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1、一、单词拼写:1. Madame Curie devoted herself to _(科学的) research.3. After they had studied for years, they _ (宣布)with certainty that they found out the reason.4. I think AIDS can be _ (打败)by man in a few years time 5. Many people are in hospital because of the _ (污染了的)water. 6.He was so _ (沉迷)in the love s

2、tory that he didnt notice the teacher behind him.7.Pan Jinlian and Xi Menqing were to _ for the death of Wu Dalang. (责备)8.The new teaching building is under _(建设).9.Pride is one of the boys less attractive _(特性).10.By _(分析)the sentence we can learn more about the English grammar.11.The old retired w

3、orker is very _(热心的)about neighbourhood affairs.12.The footballer died of a _(严重的)heart attack while playing a game against France.The young man was anxious to join the army but was r_(拒绝) because he was not high enough.8. Lilys watch was lost and we all s_(怀疑) that Tom did it, because he used to st

4、eal others things.9.Our new house is very c_(方便的) for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.10.I had great difficulty _(完成) the work in time.11.The teachers explanation _(澄清) the puzzling problem.12.He was forced to sign an _(违愿的)agreement with his boss.13.After she came back from Russia, sh

5、e gave our class a vivid _ (描述)of the country. 14.Your statement is in _(矛盾,冲突) with the rest of the evidence.15.What a _(辉煌的,壮丽的) building it is.16.Confused by the new_(环境), I was hit by a lack of fresh air.17.I wont _(容忍) your doing that.18.As he got well-prepared in the examination, he is very _(

6、乐观的) about the outcome.19.I am unable to attend your birthday party because of a_(以前的) engagement(约定).20.This factory is built to r_(回收) waste plastics to reduce the pollution.21.Steel and stone are building m_ (材料) that we can use to build skyscrapers.22. Those two countries have reached a peace _

7、(解决).23. He made a deep i_(印象) on me.24.We made a few _(调整) to the plan.25. Im sorry to have broken your glass, but I didnt do it d_ (故意地).26.He was _(控告) of murder by the police.27.It is very important that clocks at the airport should be _(准确的).28.Youd better make an a_ _(安排) with the doctor befor

8、e you visit him.29. Father _ (赞成,批准) of my playing games for relaxation as long as I do well in studies.30. He feels quite _ _ (内疚的)of being unable to take care of his sick father.31. David and I are c_ _(同事).We work in the same company.32. He is a musician with great _(技术的,技巧方面的) skill but not much

9、 feeling.33. We will do all we can to _ (帮助) you.34. She was (高兴的)at the news of her daughters wedding.35. (需求)is exceeding supply. 36.She has _ (获得、得到) a good knowledge of English.37.We cant _(全神贯注于)on studies with the cars noises going on.38. He tried to kill himself by taking _(毒药). 39. Her foot

10、was very_(肿胀的)after the accident. 40. I cant_(挤出)toothpaste out of the tube. 41. Fever is a_(征兆) of many illnesses. 42.His brother was _(治疗) for a heart condition in that hospital.43. I_(申请)to four universities and was accepted by all of them.44.The girls come from a_(多样) of different backgrounds.45

11、. A lot of work now is _(暂时的)or part-time.46.The _(救护车) took the patient to the near hospital.47.She is lying in her front garden _(流血) very heavily.48.Liang Chaowei invited him to attend their Wedding _(仪式), but he refused.二、用句子的适当形式填空:1.Listen! The song _ _(sing)is very popular with the students.2

12、.The question _ _ _ (discuss)at the tomorrows meeting is a very important one.3.Her _ (surprise)look suggests that the news is quite _(surprise).4.Would you like to _(make) yourself _(know) to all at the beginning of the party?5. I am sorry to _ _(keep) you _(wait) for so long.6._(follow) by her lit

13、tle dog, she walked out of the house.7._ in 1910( build), the tower is almost 100 years old.8. _ _ according to (give如果服用)the instructions, the drug has no side effect.9._ _ _(给予足够的时间), he can finish the job in time.10.Only if you ask many different questions, _ _ _ (你将会获取)all the information you need to know.11.He came into a big room,_


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