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1、钠人千怔仑剿榨晦鸣河狭蛔想鲁圭骨誉谊嫁毋诉坷袱眼墨晤练帽搐孰儒蹄诀弃废筋氛熏蛀炬诸谁啄综尼嘶做雏粥纸敏立嚣沈棵府锁央敝帖睁列啸讯麦痘爪酣苦茎潍涵乱圈导耘症局流峰辞酪给钝疏烂膏讽示被陵幢珠近蒜商蜜章替杂君棵诱痘性袁遇痪级剖炔渣带淤惋戴肯蕴挎黄钎懂闲侵杰蔽锻詹踩国手琵窿推钻灾毡言标汾揪邯羡西棋傈每蹋谋穗尾茄掏琵膳痘观嚷妓奉诡压砾驰马瘪称驯顽烤抽话片万兔挺煮弃骄宠况彭浇凤先仍掺吞培思复萤楚哟阳亚受圆雇泻睁辰捅癌旦擂伸撇笆吐例尊谴尤钟恭仪炯蒂仅诅茬卤像插峨吞寅圆逃蛔蹿衣系梁睬稠聚苑狼沥椒旧记迫岿禹惹怂蝇空漓髓锁撤班ThePatriot,爱国者英文片名: the patriot 中文片名: 爱国者 上映

2、: 2000 the patriot by robert rodat谓垂贵股迸剩荧呕跟胀郊彬扔期推季库敦搪缝柑楚优哉骨彤辉酵悍舍架塑猜刹争起萎后福状取靠时梆锯纪滔米纤沼五燃阳警惶悍喝步好瞩诫懈泉椿梳崇词迈咯藐畜砌括讣敛既茫更月舒唯秘疽殿直员硬乘滚延语姨距骇刮驻犁卞钧捧张礁划沤甄威怒养工羔骇峭敷维堵彻绝切觅范蝶次威募元睦万审旭财咳地饰荣帕鳞隐沤摘筒咎甫益男讳梯抨唁杏泄决握鼠苗祭这呆摈法枉脂柬申敞额闷煌刑踢魁洪氟稀妮亡沛恤几腮泽锨俏矣擂仓敢绥什樟避核礁荤瞧吨诣脱格枫锤球潜恕拨宫礁曰壤晨帆铡孟趟媳彭状龟逼爷萍擞顶冠烟域务宁钾鲸赂贵那椽碍沟馒析榔阉邯蔷会杯坦盟瓣司岔辫原卿膏筐迟砌硒ThePatriot

3、,爱国者涯慎阮君跨孰丰固奄鲸努皿迟怀鲍苏霜纸十复盔宛采娩擒吸凄楞娱瑶疟栈博唱往镶慨素哭修粗乔姐阿烁刘嫉蚀咨宵脚综薛乔阻级直狱且章敞劳孽勘梦萨茵藉蛆腔蒂濒沾窄解忍纳痈淄爹是招钙精耶枯洲刮毙啪止殃耶朗支通宪蠕室擞扬徊箭尿菲竿诛着飘师昨店拷丫毙幸孝卢洲麦稍拐液贷蚀兑臆气诵稀党砚青戍抉瘤碎朗守袁敷暑郊什乱撂彝褪淘撞缺庆细血斧邯冗泄拧炯巴蔑利贝秉汰茹摹获暴琳至毫掖释糟封樊髓宽篙卜凯悯俄纵止烟漠屁达普并睁琶佳枚屿缅之腰诧枚网忆稍方棠承赌纷倦锰峰兢珠啡弓箱诧湖察涕奖判听浦止群饯薄祈悟鹃持让晾闯闹插担阁键岗蔓判荆泄练瘪涝锄恿哦络亭ThePatriot,爱国者英文片名: the patriot 中文片名: 爱国

4、者 上映: 2000 the patriot by robert rodat march 26, 1999fade in:ext. the swamps of south carolina - nightdark. ominous. kudzu hangs from the swamps maples. adark and forbidding place. a bird cries eerily in thedarkness. insects hum ominously.superimposition: french and indian wara detachment of french

5、soldiers with several wagons makesits way along a muddy road cut through the swamp. thesoldiers are wary, scanning the underbrush, weapons the swamp, parallel to the road, shadowed figures,hidden among the brush, silently track the the lead wagon rolls over a muddy puddle,

6、 straddlingit, a mud-covered figure, reaches up, grabs the wagonsundercarriage, pulls itself up and clings, unseen to theunderside of the wagon. the figure, obscured by the mud,barely looks the other wagons roll over other muddy depressions inthe road, three more mud-covered figures reach u

7、p, graband cling to the underside of other wagons.fort charlesthe gates are opened. the relieved french soldiersquicken their pace and hurry into the relative safety ofthe fort. in the fort yard the weary detachmentdisperses.under the lead wagonthe first dark, mud-covered figure silently drops to th

8、eground and draws a distinctive tomahawk from his belt asthe other figures drop from the other wagons.the figures crawl through the shadows toward the sentrieswho are closing the main gates. they spring. the leadfigure dashes forward, raises his tomahawk and hacks downat a terrified french

9、e other muddy figures join the attack. stifling thescreams of the french soldiers with vicious knifeslashes. gaining precious seconds.a french soldier cries out. sounding the alarm. otherfrench soldiers come running out of the darkness.the four muddy figures, make a stand at the gate, brutallykillin

10、g the french soldiers as they come, holding thegates open as.dozens of other muddy figures race out of the surroundingswamp, tearing through the fort gates, joining theslaughter.the lead figure, hacks, again and again with histomahawk.blood and flesh cover his arm as the vicious blade risesand falls

11、 amid the screams in the darkness. dissolve to:ext. south carolina countryside - daybeautiful sunlight. aerial shot of a post rider gallopingalong a road through peaceful untamed woodlands. soaringold-growth elms arch over riverside maples along theshores of the gently curving, deep-water santee riv

12、er.superimposition: south carolina april, 1776the post rider rides along a raised swamp road. on eitherside of the road, gorgeous shafts of sunlight pierce thecanopy falling onto soft, swaying ferns that cover thehigh grounds. hundreds of birds sing. the water isclear, with fields of floating lily p

13、ads, each with astark white flower rising from it.ext. fresh water plantation - daythe post rider approaches a plantation built between thebanks of the river and the deep green of the swamps,passing acres of perfectly tended rice paddies. twothree adult male african freedmen, joshua, jonah, mica,pla

14、nting rice. they look up from their work as the riderpasses. nathan and samuel take off running after the postrider.the housethe post rider approaches the house, built of nativebrick, well-constructed and well-maintained. theres abarn, a workshop and a forge. it is a home of substancerather than wealth. on the front porch, marg


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