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1、Unit 10 It s a nice day, isn t it? 教案第一课时Hello! Welcometo English class! Introduce yourself. Meet your new classmates. Thats what the teacher says. What do you say? Oh no! It can be difficult talking to new people. But it can be fun, and you can make frien ds. How do you do it? Make small talk. Smal

2、l talk is politeconversation. Wang Nan is a great pingpang player, isnt she? Id love to meet her, would nt you? Its bee n rai ning a lot, has nt it? Tag questions are a form of polite speech. To make small talk successfully, you should know how to makethem. You should also know what topics to talk a

3、bout. Try to lear nthis unit carefully. The n ext time youre in En glishclass, youll find out. Making small talks easy, is nt it?(“你好!欢迎你!请做一下自我介绍。认识一下你的新同学。”通常在课 上老师会这样说。你会说什么呢? “噢,不! ”与陌生人谈话太困难了。但是这 也很有意思,并且你还能交到朋友。你该怎么做呢?闲聊。闲聊指得是礼貌的对 话。“王楠是一个很棒的乒乓球运动员,不是吗?”“我希望自己能认识她,你呢? “今年的雨水很多,不是吗?”反意疑问句是一种礼貌用

4、语。为了使得谈话 成功,你应该知道怎样去进行闲聊。你还应该知道与不同的人该谈论什么样的话 题。认真的学习这个单元吧,下次在英语课上,你会发现与大家展开谈话是一件 很容易的事情,不信我们来试试。)、学习目标1 能使用反意疑问句有礼貌地与陌生人展开闲聊2 能辨别哪些话题适合闲聊3. 能使用目标语言表示赞同或者反对4. 能比较熟练的写一封感谢信5. 了解中西方文化差异、学习内容目标分类学习内容词汇viol in, small talk, umbrella, crowded, tha nk-you n ote, traffic, cafeteria, elevator, thriller, comed

5、y语1.学习反意疑问句法1) It s a nice day, isn t it?句Yes, it is. I really love hot weather.型2) You re Jenny s friend, aren t you?Yes, I am.3) It looks like rain, doesn t it?Yes, it does.4) You love baseball game, don t you?Yes, I do.功能Make small talk三、复习短语go swimmi ng去游泳wait in line排队hate doing sth.讨厌做某事It loo

6、ks like rain看上去要下雨了wait for the bus/ train等车I hope so/not.我布望如此/我不布望这样so am / do I我也是be late for/to迟到四、布置作业预习:Section A1a, 1b第二课时任务示范及讲解同学们,你曾经与不认识的人聊过天吗?相信大家的答案都是肯定的,在生活中我们会遇到很多种与陌生人谈话的场景, 这种谈话被称为闲聊,通常我们用 英语与人交谈时用一个陈述句再加上一个简短的问句, 便于打破僵局,展开谈话。 大家想想看一般在什么情况下,我们与自己不认识的人攀谈?Sample one:on a bus, wait in

7、a movie line, at the bus stop or train station, atthe con cert, in a restaura nt, at the park, etc.A: It s a niceday, isn t it?B: Yes, it is.A: The train is late, isn t it?B: Yes, it is.A: It looks like rain, doesn t it?B: Yes, it does.Sample two:成功的对话应该是谈话的双方都需要问问题以便谈话能够继续,在我们上节课2a的录音当中,第一、二段对话是不成功

8、的,而第三段对话因为双方都在不 停的找话题从而使得谈话得以顺畅的进行。请大家参照2b中的对话,想象一下现在是你在车站等车,你怎么开始与车 站上不认识的人交谈呢?请同学们把这段对话写下来。可供参考对话:A: It s really cold today, isn t it?B: Yes, it is. I hope the bus comes soon.A: I do, too, but it s always late on Sun day.B: Oh, I didn t know that. I usually take the bus on weekdays.A: Well, do you

9、 take the bus to school?B: Yes, I do.Sample 3: Complete the conv ersati on. Write senten ces in the bla nks.同学们,请阅读下面的文字材料,然后完成对话A: This is great weather, isn t it?B: It sure is. But it s a little hot for me.A: Oh, I love hot weather. B: Which beach are you going to?A: I m going to Today Beach.B: I

10、usually go to Sandy Beach.A:.B: No, it s neve r crowded. Well, have a good day!A:.B: Goodbye.Possible an swers:A: This is great weather, isn t it?B: It sure is. But it s a little hot for me.A: Oh, I love hot weather.I m going to the beach today.B: Which beach are you going to?A: I m going to Today B

11、each. Where do you usually go?B: I usually go to Sandy Beach.A: Is it very crowded?B: No, it s never crowded. Well, have a good day!A: Than ks. Goodbye.B: Goodbye.Sample 4:1.请同学们看78页4,图中的这些人分别是谁?你们通常在什么地方能够遇到他们,请 想一想什么样的话题比较适合与他们进行交谈。完成下列表格。(possible an swers are givenbelow.)WhoWherewhatA stude ntat

12、 the bus stopgamesA farmeron the farmpla nts or sth. else.An old manparkweatherA bus in essme nbus stopdove2.请选择表中的一个人物写一段你与他之间的对话I want to make a conversation with an old man.(possible con versati on give n by teacher)(At the park)I:It s a nice day, isnt it?The old man:Yes, it is. It s good for a w

13、alk, isn t it?I:Yes. Do you often take walks in the park?The old man:Yes, I take a walk everyday in the park.I:Great. Have a good day.The old man:You too. Goodbye.I:Goodbye.布置作业1.完成P78 3b2.完成sample 4中的一个对话。3.听 P79 Section B2a 和 2b第三课时任务示范及讲解Sample 1Every yearthere are some new students in your schoo

14、l. Think of things they can talk about in the hallway, in the classroo m, in the cafeteria, or on the playgro und. Finish the article below to offer help and give advice.Small Talk for New Stude ntsAre you shy meeting new people? Here are someideas for making small talk.Here are the possible ideas g

15、ive n by teacher:Small Talk for New Stude ntsAre you shy meeting new people? If you do, here are someideas for making small talk.DoDon tTalk about someth ing you can both see. For example, you could say, “It s quite a big classroom, isn t it? ”, ” Our classmates are frie ndly, arent they? ”Don t say any thi ng too pers on al.Say someth ing about the wea


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