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1、高考英语试题(北京卷)一、单项填空21.i, Im Petr Are you ew ere?I havn seeyou aro?ell,Peter.I Bob. I just _ nMonay.start B hav started. startedDhd sred22._e ont stop limate chage,manaimals n pat n he rld will e one.Althoug B. Whle C.If D. Ut23_ alongte old il Ro is an tersn ad rearing eecA. TravelB.ravelngC.ving trav

2、eleD raveld24. Suan h ither wel-paid jb d _ as a voluteer inth neghbrhoodwhen Iisid he last yer. iswrkng B wawrkinChas woed D ad wored25.She andher fiy byl to wrk,_ hlp tm keepft.A whch B. wC s D. that26rg te id-AuumnFesia, fami mmbrs en atherogther _ me, admir the mon andeny moon caes.A.ae B. to sh

3、ae C. hvnshaed.shr27.Chinas highsped iways _ fro ,000to 25,000kiloetrsin the psfewyes.A. are growing he grownC. l grow D.hadgrow28 In any usafesiuation,sly_te button and a hgh-trin agent will get youth lpyouned.A. press . to ressC. pressi D.pssed29.Asu wrr iedhlf sav two orsts who_in tounains foro y

4、sA. atrappingB. hav ben trapC. ee trappingD. hadbentrape3. rdiry soa, _ correctly, a deal wth acteiativyA. ud B. to e .usingD. use31Wtotis support, weoldnt be _ we ar ow.A. ho B. whenC. whereD.w2. todays information ag,te los of data _ caueseros problms fora opany.A. ned . hdCaD.ust3. They miht have

5、 und aettr hotelifthey_ a few ore kilomet. droe B woud drivC. ee odrivD.ad drive.Go moing, M.ees ofice.Gomorning. ike to make anppoitmet _net Wenesdy ferno.A.for B on C. inD. at35 isis_y fthe as taughtmeto always facediffiultiesad hpfr the best.A. how. which C. thD wht二、完形填空 Th omeessHeroFo many, nd

6、n an unatene alletfiled wih 400in cash ol be a sur(来源)of tmpation(诱惑) the3olo doubt be rateif u were lvingon testeets wth litl fd andmoney. of th maksth acios ofthe hmless Tom Smth37 more rarkabe. Aftr spotting8 on th ont seat inside parked ca wth its wndw d, e stod uar in th rn fr abut tw hos waiin

7、forthe39 oreturnAftrhours inthe cold nd wet, e40insid nd pulled t wallet out hopingt fin som I s e oldonact(联系)the drir,only to41itontaned400 nntes, it anoher 50 in srechange beidet. Hethen tok the wl to a ear poiestion fter a obeindto let the ower nw i wassfe.When th cars owne John Andersoandhs oll

8、eaue Carol Lawren rerned to the arwih wa itsef wort 35, 00n Glasgow citycentre, tey er43o find t poicemen sandnx o it The policemetold them atM. Smit dia t ewalle wa4 . he pair erlatr leo thn . Smith fr his45. r. neso sd: couldntblive ht t gy nevetookapeny. To tink he is leping onthe stres tonight46

9、e coud ae stolen the mney a pidfor a place t tay in. This yhanohingand47 he diake th waletfor hiself;he hugh bot other. t unbelvabl. t justovethee are guys outtereMr.Smth a0mch of h pbics tetion. Heal wo praise frmsoia ia users afterMAndeson51 out the actfkidnessonFacebook.Now Mr. Andrsonhas st uaonlie campign mneyfr r. Smihadother hels people ihera,which by yeterdy h



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