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1、1. Doyou think that making music and art compulsory subjects in schools would reduce some children s enjoyment of them?2. Bob s one of those people who relish risk and danger he d be bored in a safe, steady job.3. Elizabeth is certainly talented enough to succeed in her career; she just doesn t have

2、 enough confidence in her own abilities.4. I m sorry you re in trouble, but as you made your decision on your own you ll just have to face the【consequences5. Manyeducators would be delighted to abolish exams, but they also worry that without them there would be too little【incentive for students to w

3、orkhard.6. The teacher accidentally hit the boy s hand with an eraser and was henceforth known as “DeadEye Bean” .7. If I had money, I d invest it all in Internet companies.8. Psychologists say that our behavior is influenced by manyfactors too subtle for us to consciously 【perceive .9. He; s always

4、 had apassion for books. If he could work in a library, itwould be a dream come true.10. Look at those three whispering in the corner again they re scheming something, I just don t know what!11. 姆去年转来我校。他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成了她最喜欢的学生。Tom( was ) transferred to our school last year. He hung on Miss Young s

5、every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2. 看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以用语言表达的爱和骄傲。Seeing his daughter graduate from high school, he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn t express in words.3. 当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁!Last year when Mr. Li first began his venture into the stock marke

6、t, becominga millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams.4. 在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。我拍了几张相片,可惜焦点都没对准。On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish.I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus.5王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。The prince

7、 has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week.6因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。没有教育人们怎能克服贫穷?It is a complete misconception that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on. Without e

8、ducation, how can poor people ever overcome their poverty?7. 大卫所有的同班同学都困惑不解没有人想得出他怎么突然变成了优等生。All of David s classmates are completely stumped no one can work out how he became a top student overnight.8. 很明显,她拒绝他的求婚给了他沉重的打击,但他最终还是从痛苦中恢复了过来。It was obvious that her rejection of his proposal hit him har

9、d, but in timehe recovered from his wounds.1. In a healthy relationship, the partners strengths and abilities【 complement】 each other, rather than being identical.2. . Millions of dollars and lots of famous actors are not【indispensable 】to the production of a successful film, but they help!3. . I ne

10、ver felt I had a right to expect any special【 privileges 】 becauseof my university education.4. The marketing 【 strategy 】 that Edward proposed would be brilliant if onlyhe hadnt forgotten about good business ethics5. Its true that not having a car imposes some【 constraint 】 , but owning one also co

11、mplicates life in many ways.6. According to the Chinese law, every child is【 entitled 】 to nine years offree education.7. Life should consist of more than just a struggle for【 survival 】8. The sight of the helpless child aroused her maternal【 instinct(s) 】9. The winners of the contest were chosen 【

12、randomly 】 ; no consideration was given to age, gender or income.10. He has lost the use of his limbs but he is still in possession of all his 【 faculty 】 .11. Please give the highest priority to this very【 urgent 】 matter.12. She enjoyed parts of her trip to India, but said she found the povertyshe

13、 saw there rather 【 depressing 】1. 独立生活的能力对于任何一个成年人来说是必不可少的 , 但真正的成熟远远不只是一整套的生存策略。The ability to fend for oneself is indispensable to any adult, but realmaturity is more than just a set of survival strategies.2. 孩子们在儿童节有资格免费进入每一个城市公园。这是对他们全年长期呆在学校里的一种补偿。On Children s Day, kids are entitled to free e

14、ntry to all city parks. It s a way of compensating them for the long hours they spend in school all year.3. 你更注重个人的生活而不是学习,难怪你的成绩下降了。You re giving more priority to your personal life than to your studies. It s no wonder your grades are suffering.4. 鉴于当今社会大多数的妇女在外谋职,很自然她们反对丈夫把她们作为家庭主妇来对待。Given th at

15、most womenn owadays have jobs outside the home, it s natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers.5. 美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。Quite a number of American millionaires own at least two houses and a private plane.6. 当约翰从癌症中意外地康复时, 他的医生把此归功于他坚强的毅力和对未来的信念。When John recovered unexpectedly from cancer, his doctors attributed it to his strong will and faith in the future.7. 没有任何实际理由要保留为女性开门那种习俗,更不用说保留 妇女和儿童优先 的传统了。There s no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women, let alone the tradition of“women and children first ”.8


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