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1、重庆市涪陵九中八年级英语下册Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 I feel better now Section C导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版课型:阅读课 写作课课时:2课时主备人:审阅:学习目标:1. Learn some new words and phrases: stranger, usual, be/get used to(doing) sth., as . as, accept, clap2. Learn equal comparison(同级比较): asas/not(as) soasI live as happily as before.I coul

2、dnt sleep as well as usual.Helen is as lovely as Maria.Maria is not as/so brave as Helen.3. Help students to face their own feelings correctly( 帮助学生正确面对自己的情感).学习重点:学习目标第2点。学习难点:学习目标第2点。Task 1 预习热身(学生版:自学)一、过词汇、短语关:1. 试拼读126页课文P13-14的新单词,小组内相互拼读。2. 在家听写P13-14单词。3. 读1、3, 4,找出下列重点单词和短语, 并在课文中勾画出来。英汉互译:

3、(1)光阴似箭/时光飞逝! (2)而且 (3)像平常一样 (4)习惯于做某事_(5)和你一样友好 (6)在的帮助下_ = (7)害怕某事/做某事 = (8)在公共场所 (9)Please give my best wishes to your parents. (10)How I wish to visit you! 二、阅读1 What main idea(主题):_Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_ 句型:1. I thought the roads here were not so clean as these in our h

4、ometown. 意思是 2. It also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you. 意思是 It also seemed that+句子= 意思是 3. Im getting used to the life here. 意思是 get/be used to sth./doing 意思是 4. Im not afraid to talk with others now. 意思是 be afraid to do sth.= 意思是 三、语法:同级比较:(See Page 120-121)1)A + v + as + /

5、 原级 + as + B “A和B一样” 如: 她和花儿一样美丽。 She is as as a flower. 他跑得像马儿一样快。 He runs as as a horse (does). 我想生活和从前一样快乐。 I want to live as as before.2) A + not v. + as/so + / 原级 + as + B “A 不如B” =比较级+than如:她生活得不如Marry快乐。 She live so as Marry.Task 2 活动探究【教师版:小组讨论教师巡答提出问题盘点提升(归纳/点拨/释难/延伸)】活动I、 学习1, 2。(PPT导入后进入)

6、一.听1录音,回答问题: Did Li Hong think the roads here were as clean as those in her hometown?What main idea(主题):_ 盘点提升(集体备课)Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_二. 阅读1 句型:略(见学生版) 三、 听1录音,自读1,讨论并翻译。四、理解下列短语句子:I thought the roads here were not so clean as these in our hometown. The food was not as d

7、elicious as ours, either. It also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you. Im getting used to the life here.五、完成2.掌握“同级比较asas/not(as) soas”用法。语法:同级比较:(See Page 120-121)1)A + v + as + / 原级 + as + B “A和B一样” 如: 她和花儿一样美丽。 She is as as a flower. 他跑得像马儿一样快。 He runs as as a horse (does). 我想

8、生活和从前一样快乐。 I want to live as as before.2) A + not v. + as/so + / 原级 + as + B “A 不如B” =比较级+than如:她生活得不如Marry快乐。 She live so as Marry.活动II. 学习3,4。1.作文:完成3.2.完成4(填空), 核对答案。活动III. 综合探究: Sing this song Its a Small WorldTask 3 小结及板书Section C同级比较:asas/not(as) soasI couldnt sleep as well as usual.The roads

9、here were not so clean as those in our hometown.The food was not as delicious as ours.The people here were not so friendly as you.I live as happily as before._Task 4 当堂达标:问题检测(巩固练习)。(一)单项选择。1. The food was not as delicious as ours, .A. either B. also C. too D. as well2. He is new, He should the life here.A. used to B. get used C. get used to D. use3. Chongqing isnt as that in Qingdao.A. cooler than B. cooler as C. cool as D. cooler4. Please give my your parents.A. good wish B. good wishes C. best wishes D. best wish5. I want to live as as before.A.



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