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1、天津工程师范学院成人教育专科毕业设计绕线式异步电动机的串级调速作者: 摘 要:本设计主要利用电力拖动控制设计出可靠安全且容易操作和维修。主要介绍了机械和工艺对电器控制线路的要求,以及怎么设计出来的控制线路满足生产的要求,达到简单经济。在设计电力拖动自动控制系统时,一般包括两部分内容,一是确定拖动方案和选择电动机,前者主要解决的是采用交流拖动方案还是直流拖动方案,后者主要解决的是选择电动机容量等问题。根据电机学由异步电机转速公式n=60f1/(1-sp)可知异步电机的调速方法有改变定子频率、磁极对数和转差率等,而对于绕线式异步电机我们一般都采用的是改变转差率进行调速,而改变转差率实现异步电动机的


3、同,串级调速可以将异步电动机的功率加以应用(回馈电网或是转化为机械能送回到电动机轴上),因此效率高。它能实现无级平滑调速,低速时机械特性也比较硬。特别是晶闸管低同步串级调速系统,技术难度小,性能比较完善,因而获得了广泛的应用。 关键词:异步电动机 串级调速 原理 基本类型Abstract:The design of the main drag to control the use of electricity to design safe and reliable operation and maintenance easy. Introduces the process of mechani

4、cal and electrical control circuit, as well as how the control circuit designed to meet the requirements of the production to a simple economic. Automatic control in the design of electric drive system, generally comprises two parts, first drag the program to identify and select the motor, which is

5、used mainly to solve the exchange program or drag drag DC program, which is the main solution is to choose electric machine capacity and so on.According to the study by the electric induction motor speed formula n = 60f1 / (1-sp) induction motor can see the speed control methods have to change the f

6、requency of the stator, on the pole and a few slip, and so on, but for the winding - We induction motors generally used is to change the slip for governor, and change the slip of the induction motor to achieve a speed control methods: the wound-rotor induction motor in the string into a different re

7、sistance to realize the power delay Adjust the speed of the move, but there is method in the following shortcomings: 1) he is through loop increased resistance to reduce the rotor speed, when the motor torque constant load, the lower the speed difference to the greater power, this approach is adopte

8、d Increasing deterioration of the power to reduce speed, but the increase in power all the difference to be converted into energy consumed, the efficiency of this method of speed-year-old governor to reduce the scope of the increase. 2) The speed at the same speed no-load motor ideal. Can only be ra

9、ted below regulation speed, variable speed control when the mechanical properties of soft and reduce the static speed accuracy, 3) due to additional back rotor resistance limited number of stalls, unable to carry out stepless speed regulation, the small scope of the governor. Second: Cascade Speed,

10、speed cascade through the wound-rotor induction motor circuit and the introduction of additional potential generated. It is a change to achieve slip cascade of speed. Rotor resistance and the string in different ways, can cascade speed asynchronous motor to power the application (or the power grid b

11、ack into mechanical energy to send back to the motor shaft), so efficient. It can not achieve the smooth-class speed and low speed when the mechanical properties of relatively hard. Thyristor especially low speed synchronous cascade system, the technical difficulty of small, relatively perfect perfo

12、rmance, which was widely used. Key words: asynchronous motor series of basic principles governing the type of 一、串级调速的基本原理 所谓串级调速就是在转子回路中串入与转子电动势E2同频率的附加电动势Eadd如图11所示。通过改变Eadd的幅值大小和相位来实现交流电动机的调速。这样电动机在低速运转时,转子中的转差功率Ps仅有小部分消耗于转子相电阻R2上,而大部分被串入的附加电动势Eadd所吸收,再利用产生附加电动势的装置,设法把所吸收的这部分转差功率回馈给电网。这种在绕线式异步电动机

13、转子回路中串入附加电动势Eadd的高效率调速方法称为串级调速。 图11 转子串接Eadd的基本原理(一)串级调速的分类串级调速系统的核心是产生附加电势Eadd的装置。由于异步电动机转子的电动势sE20的频率是随转速变化的,这样Eadd的频率也须随转速而变,也就是说Eadd装置应该是其频率和幅值可调的三相变频器。目前这种变频器有交一交变频器和交一直一交变频器两种。由于采用变频器来产生附加电动势Eadd使电动机既可在同步转速以下调速,也可在同步转速以上调速,即实现超同步调速。超同步串级调速系统控制装置复杂,设备费用高,国外正在逐步应用,国内尚在研制中。目前,国内外广泛应用的是转子电路串入直流附加电

14、动势Eadd的方案,以避免随着转速的不同,改变Eadd的频率,如图12所示。在转子绕组端接入一个不可控的整流器,将转子感应电动势sE20整流为直流电压,串级调速用的附加电动势Eadd也为直流电压,由一逆变器产生。由于转子电路采用了不可控整流电路,转差功率的传递是单方向的,即转差功率只能从转子流向产生Eadd的装置,再回馈电网,而无法实现由电网向电动机转子输入转差功率,所以系统只能运行在低于同步速度的电动状态和高于同步速度的发电制动状态,即系统只能在同步速度以下调速,通常称这样的系统为低同步串级调速系统。对于低同步串级调速系统又可分为以下两种。图1-2 采用直流附加电动势Eadd的串调系统框图(

15、二)机械串级调速转差功率送至电机轴上机械串级调速系统。串级调速系统还有一种机械串级调速系统,也称恒功率串级调速系统,如图13所示。该系统中产生直流附加反电势Eadd的是直流他激电机MD,它与被调速的主电机MA同轴硬性联结。改变直流电机的激磁电流,就相应改变Eadd值,即可实现主电机的调速。当不计电机的各种损耗,主电机从电网吸收的功率为P,主电机直接输送给负载的机械功率为P(1s),另一部分转差功率经转子整流器送给直流电机,由于直流电机与主电机同轴硬性联结,使直流电机吸收的转差功率sP转变为轴上的机械功率仍然又输送给负载。这样串级调速系统调到低速运转时,负载得到的机械功率总和为 图1-3 机械串级调速系统所以该系统具有恒功率的调速特性。机械串级调速系统具有低速运转时电机能产生大转矩的特点,故适于低速时需要重负载转矩的生产机械场合。但这种串级调速系统范围不大,因转速较低时,直流电机不能产生足够的附加电势Eadd通常调速范围在2:1以内。图1-4 晶闸管串级调速系统(三)、晶闸管串级调速1)、晶闸管的工作原理 图1-5 晶闸管1. 晶闸管承受反向阳极电压时,不管门极承受和种电压,晶闸管都处于关短状态。 2. 晶闸管承受正向阳极电压时,仅在门极承受正向电压的情况下晶闸管才导通。 3. 晶闸管在导通情况下,只要有一定的正向阳极电压,不论门极电压如何,晶闸管保持导通,即晶闸管导通后,门极失去


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