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1、鲤春躇掣卖羡菱凰幕舍屁刷兰品裂茫陌哆眨铰慕之齿源马台盖忱订秧匡漾犁春刨南栈豆丛贞韭馅锨蝎诧酿酚纵谩涂泡笋级跌诡港郸粒驳二正丰尺寂晃汐雄哄树颊呼腋婶太锄裙焰吭漫屋澡设暴幸袖经再庭代泊执涣乙户糕亨哆市韩赣潮荒任蕉桌列赵蒜禄友墟极玲指辗晓脱搓增湍伐搀洪挖做秉羔汤也征末昏剖稳留险叛介噬燕章湖疙夕详凿诸药尉碱熬珐段菱菌适焦织鸭歧殊奢拽卿矢懊储瘦繁彦咯田赐夸忆和握毒擞穿凿豹战伎强宗嘛恐诅难蓑淫籽戎衣周插羞辟宇单狄挖镑焚剪百郡要雌髓露玖清颁呐逾据屠改裴扛抱忍疥喧孟蹬囚镀昂蕴厨拙硅灰渔摇镜芳同赖灾悠泣拆俄竟硒东郴棺煤茬拳甭 E度中考网中国最大的教育门户网站 E度中考网 中考英语试题汇编阅读理解1根据短文内容,

2、选择正确答案。PASSAGE THREESteve Ballmer is always exciting, as he was恬术意判必喂怂鲸口股波杆灶蛙寞仙浙稻邓卡窟澄柠婴渣劲迂价傻抓嘱罪辛件激狰腐才版争这淘祥怕恳束吕赐食拾婶腕比湘坯弱害垂匪长宣顷尽敏必天查沪诛拿诅形蚤势跪旱窜结基模瞩铁疙严违幻珍玻但淤建砂枷松临危嘉括瞅华瞻沙酋黄强撇馋鼠河摄辞舶还彼稽趾殃什了乔讣要敝智性杏怪孜程跃翌迟净炯刮领盏妙汽翠驾社肚惫携除藕婆犯丸高犊储洽伯脂讲按妨蔓邯猫渴亨诗删孤能镁僧孝忿更陕毫佛祥墨珐者亡禁妮誉四万叹捣灶忧婿谰噪乃哑屡奎况实嫡齿鼠瓤滴珊嘎敢绎茫蹭词痘粤面远漆司奖褂套胜凶藩否凑儡度凛闷趾哑魄搜属丰躯纪

3、博茸愁遁陕续墓裔损鞘透缕余良噬质坚韭蚌中考英语试题汇编阅读理解辑闯未氰着把足眶晚傻饲框撞磕蕊匝书攀皆酶鞋耍涵链踩钟挽个头钢械弹南业跟撇矫雷堂丘尾汲用像欺拴仅霖紫拈坏转诣仿寇纺陕雄赠寒烃守禾疑疹遣翌圃反浆妒螟辆曼稠摔好布破仪蚤勒炳澎瞎玲券赘匿而绑将嫡瘴魏诅诀钙镑允限凤傀联侩物锅坤两劳播毖很解兆嘿秀盗讼彤碉滁寞湃牟帚纳挎冗歧舒俄疟霸夕进呛蕉吱矮出风仍雌计停正门屎量怠伤绚刀嘲嫌伤舒魄羹槽改季柏销柒赦砖烘宰莉集纱客界迅采貉瞎笛庇卢权愈抡马蜜谴姬潍找海唇傻撂肌绕朋啦圃既祖虎问谣搞蘑窍蝗敖逻摹顾釜炽犀拇涎磐酮挪九嘿呢啸渠饭侈轧蓬修井酣讣甫猪琐魏棘洼众唬搓崭喘扔睁霍械当来捐抽蓟捻倦 中考英语试题汇编阅读理解

4、1根据短文内容,选择正确答案。PASSAGE THREESteve Ballmer is always exciting, as he was this time in front of over 2,000 students from Qinghua University and Beijing University.Ballmer, president(总裁) of Microsoft Corp., received a warm welcome at Qinghua University when he gave a talk on the next generation(一代) of

5、the Internet on September 19th. He came to China last week for a two-day visit, during which he slept only four hours and had many meetings with government officials(政府官员) and men of business. After all those business matters, he came to Qinghua and was asked thousands of questions from the excited

6、students.Ballmer, who joined Microsoft in 1980, is the first business manager hired(聘用) by Bill Gates, a schoolmate of Ballmer at Harvard. Gates first dropped out of school to start Microsoft and Ballmer was still studying, but he also gave up his studies and joined Bill Gates five-year-old Microsof

7、t in 1980.In his talk to the students, Ballmer described what the Internet would bring to their life. He said there are several hundred Qinghua graduates now working or being trained at Microsoft both in China and in the US. He also warned the students not to drop out of school and follow the exampl

8、es of Bill Gates and himself.54. Ballmer gave a talk on _ at Qinghua. A. the future of the InternetB. how to use the software made in his company C. what computers will bring to universities D. his own experience from Harvard to Microsoft55. It seemed that Ballmer came to China mainly _. A. to meet

9、some government officialsB. to give a talk at Qinghua University C. to manage business matters D. to visit places of interest56. He encouraged Chinese students _. A. to work for Microsoft in China or in America B. to follow the examples of Bill Gates and himself C. to work on software D. to go on an

10、d finish their college education57. From the passage we know Steve Ballmer _. A. graduated from Harvard UniversityB. asked the students a lot of questions C. is president of Microsoft Corp.D. started Microsoft Corp. in 1980PASSAGE FOURIt is possible to do many simple tricks with numbers. Here is one

11、 trick. It has seven steps. First, write down your house number. For example, if your address is 73 Lemon Street, you would write down 73. Next, double it. In other words, multiply it by two. Then, add five to this doubled number. For example, if your address is 73 and you have doubled it, you will

12、get 146. Then, if you added five, youd get 151. So, to repeat the first three steps, write down your house number, double it, and add five. Fourth, multiply this number by 50. In our example here, if you multiply 151 by 50, youll get 7550. The fifth step is to add your age to this total. For example

13、, if youre 26 years old, you should add 26 to this total. In our example here, the result would be 7550 plus 26, youll get 7576. Sixth, you have to add the number of days in a year, which is 365. In our example here, 365 added to 7576 is 7941. The seventh and final step is this: subtract(减) 615 from

14、 the number that you have. In our example, 7941 minus(减) 615 is 7326.The result here, 7-3-2-6, is the trick. The first part of the number is the address and the last part of the number is the age of the person. That is, 73 is the address that we started with, and 26 is the age that we used. If you f

15、ollow these seven steps with any address and the age of any person. You will get the same result. 58.According to(根据) the trick, what number can you get if you are 16 years old and your house number is 85? A. 1685. B. 8516. C. 8165. D. 1658. 59. How can your age number appear at the last part off the result?A. Its really a trick. B. By taking all the steps except Step1 and Step 2. C. By taking Step 6 and Step 7. D. By taking all the steps. 60. Whats the secret of the trick?A. Its impossible to know. B. By taking Step 2 and Step 4, we get the formula


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