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1、十八世纪始法语中的英语借词研究作者 李波 指导教师 王卫平摘要词汇学,作为语言学的一个分支,起着越来越重要的作用。美国著名的语言学家萨丕尔(1985)曾经说过,几乎所有的语言都不能 “自给自足。文化的接触必然导致语言的接触。语言接触的过程中必然产生相互融合,相互借用,相互丰富的结果。对于每一种语言来说, 相对稳固的局部是语法,而最活泼的局部是词汇。因此,语言接触中最易受影响的也是词汇。法语在其开展过程中就曾向拉丁,希腊,意大利,西班牙等语种借入了大量词语。法语和英语由于历史上长期接触,形成“你中有我,我中有你的结果。但是,两种语言接触时,相互影响和相互渗透从来都不是平等的,总有一种语言处于优势

2、,而另一种语言处于劣势。长期以来,英语和法语互相影响,不断从对方假借和吸收词汇,以丰富本语语言。英法之间在相互借词方面在18世纪以前都是法语占据主导地位,但18世纪后的一个多世纪以来, 英法借词的天平发生了变化: 法语由以借出为主变为以借入为主。目前,随着世界通用语英语在全球的广泛使用,它对法语的影响仍然在不断增强。而造成这中局面的本文主要从社会语言学和词汇学角度研究英,法两种语言之间的借用的历史和所依附的社会背景以及一般借用方式和法语教学中的英语借词。本文共六章,各章节内容如下: 第一章绪论陈述了本文的研究背景和选题意义,并指出了研究将带来的益处:使法语学习变得容易,帮助法语学习中扩大词汇量


4、让人更加清楚法语借入英语的过程与方法也便于法语学习者在学习过程中能够更好地掌握法语词汇第五章讲了法语教学中的英语借词,以及政府对它的态度,并且阐述了其必要性和其在法语词汇教学中的作用。第六章对文章做出了,总结包含了研究的意义与缺乏并做出建议。关键词:英语 法语 借词On The English Loan Words in French since the 18th CenturyLi BoAbstractLexicology, as a branch of linguistics, is playing a more and more important role. Sapir(1985),

5、a famous American linguist has ever said “almost all the languages cannot be self-sufficient. The cultural contact will inevitably lead to the language contact, and the process of language contact must have this kind of effect of mutual integration, borrowing and enrichment. For each language, the r

6、elatively stable part is grammar, while the most active part is vocabulary. Therefore, the most susceptible part of language contact is also vocabulary. French and English, the two languages contact with each other very often in the long-term history and as a result of that, they are of mutual penet

7、ration. However, it has never been equal when two different languages contact with each other, mutually interact and penetrate. Its always that one language occupies a dominant position and the other forced to be inferior. English and French have been influencing each other in terms of their mutual

8、word borrowing and enrichment over history. For a long time, English and French have influenced each other constantly through mutually borrowing word and enriching their own vocabulary over history. Between French and English, French were dominant in the process of mutual word borrowing in the 18th

9、century and before, but from then on, the situation gradually changed. At present, English as a lingua franca all over the world, its influence on French is still on the rise. This paper focuses on the history, social background for word borrowing by French from English, general methods of word borr

10、owing by French from English, and the learning and teaching of English loan words in French from the point of lexicology. The paper is divided into six parts: First is the introduction, this part sets out the background and the significance of this study, and noted that the research will helpful for

11、 French learners to enlarge their French vocabulary by use of the English vocabulary that they have mastered, improve their reading skill and be more interested in French learning, meanwhile review the study has been done by other and related theory and show the structure of this paper to help reade

12、r read it easier. The second part -the History of English loan words in French illustrates the definition of loan word and borrowing and discus the borrowing history form English and other languages and show some example of French imported words from other languages and points out the three climax o

13、f French borrowing foreign words. The third part is about the communication between French and English in the history and the influences from England and America in diffrent times when America and England shift in their national power and indicates that economicy is a key factor influnece language d

14、evelopment.The fourth part just show us three methods of borrowing and illustrate from Direct borrowing ,Semantic translation and Word formation.This will make us clear to the process and methods of word borrowing and facilate the French learning.The five part discusses the English loan words in Fre

15、nch teaching and the governments attitude to it and emphasis its necessity and its significance in French learning and teaching. The last part just concludes and give us some suggestions, for example, taking advantage of English to learn French. Key words: English French loan word Contents1. Introdu

16、ction 1.1 Significance of the study 1.2 Literature review 1.3 Structure of the thesis2. History of French loan words from English 2.1 Definition of Loan Words and borrowing 2.2 Loan Words from other languages 2.3 Loan Words from English3. Causes for loan words in French 3.1 Influences from England 3.2 Influences from America 3.3Communication between French and English in history4. Methods of borrowing 4.



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