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1、2018 年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试模拟试题PaperOne试卷一Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes, 10 points)Section ADirections: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the cho

2、ices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Dialogue OneA. Thats arelief!B. He must bearound.C. Is it going tohurt?Doctor: We are going to do the operation tomorrow. I can see you look worried. But dont be!Kevin: Im trying not to1Doctor: Youll be under anesthesia. You wont

3、 feel a thing.Kevin:2Doctor: Youll need to sign a consent form before we can begin the procedure.Kevin: OK. Ill sign it.Doctor: You got a family member here? Kevin: Yeah, my brother ishere.3Doctor: Tell him to cometomorrow.Kevin: I will call him. Is there any other things I should prepare?Doctor: Re

4、member to eatnothing.Kevin: That will not be aproblem.答案:CAB医生:明天我们就要给你做手术啦。我能感觉到你的紧张。不过,不需要紧张哈。凯文:我尽量。会很疼吗?医生:我们会给你打麻药的,你不会感觉到疼痛。凯文:那就好!医生:在这之前你需要签订一份手术同意书。凯文:好,我会签的。医生:你的家属在吗?凯文:是的,我哥哥在。他可能在附近晃悠。医生:让他明天来。凯文:好的,我会通知他的。还有什么需要准备的吗?医生:记住不要吃东西。凯文:没问题。Dialogue TwoA.Take cash or deposit in yourcard?B.Cou

5、ld you give me some smallnotes?C.What kind of currency do you want tochange? Customer: Can you change me some money, please? Clerk:4Customer: Please change some RMB from my US dollars account.Clerk: Please tell me how much you want to change.Customer: 3000 RMB, please.Clerk:5Customer: Id like to tak

6、e cash. Whats the exchange rate today? Clerk: If you will wait a moment, the rates of exchange is about1:8. Customer: Id like to break this 100 RMB.6Clerk: How would you like it?Customer: Three 20s, some 10s and 5s, please.Clerk: No problem.答案:CAB顾客:能帮我换点钱吗?柜员:换哪个币种?顾客:美金换人民币。柜员:换多少钱?顾客:3000人民币。柜员:请

7、问您兑换后是要取走人民币现金还是存入卡?顾客:我要现金。今日的汇率是多少?柜员:稍等,汇率大约是1:8。顾客:我想把这张100元找开,换成零钱。柜员:你想怎么换?顾客:三个20的,一些10块和5块。柜员:没问题。Section BDirections:Inthissection,thereisoneincompleteinterviewwhichhasfourblanksandfourchoicesA,B,CandD, taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete

8、 the interview and mark your answer on the AnswerSheet.A. China and South Korea are the most influencedcountries.B. What challenge will you face as anactor?C. Since I was young, I was listening to a lot of Hip-Hop music while playing basketball, so that I got really intoit.D. I can experience differ

9、ent lives, thats a present to all theactors. Interviewer: When did you start getting in touch with hip-hop music? Kris Wu:7Interviewer: How do you think about it now?KrisWu:Upuntilnow,theAmericanHip-Hopdoitbestaroundtheworld. 8So I come here to learn something about my music. I always want to find s

10、omething that is easy to the ear foraudience.Interviewer: That sounds good. Have you ever considered of being an actor?Kris Wu: Yes, I have seen a movie called La La Land, its fantastic. Im not a big fan of musical movie, but this one is different. The story theyre telling, and the way they edit, ev

11、erything was on point. I would like to take part in if theres a chance forme.Interviewer:9Kris Wu: Theres no short cut to it, getting recognition by audience is very difficult at first.Interviewer: How will acting benefit you?Kris Wu:10答案:CABD主持:你是从什么时候开始接触嘻哈音乐的?克里斯吴:我小的时候边打篮球边听边听嘻哈时,我就已经爱上它了。主持:你觉得

12、现在的嘻哈音乐发展得怎么样了?克里斯吴:目前为止,美国的嘻哈音乐是全球做得最好的。中韩两国受到很大的影响。所以我来这里学习。我一直想创作出听众们喜欢的音乐。主持:听起来不错。你有考虑过当一名演员吗?克里斯吴:是的,我看过一部爱乐之城的电影,非常棒。我不太迷恋音乐剧,但这一部与众不同。它们讲述的故事,演绎的方式,都非常经典。如果有机会,我也想加入拍摄的行列当中。主持:作为一名演员,你觉得会面临哪些挑战呢?克里斯吴:拍戏没有捷径,得到观众的认可是一件非常难的事情。主持:那么你觉得拍戏能让你收获什么呢?克里斯吴:我能体验各种各样的人生,这是对所有演员的馈赠。Part II Vocabulary (1

13、0 minutes, 10 points)Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence, Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.11. The design of this auditorium shows a great

14、deal of creativity. We have never seen such a buildingbefore.A. orientationB.originalityC.illusionD. invention12. The group eventually split into three segments, relegating distinct roles andtasks.A. burstintoB.plungeintoC.changeintoD. separateinto13. A newly discovered virus may be the most abundan

15、t organism on theplanet.A. fertileB.artificialC.productiveD. harmful14. As to the precise value of this scientific knowledge, it depends to a great extent on how it has been acquired and on who has been impartingit.A. pursuingB.instructingC.summarizingD. accumulating15. As more and more cars are produced and used, so the emission from their exhaust-pipes contains an even larger volume of poisonousgas.A. exposureB.dischargeC.expansionD. distribution16. Environmentalists claim that these sorts of actions are reasona



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