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1、精编学习资料欢迎下载江苏省靖江市学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试题I. 听对话,回答问题(10分)5秒钟的时本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍,在听每段对话前,你将有 间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择最合适的备选答案。()1 What fruit does 甌i伍已 like?)3 What sport does Tom like best?C.IV .课文默写(5分)阳光购物中心(Sunshine Shopping Mall)在公共汽车站附近。它有五层的商店,每层都很大。有许多的服装店。我们能买到不同种类的衣服。所有的饭店都在顶层。有来自不同地区的食物。这个购物

2、中心是个会见朋友和玩乐的好去处。)4. What is Lucy wearing today?c.()5. How many less ons does Jack have every day?A. 4 less ons.B.2 less ons.C. 6 less ons.()6. What s the date today?A. December 20.B.December 21.C.December 22.()7. Where is Mary?A. In the hospital.B.At home.C.In a shop.()8. How much are these?A. 50 yu

3、a n.B.150 yua n.C. 200 yua n.()9. Where s the girl s toy?A. Un der the chair.B.Un der the table.C. On the wi ndow.()10. How does John celebrate his birthday?A. He has a party at home.B. He goes to the park with his frien ds.C. He goes to watch a film with his frien ds.II .听对话和短文回答问题(10分)5秒钟时间阅读相关题目,

4、听完你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,听两遍,在听每段对话或短文前,你将有后你将有时间选择最合适的备选答案。听第一段对话,回答11-12小题()11. Who is the woma ns new friend?C. Nancy.C. Blue shoes.A. Emma.B. Jan et.()12. What does her new friend always wear?A. A white dress.B.A red dress.听一篇短文,回答第 13-15小题,完成信息记录表。)13.A.Maths)14.A.r unning)15.A.5B.E nglishB.swimmi ngB.7

5、C.Chi neseC.skati ngC.9听一篇短文,回答16-20小题()16. What does the writer like?A. The bedroom. B. The livi ng room)17. How many chairs are there in the dining room?A. Four.B. Three.C. The di ning roomC. One.)18. Why does the writer have to wash the dishes?A. Because he cooks badly.B. Because he can t cook.C.

6、 Because he is helpful)19. How ofte n does the writerA. Ofte nB. Never.)20. Who likes watchi ng TV?A. Some people.川.根据情景回答问题。(每小题s dad cook?C. SometimesB. The writer.1分,满分2分)C. The writer s parents.Nick s familyfromNick is from En gla ndsubjectNick s favourite subject is 13sportsNick likes 14 bestfa

7、milyThere are 15 people in Nick s family请根据所给情景提示用英语回答两个问题。请将答案用英语完整地写在对应的横线上。Amy穿着黄色衬衫和灰色裤子。她的衬衫是棉质的。精编学习资料欢迎下载第二部分笔试部分(共73分)、选择15分(共15题,每题1 分)1-2选出单词中划线部分的音标()1. readyA eB. i:C aiD. $()2. smoothA 6B. BC. sD z()3, Enc is not going to Naiying byplane He is takingtrain.A. a; /B. a; theC. / aD. the, a

8、()4. Ouf school libraryfrom 8 a m to 5:30 p.m , but the reading roomonly in theaftenioon.A. opens; opensB. is open; is openC. opens; is openD. is open; opens()5. Is therewith your computer?A. someth ing wrongB. wrong someth ingC. wrong anythingD. anything wrong()6. Her elder sister works for a compa

9、 nyher home.A. far away fromB. away fromC. two kilometres awayD. two kilometres far from()7.- Good morning, sir!?-I d like to buy a sweater for my daughter.A. What can I do for youB. What are you doingC. How about the sweaterD. Can you help me()8. My sistergoes to bed early because she n eeds a lot

10、of sleep every day.A. sometimesB. seldomC. alwaysD. n ever()9.- Hello! Jim speaking. Who s?- Hello. This is Millie.A. heB. oneC. thatD. this()10. The bootsme well and I want to find a pair of trousers tothem.A. fit; fitB. match; matchC. fit; matchD. match; fit()11.-does your uncle exercise? Less tha

11、 n three times a week.thA. How longC. How many times()12. -When is Jay s concert?-It sthree oA. at; inB. on; in()13.- Where is Lucy? - She _A. practises to playC. is practis ing playi ngB. How oftenD. How muchclockthe afternoon of February 8C. at; onD. in; onvolleyball with her frien ds.B. is practi

12、s ing to playD. practises play ing()14. -Can Ithe book from you?-Sure. But you can tit to others.A. borrow; borrowB. borrow; lendC. le nd; lendD. le nd; borrow()15. -If you are free this evening, how about havi ng dinner together?B. All rightD. Not at allA. That s all rightC. You are welcome二、完形填空10

13、分(共10题,每题1分)A man wants to go 1 one side(边)of a river to 2 . There is only one boat. He3 take a 4 , a wolf(狼)and a basket of vegetbles with him. But he canon ly take oneof them at a time( 次)because the boat is vey 5. If I 6 the wolf and the sheeptogether, the wolf may eat the sheep.” he says to hims

14、elf( 他自己).If I leave the sheep andthe 7 together,the sheep may eat them . ” He thinks and thinks. At last,he has a(n) 8 .And he can get to the other side of the river 9 the sheep, the wolf and the vegetables.Do you kn ow 10 he does it?()1 A. onB. inC fromD. with()2. A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. others()3. A has toB. have toCisD does()4 A. catB. dogC sheepD. chicken()5. A. largeB. smallC. trigD. beautiful()6. A. leaveB. will leaveC. leavesD. leaving()7. A, wolfB. sheepC manD. vegetable



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