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1、(1) 人称代词主格I you he she it we you they宾格me you him her it us you themare frien ds.are students.are engin eers.I am an English teacher.WeYou are a stude nt.YouHe is a doctor.TheyShe is a nurse.It is Sun day today.(2).物主代词形容词性物主代词my your his her its our your their名词性物主代词mine yours his hers its ours you

2、rs theirs形容词性物主代词后面接名词.名词性物主代词后面不接名词This is mybook.Your bag is black.This book ismine.Mine is green.These are our bags.These bags areours .(3).指示代词this, that, these, thoseThis is a book. This is not a book.Is this a book?That is a bus. That is not a bus. Is that a bus?These are apples. These are not

3、 apples. Are these apples?Those are pears. Those are not pears. Are those pears?为了避免重复,可用that , those代替前面提到过的名词。The weather of Kunming is better tha n 词)that of Beijing.(that代替有定冠词的名The radios made in Shan ghai are as good asThis is a problem of m oney rather tha n 词)those made in Tianjin.one of tim

4、e. ( one 代替有不定冠词的名(4) .反身代词(-自己)myselfyourself himself herself itselfourselves yourselvesthemselvesRose said to _himself, “ Where am I ?I went to the post office by myself.(5) . 相互代词each other / one anotherWe should help each other.They respect each other.Don t talk to each other.We should point out

5、 each other s shortcomings.(6).疑问代词What, which, whose, who用来构成特殊疑问句的代词,在句子中常做主语、宾语、定语或表语。(1)作主语: What makes you so happy ?(2)作宾语: Who/Whom is your ma nager talki ng with?口语中,作宾语时 whc和whor可以通用,但在介词后面只能用whom例如:About whom were they talk ing just now?(3)作定语: Which subject do you like best?(4)作表语: What s

6、 your mother ?(7).不定代词both(两个)都-all(三个或三个以上)都 -each每一个every每一个each stude nt; every stude nt;eachof themsome / someth ing用于肯定句(当表示种邀请或请求,或期望得到肯定的回答时,用于疑问句)any / anything用于疑问句和否定句many (很多)修饰可数名词much (很多)修饰不可数名词few没多少,没几个a few 一些,有几个few和a few 都修饰可数名词little a little几乎没有,没有 有一点儿little 和a little都修饰不可数名词ei

7、ther :(两者当中的)任何一个Neitehr of them isneither :(二者之中)哪个也不,相当于第三人称单数。女口:surprised.the other(共有2个)one - the otherano ther(数量不定)又一个,另一个other(people)其他的others其他人some -others -:些_.*?(还有)一些some -the others-:些_.*?其余的-everyth ing每件事everybody / every one每个人someth ing某件事somebody / some one某人any thi ng任何事an ybody

8、 / anyone任何人nothing没有事情n obody / no one没有人no 没有none没有人代词专项训练1.aquarium is much larger tha n2.A. Our / your B. Our / yours C.Ours / yours D.The doctors and nu rses are doing their best to help the patie nts. They think more ofothers tha nWe/ youB. them3.A. theyStephe n Hawk ing is a scie ntistA. whoB

9、. whomC. themselvesD. theirloves challenges.C. heD. which4.-The watch is so nice ! Is it for-Yes. Happy birthday, Nancy !-Thank you very much !A. hisB. me5.6.Jack, please passA.youB.Yesterday I sawA. her / hersmemythe glasses. I want to read the newspaper.D. herC.D. hersC. himC. she / herself7.I am

10、look ing for pool.A. oneB. itenjoyin the En glish club.B. they / themD. them / themselvesa house at the moment. I d likeC. thatD. this8. Some stude nts in our class like our school uni forms, are ugly.A. the others B. othersotherC. ano therD. thewiththi nk theya swimmi ng9. - Would you like some cof

11、fee or tea ?-is OK. I m very thirsty now.C. BothA. EitherB. NeitherD. All10.Is there11.A. everyth ing B.Miss Gree n will teachA. usI can do for you ? anythingEn glish n ext term.C. ourB. weC.D.ourssometh ingD.nothing12.Tom is a frien dly and hon est boy. All of us likeA. hisB.heC.very much.himD.hers

12、elf13.Tom and Him saw the accide nt happe n onA. hisB. their14.A. Her / Minebackpack is black.B. She / MyC. they is green.C. Her / Iway home.D. themD. Hers /Me15.We should dobest to study En glish well.B. oursC. usD. ourpen. May I useA. weExcuse me, Tom, I forgot to bringA. my / your B. my / yours C

13、. I / youD. mine /yours16. n helpsA. He / I / meC. He / me / mywithEn glish.B. Him / I / mi neD. His / me / IWould you like to drinkcoffeeSit dow n, boys and girls, please makeat home.A. yourself B. yourselves C. yoursD. yourHe is very rude, people like him.A. a fewB. fewC. a little D. littleWe went to the cin ema last ni ght and enjoyed.A. usB. ourC. ourselves D. wet as fresh asD. thoseD. itoutdoors.The air in the shopp ing mall isnA. the one B. itC. that-Hello ! May I speak to Mr Smith ?-Who isspe



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