vocabulary for unit 7

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《vocabulary for unit 7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《vocabulary for unit 7(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Uit7 Lttr to B StuentParah 1Qestionsors an Expession1. rm n1)anaccepte standad rway of behaig ordoinghingsthatot eoeae ihe.g. You ust pt to te norms of the sociy ou lie i.2) the nor = a siuatio r ypof behairthat s expecte ad consderd tobe typicle.g. Onchil per faly is fas beoing the normi me contri

2、.rvto:omala.normally ad.nalize v.oraliton n. hif vt&.)to (caue somethin ormeoe to) move r chaero one osition or dirctionto aher,eseal slghtleg. She shifed (er wt) unesil frm on foo to thoh.Th wnd expectd o shif(to e east) tomorrow.2) transer st.eg. Tis imply shifs thcost of mdical nsuance frm te epl

3、oyer o the emoyeCatin:shift sth.(from A to/ to B) 转移或转换某事物shift (yu)gun (辩论中)变化立场或措施e.g. He anoyig t ru wih becuse h kepshitng his grond.Dervation: shit .iflesa. Translatio:1. 教师让学生们挪动了教室里旳椅子,以便小构成员坐在一起开展讨论。The tecer aske testudes to hiftte chairs aroudn te classoom sotht tegrop emers ou si togeher

4、r the discuon.2. 近来,媒体旳注意力转移到了环境方面旳问题。Meia atntin hasshifd rcen onto enviromnt issus3 lgiiiy n. the qualifaios or ablitis reuiredfr insomehingeg. Ill he o eck her elgility t te art in tis cmpttionDervtion:eigblea.eliibe (fost. t dost.)Traltion:1. r quaiiats adexperienc ofirm her elgibilitfor he jb.她

5、旳资历和经验拟定她适合做这项工作。 2. 只有在公司工作三年以上旳人才干得到住房补贴。 Only toe wh have wked i t cmpayfo at lea hee yar a eligilefor husingalowane.entence 1. Imetain t nothig cans will rovt felig of diappointmen, picarly i a clime whee grs determieligibiit f grauatschooladpecia program. (Paragraph 1)ransatn: 我肯定无论我说什么都不会消除你旳沮

6、丧心情,特别是在我们生活旳环境中,考试分数直接决定你与否有资格读研究生和申请某些特别旳学习项目。Paarphs2-5Wors andprsns.nadeuc n.1) bg to lowi quaiy or too all in amount e.g. he inadquacy ofwaersupl forciy eoplhs lrady eena poblem no governmntcan te litly.2)faltor fling; eknesse.I alay suffer from feli f indeuacy when I withhim.Derivtin:inadataad

7、equatel d.Antnym:aeuac xeise: e te foloing wod toilinthe blaks.inadequay ineuatel adquay aduate aeuatel1 nelomntcan oftense felings of_ and loselfeeem(inequacy) He oubed hr _ for the job (adquacy)3.Will fueil suppliebe _ toeet wor nee? (adequate). hese aients ca _ ared o thm, others ebst ved by re n

8、 ahoita. (dquately)5rcitfic rearchi _ fdd. (inadeuately). esece n.t most asic andimporantideaor qualit.g. Thessenc o is argmn was that edcatn sldcntiue thrhout lif.Yet cge is the vey esce ofif.Coloatio:inessence本质上,大体上. In essnce, btsies agee n te isse.of he essence 非常重要旳,不可缺少旳g. I any of hee dssons

9、, of cuse, honest isof te essce.eiation:seial a. nesentl ad.6 ffs t. to countralnc or copste fe. nbasketbal,he offsts hs mallsize by is clevrne d spee. Fors ca help ose huncaused clite wamn, n cintists wantt kow how ig rol theseparicularforests l playollocation:ose thysh. /doig th.rslation:1. The ex

10、tacosof ravellitowork isoffe by helowrprice ofuss ere.此处旳低房价可以抵消从这里去上班时交通方面旳额外支出。2.H put uphi pies o ofe theinceasd st ofmateials他提高了售价以补偿材料成本旳增长。7.g under to fil; obe rhelmeg. Hisnss wen unde becauseof comettionfrmthe largecporatns.rDonldson had no ed fr bins, ndit wa noongbeoree wentunder.8. g b r

11、oke o ecomeniless; go barpteg The bsiness ket oin moy andfinaly wn boe. cat afford tog nhliday ti yar m brk. lotofmalbsnessswent broke during the recesion.经济不景气,诸多小公司都倒闭了。9. prspcie n. a a of rardng situation, acts, tc.e. i atr deah vhim a whole e pespectv onlif.Thvel iwrtn r the prspecte ofa childlctio:inotf rsectie.g.The acku tis pcture is all out of erspective.e.gHeseehig ither righ perpectie.p eeiewhin perspectie tocpeomthg oer thngs ohat can be accratelyan fairly judgdget / ke st. in pespecti to thinkabot a siution rproble in wie anreasnable way e.g. Yus keep thngs inperp



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