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1、http:/ my plan isnt_of by the committee,all my work will have been wasted.A.approved 批准,通过-如果我的计划委员会没有批准,那我所有的努力都白费了。B.consented 同意,答应 C.agreed 同意,赞成(意见) D.admitted 承认,接纳2.Everybody_in the ball where they were welcomed by the secretary.D.assembled 集合,装配,聚集-所有的人都在大厅集合,书记在那里欢迎他们。A.joined 参加,结合,加入 B.ac

2、cumulated 积累,积聚,堆积 C.piled 堆起,堆积3.Mr.Bloom is not _now ,but he will be famous someday.D.prominent 卓越的,显著地-布卢姆先生现在还没有名气,但有朝一日他将成为名人。A.significant有意义的,重大的 B.dominant 有统治权的,支配的 C.magnificent 宏伟的,华丽的4.The bridge was nameedthe hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A.after 以命名-这座桥是用一位英雄的名字命名的

3、,他为了人民的事业献出了生命。B.with 用,和一致 C.by 按照,通过 D.from 从,来自5.Most people were no longer listening to his long_story.B.boring 枯燥的,乏味的-大多数人都不再听他那冗长、乏味的故事了。A.annoying 恼人的,讨厌的 C.tiring 疲劳的,累人的 D.exhausting 用尽的,令人疲惫不堪的6.Each of them had a different_of what actually happened,but hers was by far more believable.C.v

4、ersion 译文,版本-每个人都对到底发生了什么事件有不同的说法,但是到目前为止她的说法更可信。A.message 消息,通讯 B.theory 理论,原理 D.comment 注释,评论7.His latest piece of work was _by a song he heard on the radio.B.inspired 启示,使.产生灵感-他最近的作品是听了收音机上的一首歌激发灵感创作的。Areleased 释放 C.assessed 估定,评定 D.composed 组成,写作8.The socks were too small, and it was only by_th

5、em that he managed to get them on.D.streching 拉长,展宽-袜子太小,抻长了他才能穿上。A.spreading 伸展,散步 B.extending 扩充,延伸 C.lengthening 延长,(使)变长9.Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is .C.exaggerated 夸大,夸张-多数广播公司声称电视台受到了不公平的责备,并指出媒体的作用被夸大了。推荐精选A.granted

6、 同意,承认 B.implied 暗示,意味 D.remedied 治疗,补救10.Of all the soldiers they had the_of being the fiercest,the most patriotic,the toughest.D.reputation 名誉,名声-在所有的士兵中,他们拥有最勇猛、最爱国、最顽强的荣誉称号。A.recognition 承认,公认 B.reservation 预定,(旅馆)预约 C.recreation 消遣,娱乐11.There is_in persuading him when he turns a deaf ear to you

7、.D.not much point没有效果-当他对你话充耳不闻时,你劝他没有任何意义。A. of no use B. without any use C. of no good 没有好处12.Do you have anything A.with which to treat our guests.A.with which to treat our guests-你有东西用来招待我们的客人吗?B.to treat our guests with it C.which to treat our guests with D.treating our guests定语从句中有介词with,将其前置。

8、Treat sb with sth用招待某人13.John Joseph Perishing_in 1919,the first highest rank held by any American citizen except George Washington.C.was made a full general- John Joseph Perishing被命名为最高将军,这是除了乔治.华盛顿之外美国公民被授予的最高称号。A.to be a full general B.he made a full general D.was being made a full general句子中缺少谓语

9、部分,逗号后面的部分起补充作用。14._came to visit me during my absence?C.Who did you say-你是说谁在我不在的时候来拜访我了?A.Did you say who B.Did you say whom D.Whom did you saydid you say看作插入语就好理解了,可以括起来。15.A debate is a series of formal spoken arguments for and against_.B.a definite proposal-辩论就是用一系列正式的论据来赞成或反对一个明确的论点。A.a propos

10、al is definite C.definite a proposal is D.a proposal that definitly16.Geologists use artificial earth shocks C.in their search for petroleum.C.in their search for-地质学家用人造地震来找石油。A.they search for B.and search for D.to be search for固定用法17.An acre of roses yields one ton of rose petals,_only a pound of

11、 oil can be distilled.D.but from these-一英亩的玫瑰花地可以产出一吨玫瑰花,但一吨的玫瑰花只能提炼出一磅的精油。A.from them B.these are C.but which are用but来连接两个分句,these代词,指一吨的玫瑰花推荐精选18.During the hurricane,_to keep the air pressure equalized.D.there should be some windows partially opened-飓风来临的时候,应该开一部分窗户让空气压力平等。A.partially opening som

12、e windowsB.some windows should open partiallyC.it partially opens some windowsThere be 表示有,partially opened过去分词表状态19._the history of rough,strong-willed Nebraska farmers.D.Much of the history of Nebraska is-内布拉斯加州的大部分历史是该地区粗狂的、具有强烈愿望的农民的历史。A.Not only is much of the history of NebraskaB.Although it i

13、s much of the history of Nebraska that isC.It is as much the history of Nebraskas being整个题干都是宾语,需要主语和谓语。20.News services make_for newspapers to give their readers news from around the world.B.it possible-新闻通讯社让报纸把来自世界各地的新闻送到读者眼前。A.it is possible C.possible D.possible thatit 做形式主语,代替后面的不定式短语to give t

14、heir readers news from around the world,possible做补语阅读1In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernadino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue(烤肉)resta

15、urant., then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas. To this small selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips. Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and h


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