与质疑】 总结你所学过的近义词_【课后拓展练习】 首字母填空:Everywhere we look, there is c_. We see it in the sky or in the sea. There is color in rocks and in all p_ and animals. Color makes our homes and schools pretty. We see it in pictures and in books. We even see

8、 color in our food. It can make things look good.Everything we see has color. We see green grass and red apple. How can we see colors? We see color when l_ hits our eyes. Dogs and many other animals cant see colors. But bees can. They even see colors we dont see. This helps them find the f_ to fly t

9、o.We sometimes use the names of colors to say things. People may say that they“see red” when they are a_. Or you may say you “feel blue”. This means you are sad. We use colors to tell us things, too. Red is the color of stop s_. It means stop. Green means to go. Animals come in all kinds of colors.

10、Many of these are pretty. An animals color may mean “Here I am.” “Stay away.” Or “Watch o_!” Or it may help the animals to hide. Some animals can make their color look l_ what is around them. Then they cant be seen.Some people cant t_ one color from another. They can see yellowand blue. But they cant tell red from green. We say these people are color-b_.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._ 6._ 7._ 8._9._ 10._【教学后记】



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