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1、商务报告写作一、简介 二、样本 三、常用表达方式一、简介I. Background Knowledge 商务知识商务报告是商贸公司、企业为交流信息而使用的一种文书形式,它以书面形式给阅读者提 供有关信息和数据,以供参考。商务报告的应用广泛,内容包罗万象,主要包括财务 (Finance) 审计(Audit)、损益(Profits &Losses)、投资(Investment)、年度(Annual)、生产(Production)、销售(Sales)、市场分析 (Market Analysis)、人事(Personnel)等。商务报告的写作目的通常不止一个,主要可以归纳为以下几点:1) 提供信息;2

2、)记录备查;3)提出建议;4)说服劝导。商务报告的分类方法多种多样,目前最通行的划分标准是根据其正式程度将商务报告划分为非正式报告(Informal Report)和正式报告(Formal Report)。按照不同的格式,非正式商务报告可以分为便函体报告(Memo Report)、书信体报告(Letter Report)简短的文件体报告(Short Document Report)。按照不同的内容,非正式商务 报告又可以分为可行性报告 (Feasibility Report) 事故报告(IncidentReport)调查报告(1nvestigative Report) 进度报告(Progres

3、s Report) 公差报告(TripReport)及建议报告(Proposal Report)等。便函体报告与书信体报告的主要区别在于两者流通的领域不同,前者主要在公司内部 使用,而后者一般是写给公司以外的人或机构。与便函体报告相比,书信体报告比较正式 些,这主要是因为书信体格式要比便函体格式正式。正式商务报告一般篇幅较长(5页以上),牵涉的问题复杂、棘手,包含的信息量很大, 流动的方向包括内向型,即在公司内部流通,和外向型,即流通到公司外部的机构或个人 手中。正式商务报告主要在以下几个领域有较广泛的使用。(1)科研人员汇报重大科研成果(2)咨询公司向客户提交的项目评估和发展规划(3)公司的

4、分析人员预测本公司的业务前景及表现(4)公司员工报告其它棘手问题正式商务报告的一个显著特点就是它号是采用一种非常正规的文件体格式:1. Preliminary Part(前页部分)1. Title F1y(标题衬页)2. Title Page柝题页)3. Letter of Authorization(授权书)4. Letter of Transmittal(报告传达书)5. Table of Contents(目录)6. List of Illustrations(插图目录)7. Abstract/Synopsis(概要)II . Body Part(正文部分)1. . Introducti

5、on(导言)2. Text(主体)3. Ending(结尾)-Summary (总结)-Conclusions(结论)-Recommendations(建议)III . Appended Part(附录部分)1 . Appendix(附录)2 . Bibliography(参考书目)二、样本II. Business Reports 商务报告1 . Accident ReportAccident Report MEMORANDUMTo:, Safety OfficerFrom:, Foreman of Section 4, Workshop 2Date: July 20, 2003Subject

6、: Personal-Injury Accident in Section 4, Workshop 2, June10, 2003IntroductionOn June 10,2003,while Thomas Taylor was operating a grinding machine, a flying particle from the machine part that was being ground hit his left eye. If Mr. Taylor had put on the safety goggles, this accident would have bee

7、n prevented. But Mr. Taylor did not wear the safety goggles. To prevent further such accidents, I have explained the cause of this accident to all grinding machine operators.Accident DescriptionOn June 10, 2003, at 10: 5 p. m. , Thomas Taylor, operating grinding machine # 16, accidentally saw a chis

8、el on the ground. As he was stooping down to pick it up, he got close to the machine part that was being ground and a heavy flying particle from the machine part hit his left eye. The cornea of the eyeball was slightly injured. While an ambulance was being called, Susan Wilkins, R. N. , administered

9、 first aid at the plant dispensary.There were no witnesses to the accident.The ambulance from Peace Hospital came at 10 : 45 p. m. , and Taylor was admitted to the emergency room at the hospital at 11 p. m. He was treated and kept overnight for observation, then releasedthe next morning.Taylor retur

10、ned to work one week later, on June 17. He has been given temporary duties in the tool room until his injury heals.Conclusions About the Cause of the AccidentAll grinding machines are equipped with shield guards, which cover the upper parts of the machines to eliminate the possibility that heavy fly

11、ing particles injure the eyes of the workers who operate these machines, If the workers stand operating thesemachines, there should be no injuries to the eyes of the workers.In addition to the protection of the shield guards for the eyes from heavy flying particles, all grinding machine operators ar

12、e provided with safety goggles and are requestedto wear them while working. However. Taylor ignored the safety regulations and did not put on these goggles while he was working on June 10. This accident of course, could have been prevented if Taylor had not stooped down to pick up the chisel while t

13、he machine was working.To prevent a recurrence of this accident, I have conducted a brief safety session with all grinding machine operators, at which I described Taylors experience, cautioned them against breaking the safety regulations and getting close to the machine parts that are being ground,

14、and stressedthat all grinding machine operators must wear the safety goggles while working.译文)事故报告备忘录录收阅人:安全科科长撰写人:2车间4工段段长 日期:2003年7月20日主 题:2003年7月10日2车间4工段发生的工伤事故引言2003年7月10日,托马斯泰勒在操作一台研磨机时,左眼被机器飞出的碎片撞伤。 如果泰勒先生当时戴了护目镜,这次事故应该可以避免,然而泰勒先生却没有戴护目镜。 为避免此类事故的再次发生,我已经向所有研磨机操作员解释了这次事故的原因。事故发生的经过2003年7月10日的

15、晚上10: 15,托马斯泰勒在操作 16 “研磨机时偶然看到地上有一 把锤刀,当他弯腰去捡时,由于靠近了正在开动着的机器,左眼被一大块飞出的碎片撞中, 眼球角膜轻微受伤。在叫救护车的同时,注册护士苏珊威尔金斯在工厂医务室为他进行 了急救。整个事故没有目击证人。和平医院的救护车于10: 45赶到,泰勒11点时被送进了急救室。医院为他进行了治 疗,在留院观察了一个晚上之后,泰勒于第二天早上出院。一星期后(即7月17日)泰勒恢复了上班。他被安排到工具车间做临时工作,直到伤口 痊愈。事故原因总结所有研磨机都装有防护设备,机器的上部被罩住以防飞出的碎片撞伤操作人员的眼睛。 如果操作人员是站立着工作,一般

16、是不会伤到眼睛的。除有保护眼睛的防护设备之外,所有研磨机操作人员都配有护目镜,规定工作时要戴 上护目镜。但是,泰勒在 7月10日上班的时候违反了安全条例,没有戴上护目镜。当然,如果泰勒在机器运转时不弯腰去捡地上的锂刀,这一事故是完全可以避免的。为防止此类事故的再次发生,我组织所有研磨机操作人员开了一次简短的安全会议, 会上我讲述了泰勒被撞伤的经过,提醒他们不要违反安全条例,不要靠近正在转动的机器, 并反复强调所有操作人员工作时必须配戴护目镜。2 Periodical Report-MEMORANDUMTo:Robert Olson, Safety DirectorFrom: Terry Miller, Safety Training Coord



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