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1、 Application of Functional Equivalence Theory in Advertisement Translationby薛莹A thesis presented to the School of English Studies ofXian International Studies Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay 18, 2012Class: 2008-16 Advisor: 张 倩 西安外国语大学毕 业 论 文 开

2、 题 报 告姓名安果英性别女单位河北省张北县西关街小学论文题目:浅谈功能对等理论在广告翻译中的应用Application of Functional Equivalence Theory in Advertisement Translation论文主要内容及参考文献:在现代商业社会,广告随处可见。随着经济全球化的进行,各国产品开始在世界范围内流通,广告的翻译对产品的宣传与推广都起到了至关重要的作用。广告本身作为产品的一种主要促销手段,其目的就是引起消费者的注意,促使他们去购买广告中宣传的产品和服务。尽管已有许多人对广告翻译进行了大量的研究、实践,然而该领域却仍有改进的空间。本论文,从语言学角度

3、,联系翻译学的相关知识,根据奈达的功能对等理论研究广告的翻译,以期能给广告翻译带来一定专业、学术的指导。Chen, Ping. Modern Chinese. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1999.Katan, D. Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2004.Newmark, P. A Textbook of Translation.

4、 Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture, and Translating. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993. Shuttleworth, Mark, and Moira Cowie. Dictionary of Translation Study. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.连淑能.英汉对比研究.

5、北京: 高等教育出版社,2002.指导教师 (签名)年 月 日浅谈功能对等理论在广告翻译中的应用摘要:在现代商业社会,广告随处可见,它已渗透到社会生活的各个角落。随着经济全球化的进行,各国产品开始在世界范围内流通。广告的翻译对产品的宣传与推广都起到了至关重要的作用。广告本身作为产品的一种主要促销手段,其目的就是引起消费者的注意,促使他们去购买广告中宣传的产品和服务。尽管已有许多人对广告翻译进行了大量的研究、实践,然而该领域却仍有改进的空间。就广告翻译应当采用的理论依据,不同的学派持有不同的观点。广告功能的特殊性决定了广告翻译的原则,本文认为功能对等理论是广告翻译的指导原则,而且在广告翻译中,对

6、等可以达到三个层面,即词汇对等,句法对等和修辞对等。本论文,从语言学角度,联系翻译学的相关知识,根据奈达的功能对等理论研究广告的翻译,以期能给广告翻译带来一定专业、学术的指导。关键词:语言学;功能对等;广告翻译Application of Functional Equivalence Theory inAdvertisement TranslationAbstract:Advertisements can be seen everywhere in the commercial society. With the economic globalization, products from di

7、fferent countries are competing in the international markets; therefore, advertisement translation plays an important role in the publicity and spread of the products. As a main method of promoting sales, the main purpose of advertisements is to draw consumers attention and stimulate them to purchas

8、e the product or service. Although many people have done many researches in the field of advertisement translation, it also needs several theoretical improvements. Different schools hold different views on the guiding principle of advertisement translation. This thesis holds the view that Functional

9、 Equivalence Theory should be viewed as the main principle of translating advertisements, which depends on the unique features of advertisements. The application of Functional Equivalence Theory in advertisement translation should be achieved at three levels, namely, lexical, syntactic and rhetorica

10、l level. This paper, from the perspective of Linguistics, connecting Translation, attempts to study advertisement translation on the basis of Functional Equivalence Theory, put forward by Nida, and deduce some practical methods of advertisement translation under the guidance of it, hoping to give so

11、me theoretical and methodological reference for advertisement translation.Key Words:Linguistic; functional equivalence; advertisement translationTable of contents1. Introduction11.1 General Introduction11.2Literature review11.3Thesis Statement32. Advertisement Development and Features of52.1 The dev

12、elopment of advertisement52.2 Features of Advertisement Language63. Three Requirements for Functional Equivalence Theory Applied in Advertisement Translation93.1 Naturalness93.2 Accuracy103. 3 Conciseness104. Strategies for Advertisement Translation124.1 Equivalence at Lexical Level124.2 Equivalence

13、 at Syntactic Level134.3 Equivalence at Rhetoric Level145. Conclusion16Works Cited181. Introduction1.1 General Introduction It is well known that advertisements have become a very important and indispensable part of our life. Nowadays, we live in a world full of advertisements. We can see them every

14、where. It is a main method of promoting products or services. The main function of advertising is informing and persuading. Advertisement translation, as a type of communication, is receiving more and more attention than ever before. Advertisement is a practical text style, quite different from comm

15、on literary works, with a very unique purpose of attracting consumers interest and persuading them to take action. As we all know, no matter in what way to translate the advertisements, this only purpose has never changed. However, many advertisements are still translated under the guidance of traditional theories; little attention has been paid to the purpose of the advertisement. Many obvious problems exist in the translation. Firstly, a lot of advertisement translation adapts a word-to-word translation


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