初中英语人教新目标八年级下册Unit 7 写作指导

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1、八年级英语下册Unit 7写作指导本单元以“地理与自然”为话题,向我们介绍了地理奇观和两种珍稀动物。我们都知道大自然是五彩缤纷的,且人与自然是相互依存的,所以我们要尽最大的努力去保护大自然,保护动物。具体到本单元的学习中,要求同学们运用所学知识,介绍一些野生动物的相关情况,并要求大家保护好它们。一、写作积累描述地理和自然的句型:1.China is almost as big as the US. 2.Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China .3. .is . times larger / older / bigger / taller /

2、. than .4.China has a much longer history than the US .5.is .times as large / tall / big / . as .6.As far as I know,.7.How high / deep / wide / . is . . ?8.What s the biggest/largest . in the world ? 9.We should try our best to protect . .10.The number of . is getting smaller and smaller .二、经典范例在我们国

3、家,野生动物,尤其是濒危野生动物一直能得到很好的保护。2021年,我国保护云南亚洲象安全迁徙就是一个很好的例子。请你根据以下内容,以“Saving Asian Elephants”为题,写一篇介绍及保护亚洲象的英语短文。Animal:亚洲象Food:草,树叶,也吃香蕉和甘蔗(sugarcane)Living place:较热的地方Description:亚洲最大最壮的陆地动物之一;性格友善;极度濒危,数量稀少Ways to protect Asian elephants:保护森林;不购买象牙制品;请你自己补充一点。要求:1.80词左右 (给出部分不计入总词数);2.要点齐全,可适当发挥;3.条

4、理清晰,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范;4.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。【思路点拨】体裁:说明文时态:一般现在时人称:第三人称【思维导图】三、必背范文Saving Asian Elephants How much do you know about Asian elephants ? Let s learn more about them . The Asian elephant is one of the largest and strongest land animals in Asia . They mainly eat grass and leaves . At the same tim

5、e , they also eat bananas and sugarcane . They enjoy living in hotter places . They have a friendly personality , but with the hunting and killing of people , they are now extremely endangered and in rare numbers .In order to protect wild animals , we should cut down the forest reasonably and return

6、 the home to the wild animals . We mustn t buy things made of ivory . What s more , the government should pass some laws to protect them . In a word , if we can share the Earth with the animals , we will have a better world and a brighter future.四、实战演练 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友爱丽斯( Alice )在网上看到了能猫“花花”的视频,被其圈粉。她

7、发邮件来向你了解更多关于大熊猫的信息,请你给她回复一封邮件。邮件内容包括:1、介绍大熊猫的基本情况;2、大熊猫生活现状:3、政府对于保护大熊猫采取的措施。【思路点拨】通过题干可以确定写作的三个要点,1大能猫的基本情况介绍:2,大熊猫的生活现状;3.政府对于保护大熊猫采取的措施。基本介绍:国宝:. . China s national treasure .外貌:black and white . eyes are big . fat .习性:. eating bamboo . climb up trees . swim . 生活现状: fewer than 2 , 000 pandas livi

8、ng in the forests .in great danger .保护措施. plant more bamboos to protect them .【参考范文】Dear Alice , I m glad that you like pandas .Here I will tell you more about them .Pandas are China s national treasure . They re mainly from Sichuan . As you see , they are black and white . And they re really cute t

9、hough they re kind of fat . They can climb up trees and swim . Their favorite thing is eating bamboo .But now there are fewer than 2 , 000 pandas living in the forests in China . Pandas are in great danger . So the Chinese government is trying hard to protect them . The government plants more bamboos for them . What s more , an education program in Chengdu teaches children about pandas .I m sure pandas will have a better living environment in the future . Yours , Li Hua2


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