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1、中文摘要重庆大学本科学生毕业设计某城镇排水工程任务四学 生:陈 艾学 号:20096663指导教师:周 健专 业:给排水科学与工程重庆大学城市建设与环境工程学院二O一三年六月Graduation Design of Chongqing UniversityDrainage Works of Caijia Residential Cluster-Task SevenUndergraduate: Zhang JinSupervisor: Prof. Yang Chun Major: Science & Engineering of Water Supply and DrainageFaculty

2、of Urban Construction & Environmental Engineering, Chongqing UniversityJune 2011摘 要根据设计任务书原始资料,对蔡家组团组团进行污水管网、雨水管网和城镇污水处理厂的设计。重庆市蔡家组团是是以居住为主的拓展区,人口增长速度很快,位于重庆市北碚区东南,前临嘉陵江流域,地势中高四面低,风向以偏北风(秋冬季)和偏南风(夏季)为主。服务面积达15.15平方公里,2015年服务人口为9.0万,2025年规划服务人口为13.0万。蔡家组团排水工程包括排水管网工程和污水处理厂工程两部分。蔡家组团排水管网采用雨、污分流制。由于没有工


4、管网,分流制,污水处理,Carrousel氧化沟IABSTRACTABSTRACTBased on the requirement and the fundamental design data of Caijia residence cluster, sewage and stormwater pipe system is designed.Caijia residence cluster is a residential extended region with population increasing rapidly. It is located in the southeast of

5、 Beibei District in Chongqing, facing Jialing River. The lands in the middle of Caijia residence cluster are higher than the areas around. Wind is mostly from the north in autumn and winter, and from the south in summer. Serving area is 15.15 square kilometers. The population scale of Caijia residen

6、ce cluster is 90,000 in 2010, and up to 130,000 in 2020.The drainage project of Caijia residence cluster consists of two parts, the drainage pipeline system and wastewater disposal.Separate sewage system is selected all over the residence cluster. Without industrial wastewater, sewage water collecte

7、d by sewage network is conveyed to sewage works by a main sewage pipeline by Jialing River. Treated sewage water is released to Jialing River, while stormwater is discharged directly into Jialing River. The drainage system is designed in the population scale in 2020. One wastewater treatment plant i

8、s being built in Caijia residence cluster and the address is chosen in the southwest part which is in the catchment area and leeward area of the residential areas. Sewage water quality is decided based on the data of water analysis and nearby wastewater treatment plant. First-class B standard is ado

9、pted as the treated water quality. After comparison in both economics and technologies, Improved Carrousel Oxidation Ditch is adopted as the treatment main process.The scale of the wastewater treatment plant is 17,200 m3/d in the near future and 34,300 m3/d in the specified future. The forward total

10、 standing of the plant is 2.52ha, and the field will be reserved for the forward increasing. Key words: Caijia residence cluster, drainge system, separated drainage system, water disposal, Carrousel Oxidation Ditch目录目 录摘 要IABSTRACTIII引 言1第1章 概述31.1项目建设概况31.2编制依据及基础资料31.3 法律法规及国家标准41.4编制原则与编制范围41.4.1

11、编制原则41.4.2编制范围51.5 城镇概况51.5.1 基本概况51.5.2 工程自然条件61.6 供水现状及规划81.7 排水现状及规划91.8 工程建设的必要性10第2章 总体方案论证112.1 工程目标112.1.1 建设年限112.1.2 服务范围112.2 污水收集方案112.2.1 工业废水的处理与排放112.2.2 排水体制的选择112.3 污水厂个数与选址122.3.1 污水集中与分散处理的选择122.3.2 污水厂厂址选择原则132.3.3 污水厂厂址方案比较132.4污水厂规模152.4.1 综合生活污水定额152.4.2 工程规模162.5 污水厂进水水质预测162.

12、5.1 污水厂进水水质预测原则162.5.2 现状进水水质172.5.3 理论计算污水水质172.5.4 进水水质确定182.6 污水处理目标182.7 污水厂处理工艺选择192.7.1 处理工艺选择原则192.7.2 进水特点与分析192.7.3 污水处理工艺流程方案202.7.4 污泥处理工艺流程方案22第3章排水管网工程243.1 污水管道定线243.2雨水管道定线263.3 管道的材质及断面形式273.3.1 管渠的断面形式273.3.2 管道材质的确定273.4 污水管道水力计算283.4.1设计管段编号283.4.2计算设计流量283.4.3管道水力计算293.4.4管道衔接及埋深

13、313.4.5支管接入计算323.5 雨水管道水力计算333.5.1设计管段编号333.5.2计算设计流量333.5.3管道水力计算353.5.4管道衔接及埋深363.4.5支管接入计算373.6 管道附属构筑物373.7管道敷设及连接383.7.1管道敷设方式383.7.2管道连接方式393.8管网工程量39第4章污水处理工程414.1 设计流量414.2 构筑物及设备选型424.2.1 中格栅424.2.2 提升泵站444.2.3 细格栅444.2.4 沉砂池444.2.5 生物池454.2.6 鼓风机房474.2.7二沉池474.2.8 消毒接触池484.2.9 加氯间、加药间494.2

14、.10 中水回用494.2.11 污泥泵池494.2.12 污泥缓冲池504.2.13 污泥浓缩脱水间504.3 构筑物尺寸及设备504.3.1中格栅504.3.2提升泵房524.3.3 细格栅534.3.4 沉砂池544.3.5 生物池564.3.6 鼓风机房614.3.7二沉池634.3.8 消毒接触池644.3.9 巴氏计量槽644.3.10加氯间654.3.11加药间674.3.12 中水回用684.3.13 污泥泵池694.3.14 污泥缓冲池704.3.15 污泥浓缩脱水间704.4 平面布置744.4.1设计原则744.4.2平面布置754.5方案比较774.5.1方案技术特点774.5.2方案工艺参数784.5.3投资估算824.5.4成本测算824.5.5技术经济比较824.6高程布置824.6.1 设计原则824.6.2 高程布置83总结85参 考 文 献87附录A:计算书A11 排水管网设计计算A11.1 综合生活污水定额A11.2 污水管道设计计算A11.2.1 划分设计管段A11.2.2 量取汇水面积A11.2.3 计算设计流量A21.2.4 支干管道水力及高程计算A31.3 雨水管道设计计算A91.3.1 划分设计管


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