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1、新目标英语九年级 Unit12 Youre supposed to shake hands . 备课人:梁根花1.Teaching aims:(1)knowledge objects:Key vocabulary:shake , shake hands , bow , kiss , custom , relaxed , drop by , land , greet , after all , towards , wipe , make (a) noise , stick , rude , point , go out of ones way to do sth . , make sb. fee

2、l at home , manner , table manners , fork , beget used to , full , unfamiliar , spoon , knife , rubbish , type , form, symbol , mark , beside , e-mail , riddle , experiment , proper ,normally , whose , pleased,Target language;Youre supposed to shake hands . Youre not supposed to shake hands . When w

3、ere you supposed to arrive ? I was supposed to arrive at 7:00What are you supposed to do when you meet someone ?What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time ?.(2)ability objects;(1)To learn to know some different countries customs . (2)To listen and speak about some countries cus

4、toms .(3)Distinguish some countries customs . 2.Language functionTalk about what you are supposed to do . 3.Language structure The drills :Sb be supposed to . 4.Teaching key points Learn the key vocabulary and the target language5.Teaching difficultiesDistinguish different countries table manners 6.

5、Teaching time six periodsUnit 12 You are supposed to shake hands The first period P94Learning contents1a, 1b , 1cNotesTarget languageKey vocabulary: shake hands , bow Target language: -What are you supposed to do ?-Youre supposed to shake handsLearning key pointsLearn the key vocabulary and the targ

6、et languageLearning difficultyTalk about the differences about the five countries when people meet four the first time . Learning Procedures:Step1.greeting the class and checking the homeworkStepII.warming-upShow some pictures about what people do for the first time , and the lead the following dial

7、ogues :T: What are they doing ?S: They are kissing . T: Right , they are kissing . T: Look at this picture . What are they doing ?S: They are bowing . T: Right , they are bowing to each other . T: There are different customs in different countries . In some countries , people are supposed to bow whe

8、n they meet for the first time , but in some countries , people are supposed to kiss when they meet for the first time , now today lets see something about these customs . Step III . Discussion Let the students discuss what do people do when the meet for the first time . Let the students guess . Ste

9、p IV. 1a Let the students listen to the tape of 1a for the first time , and then let them listen and fill in the blanks of 1a . The keys to 1a . 1. c Brazil (kiss )2 . b the United States (shake hands )3. a Japan (bow ) 4. b Mexico (shake hands )5. a Korea (bow )StepVI . Practice Let the students ma

10、ke dialogues like the following : A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time ?B: Theyre supposed to bow .Homework : Make dialogues according to 1a (five groups )Exercise : 根据汉语提示完成句子:1. There are different _ (风俗) in different countries . 2. Youre supposed to _ (握手)

11、with your friends when you meet them . 3. You arent supposed to _ ( 亲吻 ) the person who you meet for the first time in Japan . 4. We left after _ (鞠躬) to the head . Reflection:_The second period (P95)Learning contents2a , 2b, 2c, Grammar Focus NotesTeaching key pointsKey vocabulary: the wrong way ,

12、invited, instead , wear, arriveTarget language: Youre supposed to .Teaching difficulty Target languageYou were supposed to . Learning Procedures:Step1.greeting Step 2. Presentation Let the Ss watch the picture ,and guess what is happening to the girl whos wearing a dress . Compare other peoples clot

13、hes . Help the Ss to say something Step 3. Listening Let the Ss listen to the tape for the first time . For the first time , they just listen , the second time , they listen and finish 2a. The third time , they listen and finish 2b. The keys to 2a . arrived late greeted Pauls mother the wrong way wo

14、re the wrong clothes They keys to 2b. ( 1 ) arrived at 7;00( 2 ) come later ( 3 ) shake hands ( 4 ) wear Step 4. Grammar Focus Lead the Ss go over the sentences in Grammar Focus . Explain any difficulties they dont understand . Mention the drills :Youre supposed to Youre not supposed to . I was supposed to .Homework : Finish off some exercises Exercise用括号里所给词的正确形式填空:1. In our country , we are petty _ (relax ) about time . 2. _ (spend ) time with family and friends is very important to us . 3. My sister often makes plans _ ( improve ) her English . 4.



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