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1、广州版小学英语六年级上册第五模块练习题1. 圈出听到的句子中含有的单词。(10分)Example: A. paintB. paints C. painted 1) A. haveB. has C. had 2) A. markB. marks C. marked3) A. seeB. sees C. saw4) A. areB. is C. was5) A. helpB. helps C. helped6) A. startB. starts C. started7) A. callB. calls C. called8) A. goB. goes C. went9) A. finishB.

2、finishes C. finished10) A. washB. washes C. washed2. 读问题,然后根据听到的对话内容选择答案。(10分)1) What did Ben do yesterday afternoon?图中一男孩在玩电脑游戏图中同一男孩在看故事书图中同一男孩在看电视 () () ( )2) When was the football match on?图中显示10月13号的日期图中显示10月17号的日期图中显示10月14号的日期() () ()3) What was Xiaolings room like?在房间里,书包放在地上,书放在书架上。在房间里,书包放在

3、地上,书放在书桌上。在房间里,书包放在凳子,书放在书架上。() ()()4) Who cleaned the house?Janet和Judy在清扫房间Ben和Judy在清扫房间Yongxian和Judy在清扫房间 () () ()5) What DIDNT Miss White do yesterday?Miss White在批改作业Miss White在看电影Miss White在逛街购物 ()() ()3. 根据听到的内容连接人物、活动和时间。(10分)A B Con Sunday Yongxianwashed the dogon Thursday Sally played footba

4、llon Saturday Jiamingdid his homeworkon Tuesday Janet painted a pictureon Friday Xiaoling went swimming4听对话及问题,选择正确答案,并把其字母编号写在相应的括号内。(10分)( ) 1 A. Sunday, April 2nd B. Saturday, April 2nd C. Saturday, April 1st ( )2A. 249 Renmin Road B. 149 Beijing Road C. 239 Baiyun Road( )3A. Yes, it is. B. No, i

5、t isnt. C. Yes, she did.( )4A. washed the dog B. went shopping C. played tennis( )5A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.5读句子,把相应答语的编号写在句子前的括号中。(5分)1)Did you wash the dog yesterday?()2)Where did you go this morning?()3)Whose picture is this?()4)Who called? ()5)I saw you in the Tianhe Book Center yesterda

6、y. ()A. I had a cold and I stayed at home.B. Its Janet. She just called to say hello. C. Yes. It was very dirty.D. Did you? I didnt see you. I was there to buy a storybook.E. Its mine. I painted it yesterday.6用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 (10分)1) Ben _(have) noodle for breakfast this morning.2) Jiamin usually _(g

7、o) to school on foot, but this morning he _(go) to school on bus.3) Miss White _(not come) to work yesterday, because she _(is) ill.4) Mr Webb _(love) his car very much. Now he is _(wash) his car.5) Xiaoling _ (finish) her homework and _(play) video games yesterday.6) I _(call) Mr and Mrs Webb yeste

8、rday, but they _(are) not at home.7. 选用所给的单词填空。(10分)come, lived, animals, is, want, so, play, watch, saw, had, no, doDuring summer holidays, my friend Sam sometimes comes to stay at my house. We usually _ football and tennis together. When we are tired and do not _ to play sports, we like to _ VCDs.

9、 Our favourites are stories about _. Last week we _ a film about dinosaurs (恐龙). They lived in deep(很深的) lakes. One year, it did not rain for a long time. There was _ water in the lake, the dinosaurs _ to go and _ in the forest (森林).8仿照前三句完成后面的句子。(15分)1) Janet watches TV every day. Yesterday she saw

10、 a film on TV.2) Jiamins school was old and small. Now his school is new and big.3) Sally is a good girl. She often helps her mum with the housework. Yesterday she helped her mum clean the rooms.4) Mike is very good at playing basketball. Yesterday he _5) David was short in his class last year. Now

11、he _ _6) Mr Webb likes his car very much. Yesterday he _ _7) Yongxian loves sports. This morning he _ _8) Yesterday Jimmy borrowed some books from the library. Now he is _9著名漫画家Peter Brown来参观你的学校。读同学们提的问题,选择他最有可能的回答。(5分)Example: Student 1: What was your favourite subject at school, Peter?Peter: A. M

12、usicB. ChineseC. Art 1) Student 2: Peter, when did you start drawing cartoon?Peter: A. When I was at home.B. When I was 10.C. I draw cartoon every day.2) Student 3: How did you learn drawing?Peter:A. I learned from cartoon books.B. I draw cartoons at home.C. My teacher likes my pictures.3) Student 4: Did you draw dinosaurs?Peter:A. I saw pictures of dinosaurs in museums.B. My friend likes dinosaurs very much.C.



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