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1、一、仔细读一读下列单词,找出哪些是绝对开音节,哪些是相对开音节。cake, she, me, like, close, so, hi, face, game, those, no, make, gate, fine, bike, hi1、绝对开音节:2、相对开音节:二、大声朗读下列单词,判断下列单词中哪些是开音节,哪些是闭音节:like, red, name, map, bag, man, lot, not, shut, luck, set, chick, yes, hen, sock. hope got rise chat these snack smoke spend dig cup开音节

2、:闭音节: 三、仔细读一读下列单词,找出哪些是开音节,哪些是闭音节,并写出元音字母的读音。cake she bike big map knife me like close so hi face game no those desk make gate that fine bike hi six shop his must sun1、 开音节:2、闭音节:四、找出下列各题中划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词( )1.Aschool B. cook C. book D. foot( )2. A. office B. music C. nice D. rice( )3. A. think B. th

3、eir C. grandmother D. this( )4. A. station B. shop C. shoes D. shirt( )5. A. where B. whose C. watermelon D. which( )6. A.sing B. knife C. know D. noodles( )7、A.China B. school C.peach D.chopsticks( )8. A. sweater B. bread C. breakfast D great( )9. A.see B. tree C. she D. watermelon( )10. A. plate B

4、. play C. spoon D.photo五、找出下列各组单词中与例词中画线部分发音相同的一个。( )1、bag A.banana B.cap C.glass D.father( )2、yes A.happy B.bus C.hungry D.yellow( )3、blue A.much B.bus C.cut D.ruler( )4、red A.seat B.leaf C.get D.evening( )5、she A.pen B.great C.he D.leg六、把下列单词按读音分类,每一类都有一个列词,请把与列词划线部分读音相同的单词写在该列词的后面。 had bed bike he six up like have cake make help mebox go give not nose bus1、at( ) 2、name( ) 3、pen( ) - - -4、we( ) 5、fox( ) 6、no( ) - - -7、is( ) 8、kite( ) 9、but( )



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