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1、Unit 3 A day out学习目标1选择、组织并呈现信息。2识别关键信息并将其归类,计划一次外出郊游。3能用英语写信邀请朋友外出旅游。活动方案Activity I Task1:预习40页的计划,思考如下问题。1. How many places of interest are they going to visit? What are they?2. What will they do in Beihai Park?3.How will they get to the Palace Museum from Sunshine Underground Station?4. What will

2、 they do at Tiananmen Square?5. How much time will they spend at Tiananmen Square?6. When will they leave Wangfujing Street?Task2英汉互译 1. return home 2. take the bus to _ 3. the centre of Beijing 4. plan a day out 5. 尽快 6. 算出 7. 看最大的城市广场 8. 弄明白 Task3请用所给词的正确形式填空1. Look! Simon is trying (lift) a heavy

3、 box.2. My father planned (take) us to see the final.3. Tom fell off the bike and hurt (he).4. Nobody teaches us French. We teach (we).5. They (real) had a nice time.6. We have many (support), so well win.7. They won the game (final).8. He decided (not take) the bus.9. She needs (meet) her e-friend.

4、10. I cant draw the picture at the (begin).Activity II Task1:学生根据信件的内容,归纳出写邀请函必须清楚给出的信息要点。Task2:小组合作,总结邀请函的书写格式。Task3:学生四人一组,根据A部分的计划,按照B部分的要求写一个新的计划。学生在小组内进行交流讨论,相互检查,补充不完善的信息。Task4:展示写作成果【当堂反馈】一、单项选择( ) 1. We have to do a lot of every day to keep ourselves . A. exercises; health B. exercise; healt

5、hy C. exercises; health D. exercise; health( ) 2. Let the student what they want . A. do; to do B. to do ; to do C. to do; do D. do; do( ) 3.At the beginning , they were at the news. A. surprising; surprised B. surprised; surprised C. surprising; surprising D. surprised; surprising( ) 4.My daughter

6、enjoys books and she much time on books.A. reading; takes B. reading; spendsC. to read; spends D. to reads; spends( ) 5.The knife is made metal and its made Shanghai. A. of; in B. of; on C. for; at D. from; to( ) 6. ,it was very difficult, but about an hour later it became easier.A. In the end B. At

7、 the end C. At the beginning D. In the beginning( ) 7.When did the city basketball team here?A. arrive B. arrive at C. get to D. arrived( ) 8. It Jack twenty minutes the maths problem yesterday.A. took; to work out B. takes; to work outC. has taken; working out D. is taking; working out( ) 9.Our tea

8、m played badly at first, got better in the second half.A. and B. or C. but D. so( ) 10. They won the basketball final . A. by the end B. at the end C. in the end D. on the end二、同义句转换 1. Finally, they lost the match. , they lost the match 2. She can go there by taxi. She can to go there. 3. If you do

9、nt work harder, youll fail the exam. , youll fail the exam.4. We cant tell anybody about this. We must it to about this.5. It will take us about thirty minutes to go there by bus. We will about thirty minutes there by bus. 【巩固提升】一、根据所给汉语完成下列句子:1.妈妈叫我放学后尽快回家。Mother told me 2.我们下个星期天要到黄山看日落。We are goi

10、ng to Huangshan next Sunday.3.他们住在一幢漂亮的有一个大花园的大楼里。 They live in a building . . 4旅行开始时很枯燥,但后来我们很开心。The trip was but we later.5他昨天教我怎样放风筝。He a kite yesterday.6我们可以在香山看美丽的树叶和玩捉迷藏。We can see and on the Fragrant Hills. 二、完形填空New York, London, Paris and 1 big cities are exciting places to live in. There a

11、re many 2 things 3 and to do. You can go to different 4 museums, plays and films. You can also go shopping to buy things 5 all over the world.But there are serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some places of big cities .Every year many peo

12、ple move to the cities because there are some chances 6 jobs, to study at good school, and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people can not find work 7 a good place to live in. Also too many people in a small place make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy 8 in big cities, 9 do not. 10 people move to big cities, the



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