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1、野生动物保护英语作文野生动物爱护英语作文 导语:动物与我们人类一样,有思想,有感情,也有它们自己的生活方式,更有自由权。下面是我为大家整理的野生动物爱护英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。更多相关的学问,请关注CFA学习网! 1野生动物爱护英语作文 Wh umanbing o Earth since tn otiueo evol atthsameime hs ben urt tho ovey animas. They did not atfault they re ony acordnce with thelaws nat livein pece. t sice the exience of mnk

2、idtheiromes beome increasnl small. o is ae evn bom xint In the xtinctionofanm th thyacine is h wrst. Thlinein a ng timgto lv inthe asprairie they ve benvery happy carefre. iceearri o huan einshvechngd their lives.Duo the large nmber f humaenclosue livsock grass mk les ad lechge to aherbivores o moe

3、to otherrsads.Ths hbirus anial toeatte wolf a there isofood. Tey tal human nimals. rmers would hae te wof fr th bag see a lng on n tis last onwildhylai waaso killed. Whe epe houdbawar o xit thylain the prteciono heakbega lst a thlacin it thlacn nly48 days beoe e final das And 8 days later the over t

4、hylcine disapedr the Earh theForeer! Of curse notallanml are xtinct humn illing m chag in the eironnt arenot sttncton. Howvr the extiction o somenimal human beings have an unshikeresponiility. Sine nnt timeshumabens have been clto those analsalone huneprivaio of tr rit o lve. No se to havebeen ware

5、o th exincin of a anmlhaars. ordr to make moneywa peopeare iling to do o theysell ur animas shopping alls th meato anils soldrsaurants. Bt w ca notshirkal responsibilty t the heads of adrs consuersalave the rsponsibility ifthe s no csumer dad thehraders illno take thers. Hmanbeng are still eaig wi i

6、als oxaml: the snake.f th xtinction of the sns ts woul nto beedg henow do we . .So each has is ilogicl ignficanc of the exenethey a n hatral lw of surva. If aroken fdchain then othr will wntoly beedig anmls and even hreat huaity w bea in nd theprotectin of ans. The prtction of anialstoprotect humanb

7、eing thmselv!随着人类对地球的影响,我们在不断进化的同时也损害了那些可爱的动物。他们没有过错,他们只是根据自然规律生活在和平中。但是自从人类的存在,他们的家园变得越来越小。有些动物甚至灭亡了。 在动物的灭亡,袋狼算是最惨的。在很久以前袋狼生活在广袤的大草原上,他们始终很欢乐,无忧无虑。人类的到来变更了他们的生活。由于大量的人类围封,牲畜草对很多食草动物迁移到其他草原的影响越来越小。这种草食动物吃狼袋子,没有食物。他们偷人的动物。农夫们厌烦的袋狼,见一个杀一个,就这样最终一只野生袋狼也被杀死了。当人们意识到袋狼灭亡,爱护的公园起先的最终一只袋狼,这只袋狼仅48天之前的最终一天。4天以

8、后,袋狼恒久从地球消逝了,恒久的! 当然,并不是全部的动物都灭亡了人类,有些环境的改变是不适合灭亡的。然而,某些动物的灭亡,人类有着不行推卸的责任。自古以来,人类对这些动物都是残酷的,人类剥夺了他们的生存权。 现在好像已经意识到了动物灭亡的危急。为了赚钱,人们情愿做什么,他们卖毛皮动物,商场,动物肉卖给餐馆。但我们不能推卸全部责任给贸易商的负责人,消费者也有责任,假如没有消费者的需求,贸易商就不会担当风险。人类仍在吃野生动物。例如:蛇。假如蛇灭亡了,老鼠就会大肆繁殖,那我们怎么办呢?&helli;… 所以每一种生物都有其存在的意义,它们都是生存的自然法则。假如一条食物链断了,那么

9、另一条就会大肆滋生动物,甚至威逼到人类,我们要牢记动物的爱护。爱护动物就是爱护人类自己! 2野生动物爱护英语作文 My l nials ar facin t danger oeictio caus e environmnt tha hey re livingn ha chned reatly. Forexmle,wih th develpet o te the usng of isectiidn serios pollton thei ling ares e cm rrowcr and nrrower anohe wildanmals nowae corontt food crisis. A

10、the same time man is killing off seciesjustfor ttin tir fu kinhorns teeth aea. Svng Land for Endngered Aimals re is only somhlando t earth a s wate c do with it is liitd Sme peope leehat mannedsfor farmlanhousig nd nustry sl me fist hil hers beiev tht sme ladsod b setasdefr ndangered anias. am f the

11、 opnio that w sold sere ome land fr the wold&rsq;s ails for the fllwing ess. Firstnkindrsquo; ndfo an iconstantly gwingIfthe en isno chcked isome wyhunswil eenually devlop allothe ear&rsuo;s aailble la. At that t mankind will have nomore room to grownall he wild nimals wl havdsapeareds wll as othall

12、e esorces. Second mans areble to innoate andcan use th ad that theyaleay posses in mo eficient ways. Animal are uableto do thOnctheir lnd is taenawayfe y wil die Thd andlas ndngered animals are n mportnt rto he iodivesitof our lane. Ifhey dsapper e cat rdict wat theeffet wll be.refore wshouldtretsuc

13、h animalss a valale resorc to bpoected. Tos up te word&squo;s endanged nimls ean imprat eource and wshuldpotem by setting side sm lad fo them.Altugh akindsu;sneed for land connueto gro pe ar itelgnt nd inventive enogh t uthe lad hy hae o betteus. n tis ay wecanhaeenough land for famighosing and idustrad rerve the bodversity ofhplanet t the same


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