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1、形容词的比较级专项 一、变化规则; 1、 规则变化:(1)单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾加er或est:brigh _ _; 以不发音的e字母结尾的加r,或st:arge;以辅音字母加结尾的变y为I加er或est:ea; 以一种辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词双写最后一种辅音字母再加er或est: ig 以er,ow结尾的双音节词加er 或es:clevr slow()多音节词前加e或st,副词最高档前省略he. (3) 部分形容词自身表达最高档,因此她们没有比较级和最高档形式:vouriteoun、不规则变化: good, wl; ba, baly, ill;muh, many; littl;f

2、a; old; 注:只有少数形容词和副词有两种比较级和最高档形式:leveodfa二、 形容词各级别的用法: 1、 原级(同级)比较:asas; no a(so)as ellgi ou as mch hep asw c She ist s(so)active in prts a bfoe. 2. 比较级:表达两者之间比更可用状语mc,a lil, ve等修饰:e mde fee stak thanI d. H isen rch tha I 、高档:形容词最高档前必须加th, 副词最高档前常省略t,背面多用o, in短语表达范畴: I wasthe mtleast itresting sor a

3、v everlistee. He is th tlest of the tee 4、 如果在两者之间表达“最”时要在比较级前加the,并且还用of the two,f he i短语: Jon s the ler othwo bys Of he two boys, Joh is the lever. 三、重点与难点: 、 as构造:你和汤姆是同样好的孩子。 Yoreab asgods To=Your sgod aboy as Tom.、 ()ot与 的句型转换:前者为简朴句,主语只有一种,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比较: manwaangry o eal t pek.Themanws s a

4、ngry tat ewant ble t peak. The milkw too o t dink. he mik wss hot thatwe cantdrnk it(2) toto与 ot enoug to句型的转换: H i ooyon to et mrie.=He inot d enoughto gemarre. book s toodifficlt form to ead= The os not asyenugh for me to red、形容词原级表达比较级含义: 约翰不象迈克那么苯。John isot o supid as Mike. oh is lstpid than Mik

5、. on i clevrer than . 4、用比较级表达最高档:约翰是班里最高的男生。John istale tan ay o boy he class Joni the tlles oy the clas. Johni alr tha :any oer boy. th erboy.al th oher oy.ay ote other. nyn else. 5、 he or.the me表达“越越”:Themoebooks you read,the we our knowedes. The me foo ou at, the atteyu are 、 mre an moe表达“越来越”:

6、More admore snts ealie th impanc of a frin auag. urory is eting stronger ad strnge. 四、巩固练习: (一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高档形式:long_ _ide _ _ _ _eav_ _ lw _ few_ _brightly_ -_ baly _ _ar_ uily _appy_ -_unhapy_ (二)用所给词的对的形式填空: 1 Of te two girls, I ind ucy te_ (cevr). Gold(黄金) is _ (little) usfuthiron(铁). 3. My

7、 sister is wo yers_(ol )tnI.4 Johns parents have fur daughers,and sheis the_(young) chil. 5. T_ (cheap) bas are the nt usully te etone. 6 The sortoei y fr_ sive of the ive 7. eby iot o _ (ineresting) ashs bother 8 Dick sigs _ (ell),he in _(ll) than Jhn, uMarsigs_(well)in her cass. 9. She il bc_ (hap

8、p)n her mewhous.10 This es s _ tha.(wice, s,xpensive)(三)选择填空:1 feels_today tn yesteday. . tid B. oreird C. mo tireder2.Which do you ke_,cofee, ta ilk? te worst . wrs te wore 3. O he two to,thecilchose_. A.te pensiv one B. one mst exense C.a leastesi 4.he ine s_ than tha ne. A. moreler Bnot longer C

9、muh more onge 5. The earth is_ theon. as 4 times ig as .49timesbiger C. 4times as ga 6 The bois _f t to. Athinne . the thiner C. mre thinner7 he looks _thhdoe. A. the moroler very oer C. muhder 8 The gade s bcomn _. A. mr beauiful nd . mre eaufl and beutul C. moreand moebeiul9 he cmped(比赛) to se who

10、 cldwok _. A.the fsest bs the asr an he tter C.faset nd bettr10._ urry, _sed.A. Mo, ls Muh, te C. The more, the ls11Thikind of coffeei differnt_and iisalseter B etr tan th otr C. fmthe othr, nd bett (四)翻译句子: .本书跟那本书同样有趣。Tis bo is_ _ tate. 你游泳没有你弟弟好。Yu cant swim _ _ _yorbrthr 3.今天比昨天冷的多。It is_ _ dy_ i wasysterdy. 4对这个故事我比另一种喜欢的多。Thi s is _ _ _ tha thoe. 5她比我大两岁。Heis _ _ th 6这个故事不如那个有趣。his sory is _ _ _ than ht ne 7她的身体状况一每天好起来。His geting _ _ _ evry day.



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