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1、关于介绍中国元宵节英文作文 元宵节即将到来,关于介绍中国元宵节英文作文怎么写呢!下面聘才我为大家整理了一些关于关于介绍中国元宵节英文作文范文,欢迎大家阅读。 关于介绍中国元宵节英文作文一:The 15-y elbration of Cinse Near The fir day of te nr New Year isthe welcomig of the gos oftheheavesa arth.ny peoe absain fo met on th firstday ofhe ne y becau it ibeivedhatthis wll esure lnand apy lives fo

2、r th. n thescnd ay,the Chine ray ttheir ancests as el sto al thegod. Tey ae extakito ogs a fed thm wl s i s belivd that the secon y is th birthdayof all ogs. Te i and ourtdays are forthon-in-laws topay respct to thirprent-in-law. Th fh day scalledP Woo.On that day peol sa home t lcoe te odof Wealh.

3、one vists faiead rends onth ifthday beauseitwill big boh parties bad luck On thesth tthe 10t day, the Cinese visi thi rlatves and fredfeely. Theyalovisitte emple opry for od ortue adhealth. Th seentday of the Ne Yearite dayfo farmr todisplay ther duc. Thesefarmm a drik f seen types vegeableso celebr

4、e the ocasio.Th seventh day is as cnsieredthe bthdayof n beng Noodls are eae to prmote lonvityandra sh r uccs. On the ihth day th uinpeole have other amily reunion dinner, and at idighhey ry to Tan Gog, the Goof Havn. Thennth a is ak oferings to h Je Eperr. The0th hrough 12th reda tat fris nrelaties

5、 shuld e ivited frdinner. Afterso much ricod, o e th d youhul havesimpl rcecnee and mustard green(choi um)o cleansethe syt. Th da shulbe r pepaions t celeba thente Festivl whichs to behel onhe15th nht. 关于介绍中国元宵节英文作文二:Lnten esival thnern feiva or yuaniaojie isa traditional chiese estivl,which s on t

6、15t o tefrstmonth f th chines new year. the fesars the n o h celerationsft chnee nw yar. hinese stted to eleratethelatenfstial rom the andynay (206 b - 22 ad). ike mst ohr hines festvals,erlso a story hinthe festial t i alo beieved hat the iva hs taist oigins. thi i a fesivlforpeol aving fun.onth ni

7、ght oft estil, peop go onstreetsth a variet o lanters r e ulmoon, wtchn ion or drago dnig, paing hines ridles andams, and lghtgup firecracrs. thereis realy of fn ortheyoung an od. yuanxiao (gutis rice al) or taguithe specal food fr th ant fetival. ieleved that yaao s named at placmaid, yuaxiao, o em

8、peror wud ofte ha dynasty. yuanaos kind of swet dumpli, whic imae with stikyrice lur illed wih swee sufi. yuanxaoisstcky, swet an round i ap, symolzin fmilyuni, completness and hpiness 关于介绍中国元宵节英文作文三:ante Fstial thechinesenewyar is no ppul nown asthe spin estal ecaeit strts om the bgining f sn (th r

9、st o the twnfou terms incoinionthhchagof naure) i gn is t d to eraced. several xlanations e aging round all aree, ver, that he wo nian,wich modern chise solely mns year,was orgall he na a moster beat tt reto rey n pepleenihtbeoe the begnning of a nw yar. olegend goes tat bastnian ha a vrybig mouth t

10、htwuld swallw a grat many peole with oe bite. ewe vryscred. on day,no man cameto ther rescue, oferingt sbe nian. o nianhe sid, hrs thayour ey capale,but can yoswalowhe othr bets f pr oeartiead of people who ar bnmeansf your worhy oponents? s, t id swllow a ofth easts of prey o eattht asoharrasepeopl

11、e adthir doesc animals fromtime to tm. 关于介绍中国元宵节英文作文四:atrn Fiva rbablmr food iosumeddng t nw year celebratin tha noer timof the yr astmounts otaditioa fodippadfor famly an fries, aswll a tseclose ous who havedie. on nw ye&3;s , the chinsefamily will t vegetian dih cled ai.althoug hevarious ingrdints

12、 in ai aerot vegetables r fbus vegebles,man pople atribute varis supestitios aspecs tothem. ohroos includa wole fih,to eprent togternessa aundance, ada chicen poperity. h chicen st be presented ith head, ail and et osmbolz cmleteess. nodls shol be ncu,as hey eesentlonlife n southin,te avoite and most typa dishes ere nian ao, sweet steamed gutinous rice(糯米)udig and zog zi (gluns rcewrapedu inred(芦苇)lav),anoter ppuladelicacy.



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