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1、 探究式教学中培养学生主体意识的研究以高中化学实验教学内容为例 摘 要 以实验为基础是化学这门学科的重要特征之一,同时化学实验对于中学化学课程教学具有十分重要的积极作用。以往化学实验教学一般为:教师讲解示范学生复述操作小结等,这种机械的、学生被动的教学模式,在一定程度上束缚了学生的创造性思维的培养和发展,阻碍了学生综合能力的提升。近几年高考化学试题中也有对化学探究性实验的考察,但是学生面对这些问题是总是感到力不从心,要么实验原理或实验操作不清楚、要么语言描述不全面、说不到采分点,思路不清,素手无策,实验题成为主要的丢分环节。究其原因,主要还是高中化学探究性实验的落实情况不尽如人意。本文主要以X


3、方面改善明显,同时,实验组同学的学习方式也有了很大的转变,不仅在课堂中能够积极参与,在课后的学习中也主动地与同学进行交流。对化学的兴趣也越来越高涨,更有自信,成绩也不断进步。在这种注重学生参与的探究式教学模式下,同学们的参与意识更强,主动性也在不断提高,真正成为了学习的主人。通过研究得出以下结论:注重学生参与的探究式教学模式大大提高了学生学习的兴趣、提高了学生探究过程中的参与意识、提高了学生的探究能力和综合素质、建立了和谐的师生关系。关键词:探究式教学模式;化学实验教学;参与意识Research on the cultivation of students subject consciousn

4、ess during inquiry teaching Taking senior high school chemical experiment teaching as an example ABSTRACTThe experiment is one of the important characteristics of the chemistry, and the chemical experiment has a very important positive effect on the chemistry course teaching in middle school. The ge

5、neral chemistry experiment teaching: Teachers - students repeat operation - demonstration summary, this machine, the students passive teaching mode, to some extent hindered the fostering of creative thinking and the development of the students, has hindered the improvement of comprehensive ability o

6、f students.In recent years the college entrance examination chemistry is also investigated on exploratory experimental chemistry, but students in the face of these problems is always feel inadequate, either experimental or experimental operating principle is not clear, or language description is not

7、 comprehensive, not to say points, unclear thinking, theres nothing to lose, the main links become experiment. The main reason is that the implementation of the high school chemistry inquiry experiment is not satisfactory.This article mainly takes the XX middle school chemistry experiment teaching c

8、ontent of XX city as an example to study the inquiry teaching mode to cultivate the students participation consciousness. Through the investigation of XX middle school in XX City, we choose the senior one (15), (16) class, the number 120 as the experimental group. We choose the same grade, the same

9、level of high (17), (18) classes, the number of 120 people as the control group, carry out this research topic, the time is one semester. From the aspects of students test scores, interest in learning, awareness of problems, exploring cooperative learning, classroom feeling and performance, we make

10、a comparative analysis, and evaluate the effect of implementing this teaching mode. This paper gives a case study of inquiry teaching mode focusing on student participation, represented by teaching design of ferrous salt and ferrous salt and teaching design of metal and acid and water. The results s

11、how that the application in the construction of inquiry teaching mode of teaching, examination, inquiry learning interest, problem consciousness, cooperative learning, classroom experience and performance etc. improved significantly, at the same time, the experimental group of students learning styl

12、e has been greatly changed, not only can actively participate in the classroom, in the after learning also actively communicate with the students. Interest in chemistry is increasing, more confident, and progress in progress. Under this inquiry teaching mode that focuses on student participation, st

13、udents sense of participation is stronger, initiative is also improving, and truly become the master of learning. The following conclusions can be drawn from the research: the inquiry teaching mode which focuses on student participation has greatly improved students interest in learning, improved st

14、udents participation consciousness in inquiry process, improved students inquiry ability and comprehensive quality, and established a harmonious relationship between teachers and students.KEY WORDS: inquiry teaching mode; chemical experiment teaching; participation consciousness目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 绪论

15、11.1 问题的提出11.1.1 实验在化学学习中的重要性11.1.2 新课程改革对探究性实验的要求11.1.3 现行高中化学实验教学的现状21.2 研究意义31.3 国内外研究现状41.3.1 国外研究现状41.3.2 国内研究现状41.4 研究内容与方法71.4.1 研究内容71.4.2 研究方法72 相关概念及理论概述92.1 概念界定92.1.1 探究式教学92.1.2 注重学生主体意识的探究式教学包含的内容102.2 理论基础102.2.1 建构主义学习理论102.2.2 掌握学习理论112.2.3 主体性教育理论122.2.4 人本主义学习理论122.2.5 认知主义学习理论133

16、 体现学生主体意识的探究式教学模式的构建143.1 体现学生主体意识的探究式教学模式结构143.2 体现学生主体意识的探究式教学模式教学程序与特点143.2.1 创设问题情境,激发学生学习兴趣143.2.2 点拨思路,引导探究的方向153.2.3 课堂上合作探究,积极交流思考153.2.4 对知识进行迁移应用,提高学习能力153.2.5 布置有创新性的作业,激发潜能163.2.6 反馈评价163.3 体现学生主体意识的探究式教学模式的原则163.3.1 立足课堂提升教学质量173.2.2 以学生为主体进行独立探讨183.2.3 教师引导展开课堂互动193.4 体现学生主体意识的探究式教学模式的评价方法193.5 体现学生主体意识的探究式教学策


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