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1、离婚公证书翻译 篇一:离婚公证书英文翻译模版Notarization of Divorce2021 XXX Zheng Zi No.XX This is to certify that XXX男方姓名(male, born on XXX,19XX出生日期) and XXX女方姓名(female, born on XXX,19XX出生日期) registered devorce on XXX XX,2021离婚日期 at the Civil Affairs Bureau of XXXXX县名, XXXX省名 Province.Notary:XXX Notary Public OfficeXXX

2、ProvinceThe Peoples Republic of China XXXX XX,2021公证日期篇二:公证书样本英文委托书 本人 本人姓名 性别,出生日期,身份证号 和 (前)配偶姓名 性别,出生日期,身份证号 是 孩子姓名 性别,出生日期,护照号 的父母。在此,作为 孩子姓名 的父母,我们委托 委托人姓名 性别,出生日期,护(原文来自:wWw.xiaOcAofANweN.coM 小 草 范 文 网:)照号带我们的儿子/女儿 孩子姓名 赴 目标地国家 旅游,并由我们二人负担儿女的全部旅游费用,旅游期限为: 年 月 日至 年 月 日。 特此申明。申明人: 父母双方签字 年 月 日以下

3、为英文模板declaration i本人姓名拼音 and 音 性别,出生日期,护照号 。now i solemnly make the following staterment:音 s parents,we entrust 委托人姓名拼音 性别,出生日期,护照号 行程的出发时间 dd/mm/yyyy 此次行程的结束时间 dd/mm/yyyy 。we are willing to cover all the expenses of our child incurredduring the traveling 。we confirm the above is true and faithful。d

4、eclarant:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2021-02-09|:赛凌翻译网 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为企业登记注册公证。 通常来说,英文公证书包含三部分: ? 政府机构或法院签发的证实文书 如courts service 公证员签署的公证书 notarycertificate 被公证的文件在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证实文书很主要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。该文书证实了签署英文公证书的公证员的身份正当性。该文书通常政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭 supreme court 、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部 mi

5、nistry of government services 、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院 supreme court 。-courts servicean tseirbhis chirteannai, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certifythat it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose nameis subscribed to the annexed document

6、was on the 30th day of july 2021 appointed anotary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the presenttime on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believethe same to be her proper handwriting and her seal. dated this 18

7、day of october 2021 th signature- name of the registrar assistant registrarseal of the supreme court英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证实文书 如courts service 英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书 notary certificate 其它证件翻译篇三:公证书英文版 certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130 编号 this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issue

8、d to her injune, 2021 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742021000990)and that we havecarefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuyelingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of china notary:date:篇四:出生公证书(英文模板) 出

9、生 公 证 书 2021 浙开证外字第*号兹证实*,女,于*年*月*日在浙江省*县出生。*的父亲是*,*的母亲是*。 中国浙江省*县公证处公证员 二o一o年二月八日 notarial certificate of birth (translation)(2021) zkzwz no. * this is to certify that *, female, was born in * county, zhejiang provinceon july 4, 1989. her father is * and her mother is *.notary: * signatory seal)* c

10、ounty notary public officezhejiang provincethe peoples republic of china(seal)february 8, 2021篇五:证件翻译大全-公证文书英文翻译样本1 证件翻译大全-公证文书英文翻译样本一 国外使用的公证书格式of the northern marianaislandon this day of , 19, personallyappeared before meand, known to me to be theperson(s) whose signature(s) is/ are subscribed to

11、the foregoing instrument and whoacknowledged to methat he/she/they executed the same as a voluntary act for thepurposes set forth herein.in witness whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and official seal on thedayand year first written above.xx联邦马里亚纳公证书 兹证实xxx 和xxx 于x 年x月x 日,在我的面前,签署了xx 协议。 经查,此行为是她

12、她 她们 按协议精神自愿推行的。公证员 署名二 中国使用的公证书格式x x x 协议公证书 xx 字第xx号兹证实 xxx 单位全称 的法定代表人 或其代理人 xxx 和 xxx 单位全称 的法定代表人 或其代理人 xxx 于x 年x月x 日, 在xxx 地点 或本公证处 ,在我的面前,签署了上述xxx 协议。经查,上述双方当事人签署协议的行为符合中国民法通则 第五十五条的要求,协议内容符合中国xxx 法的要求。篇三:出生公证书翻译英语证件翻译大全-出生公证英文翻译样本 出生公证2021 沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证实王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。王云的父亲是王国融, 王莹的

13、母亲是杨丽红。中国上海市徐汇区公证处 公证员二00三年四月一日 notarial certificate(2021)h.x.z.w.z.no.44556 (english translation)this is to certify that wang yun, female, was born on july 12,1977 in shanghai. herfather is wang guorong and her mother is yang lihong. shanghai xuhuidistrict notary public officethe peoples republic o

14、f china (sealed)notary public:(sealed)dated: april 1,2021证件翻译大全-结婚证英文翻译样本 the peoples republic of chinamarriage certificate (english translation) xxx and xxx applied for marriage registration. after being examined, theirapplication conforms to the marriage law of the peoples republic of china. we give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate. ministry of civil affair of the peoples repepublic ofchina (seal)special seal for marriage register of haidian district, beijing civil affairsbureaumarriage register: (signature) xxxcertificate holder: xxx



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