【创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练 必修2 Module4(附解析) 外研版

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1、【外研版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 4Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop Arts能 力 闯 关 .单词拼写1He likes cats but d_ dogs.2I like the paintings of Qi Baishi and d_ is my favorite lesson.3This play is divided into three acts,and each act has three s_.4Your ideas do not seem to be about r_.5This is a building in

2、European s_.6He a_ at the enemies with the gun.7My tears are an e_ of my grief(悲痛)8But they didnt _(认识到) one important thing.9The houses were _(破坏) by a fire.10He had his first _(展出) at the age of 16.答案:1.dislikes2.drawing3.scenes4.reality5.style6.aimed7.expression8.realise9destroyed10.exhibition.单项

3、填空1“If you go on stealing,you will _ your bright future,young man!” said the judge.Adestroy Bdamage Cruin Dbreak解析:“使某人的前途破灭”用“ruin”。答案:C2He couldnt stand _.Abeing made fun of Bmaking fun of Cto make fun of Dbeing making fun解析:句意:“他不能忍受被别人嘲弄。”考查cant stand doing“受不了”之意,主语与make之间是动宾关系。答案:A3Tom,togethe

4、r with his classmates,_ because of _ the school rule.Awas punished;obeying Bwere punished;breakingCwas punished;breaking Dwere punished;obeying解析:together with.短语只是句子主语Tom的补充成分,句子谓语还应根据主语Tom来决定,用单数;而because of后接名词或动名词。break the rule为违反规则,而obey the rule为遵守规则。答案:C4Some of the students were late _ the

5、heavy rain.Abecause Bas Cfor Dbecause of解析:because of the heavy rain“因为大雨”。because,as,和for引导一个句子。答案:D5After two years hard work,his wish has _.Arealized Bcome true Cbeen come true Dbeen made true解析:be realizedcome true,注意come是一个连系动词,come true不能用于被动语态。答案:B6Never _ till tomorrow what may be done today

6、.Aput up Bput off Cput out Dput on解析:put off“推迟,延期”,put up“建起,搭起,张贴”,put out“扑灭”,put on“穿上”。答案:B7They are _ training everybody by the end of the year.Aaimed for Baimed at Caiming by Daiming to解析:at指某一方面。答案:B8The wounded man was unconscious but still _ when taken to the hospital.Aalive Bliving Clivel

7、y Dlive解析:alive“活着的”,反义词是dead。答案:A9Could I bother you for a moment?I need someone to copy this file for me._.I need to do some copies too and I can copy them together.ASorry,but I cant BYou are welcomeCThats no trouble at all DDont say so解析:考查交际用语。由“I need to do some copies too”可知,答话者也要复印一些材料,恰好可以一块

8、儿复印,即可以帮助对方,显然C项符合句意,A与句意不符;B表示“不用谢”;D项为汉语式表达。答案:C10Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school._ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home and abroad.AAttend BTo attend CAttending DHaving attended解析:分析句子结构可知第二句是一个倒装句,把它还原成正常语序应该是:Our alumni from home a

9、nd abroad are _ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning.所以此题应该用attending作谓语动词的一部分。答案:C.翻译句子1工厂必须致力于增加生产。_2这只受伤的狗要予以人道毁灭。_3他所有的建议全部被采纳了。_4咱们把英语晚会推迟到下星期举行吧。_5他不能忍受那样的待遇。_答案:1.The factory must aim at increasing production.2The injured dog had to be destroyed.3All his suggestions have been ado

10、pted.4Lets put the English evening off to next week.5He cant stand being treated like that.完形填空Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.Life is too short,time is too precious,and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.We have to work together for _1_ it still c

11、an be.And that is _2_ I will work my heart out _3_ sure that Senator Obama is our next _4_.The way to continue our fight now,_5_ the goals _6_ which we stand is to take our energy,our passion,our strength,and do all we can _7_ elect Barack Obama,the next president of the United States.Today,as I _8_

12、 my campaign,I congratulate him _9_ the victory _10_ he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.I endorse(赞同)him and throw my full _11_ behind him.And I ask all of you to join _12_ in working as _13_ for Barack Obama as you have _14_ me.I have stood on the stage and gone toetotoe _15_ him in 2

13、2 debates.Ive had a frontrow seat to his candidacy,and I _16_ his strength and determination,his grace and his grit.Now,being human,we are _17_.Thats why we need each other,to catch each other when we _18_,to encourage each other _19_ we lose heart.Some may lead,some may follow,but _20_ of us can go it alone.【解题导语】 本文节选了希拉里的退选演讲。希拉里在演讲中表示慷慨支持奥巴马。谁能想到几个星期前,两人还在互相竞争。1A.which Bthat Cwhat Dwhere解析:考查宾语从句。从句中缺表语,故判断用连接代词。that作为连接词时没有意义,不能在从句中充当成分。which是用于定语从句的关系代词。答案:C2A.why Bwhen Cwhere Dhow解析:考查表语从句。在这里表示“原因”。句意:这就是我全力支持奥巴马参议员当选下



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