读后续写:索道惊魂 讲义+习作赏析(人与自我、个人成长)Word版

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1、读后续写:索道惊魂一、题目Ms.Johnson will never forget Chelsea, a wounded soul. Over the years Chelsea had always struggled, both academically and with self-confidence. Additionally, her mother had died after a heroic battle with a terminal illness when Chelsea was a fifth grader. As she began her sixth grade, C

2、helsea was still hurting. Ms.Johnson worried about her with good reason.Each fall,Ms. Johnson takes the students for a five-day adventure at Wolf Ridge, an environmental learning center in the woods of Northern Minnesota overlooking Lake Superior. The week is filled with learning, team building, and

3、 overcoming seemingly impossible challenges. They go in October, and the turning leaves of trees come to symbolize the changes happening to the students over the week. The steps and growth students make at Wolf Ridge become a metaphor Ms. Johnson uses throughout the year as her students face challen

4、ges in the classroom.The most difficult activity is the High Adventure Ropes Course, which stretches from tower to tower high amongest the treetops forty feet above the ground. Ms. Johnson knew this experience would be particularly difficult for Chelsea.When it was time for her to fasten the harness

5、 (安全带), Chelsea was already trembling. The harness offers physical protection, but not much mental comfort when nothing but a slippery board or an unsteady wire is between your feet and the ground far below. Chelsea stepped hesitantly onto the Swinging Wood Bridge, and only after the instructors enc

6、ouragement, slowly made her way across its shaky boards up to the first tower. With the support of a chaperone(监护人) stationed there, she began her way across the Burma Bridge, made of merely three wires and straps. Her trembling body added to its shaking. From down below, her ground partners shouted

7、 up supportively, Come on, Chelsea, youre doing great!Chelsea finally reached the second tower and eventually stepped out onto the next challenge and slowly inched her way across.Para1:Now she faced what for many is the most difficult activity: the Single Wire.Pare2:The final challenge is a zip line

8、(滑索), which requires leaping off the last tower and sliding to the ground.1. woundedadj.受伤的11. nothing but只有2. academicallyadv. 学业上12. slippery/slpri/ adj.滑的3. a heroic battle英勇的斗争13. unsteadyadj.不稳的4. a terminal illness绝症14. hesitantly迟疑地;踌躇地5. with good reason有充分的理由15. make ones way 前进6. overlookv

9、.俯瞰16. stationvt.派驻7. symbolize/smblaz/ v.象征17. strap/strp/ n.带子8. metaphor/metf(r)/ n.隐喻,象征18. inch ones way across慢慢地走过去9. stretch/stret/ v.延伸19. leap off .从跳下10. fasten/fs()n/ v.扣紧; 系牢20. slide to the ground滑到地面二、审题思考1. 原文中共出现了几个主要人物?(2个,Chelsea + Ms.Johnson)2. 前文情节中第一次成功的原因是什么?(同学鼓励)3. 两段续写都是在描写

10、开始闯关到成功的过程,怎么写的不一样?即,应该把侧重点放在什么上?答:成功原因是不一样的。第一次是老师鼓励,第二次是自己主动迎接挑战。暗线是自信心的重建过程。为什么会有这个重建?第二段她想到了什么才会这么坚定?因为想到了自己的妈妈的勇敢。三、微情节设计Para1:Now she faced what for many is the most difficult activity: the Single Wire.Pare2:The final challenge is a zip line(滑索), which requires leaping off the last tower and s

11、liding to the ground.第一段:(1)她:害怕(2)老师:鼓励(3)她:闯关成功第二段:(1)她:一开始害怕,但是想到妈妈就充满力量(2)她:闯关成功(3)他人:为她鼓掌(4)影响四、教师下水文短语1. 摇摇晃晃的单索道the unsteady single wire2. 极度的恐惧desperate fear3. 下意识地subconsciously4. 后退一步inch a step backward5. 察觉到sense6. 恐惧和恐慌n.terror and panic7. 意识到perceive8. 处于放弃的边缘on the edge of giving up9.

12、 克服overcome10. 发出支持的呼喊let out a supportive shout11. 她鼓起了全部勇气plucked up all her courage12. 手心冒汗palms sweat(ed)13. 两腿发抖legs shiver(ed)14. 努力做某事endeavour to do sth15. 调整呼吸adjust ones breath16. 与病魔搏斗struggle to fight the disease17. XX在她脑海中闪现XX flash(ed) into her mind18. 激发某人做某事的坚强意志fuel sbs strong will

13、to do sth19. 战胜她面前的挑战conquer the challenges before her20. 下定决心make a resolution (to do sth)21. 勇敢的courageous /kreds/22. 被包围be surrounded by23. 雷鸣般的掌声thunderous applause24. 回荡echo五、连词成篇Para1:(1) 切尔西一看到那根摇摇晃晃的单索道,她就感到极度的恐惧和焦虑,下意识地后退了一步。The instant the unsteady single wire came into her sight, desperat

14、e fear and anxiety surged through Chelsea and she inched a step backward subconsciously.(2) 约翰逊女士察觉到小女孩的恐惧和恐慌,意识到她正处于放弃的边缘。Sensing her terror and panic, Ms.Johnson perceived that the little girl was on the edge of giving up. (3) “切尔西,与你已经克服的事情相比,这次挑战根本不算什么!”你会成功的!”约翰逊女士从下面发出了支持的呼喊。“Chelsea, this cha

15、llenge is nothing compared to what you have already overcome! You could make it!” Ms.Johnson let out a supportive shout from below. (4) 犹豫了一会儿,她鼓起了全部勇气,踩上索道,最终到达了最后一座塔。Having hesitated for a while, she plucked up all her courage, stepping onto the wire and ultimately reaching the last tower. Para2:(1) 切尔西手心冒汗,两腿发抖,努力调整着呼吸。Palms sweating and legs shivering, Chelsea endeavoured to adjust her breath. (2) 母亲与病魔搏斗的画面在她脑海中闪现,这让她想起了母亲是多


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