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1、南莫中学高二英语教学案(模5Unit3 Welcome to the unit and reading 1泛读)教学内容:Welcome to the unit and reading泛读教学目标:Describe skills popular science and modern technology. Develop some reading skills.重难点: Describe popular science and modern technology ;describe agreeing and disagreeing ;developing a certain reading s

2、kill-how to read science terms in science article and are able to read a newspaper article about cloning.教学过程:Step 1: RevisionWhat have you learned about the environment in Unit 2 ?Step 2 :Lead in and discussionToday we will talk about another topic -Science versus nature. First , please discuss the

3、 following three questions.Question 1: What do you know about cloning ?Question 2: What other cloned animals do you know about ?Question 3: Do you think it would be a good idea to clone humans some day ? Why or why not ?Step 3 : Fast reading for general ideasGo through the passage quickly as possibl

4、e and try to find answers to the three questions .Question 1 : Does the article give an antior procloning point of view , or both ?Question 2 : What was the name of the fist cloned mammal ?Question 3 : Is Pauline Carter proor anticloning ?Step 4 : Careful reading for important information .Listen to

5、 the tape carefully and then finish some exercises .A : Read the article and the letters carefully and decide which of the statements below are true (T) or false (F) .1.People all over the world are happy about the idea of cloning human beings.T/F2.Dolly,the first cloned mammals, is exactly the same

6、 as other sheep .T/F3.According to the article, the science who created Dolly does not agree with cloning human beings.T/F4.Cloning can be used to cure diseases because it can produce new tissues and organs .T/F5.Colin Jake is against cloning humans ,just like Pauline Carter .T/F6.Cloing human being

7、s is illegal in many countries ,so no scientist want to clone human beings.T/FB : Read the passage carefully and choose the right answers to each question.1 .We can learn form the passage thatis against cloning human beings.A. Ian WilmutB . Faye WilsonC . Severino AntinoriD . Colin Jake2 . According

8、 to Pauline Carter ,people who cannot have a baby might as well.A . buy a babyB . clone a childC . adopt a childD .use another womans egg3 . We can infer form the text that.A . we will be paid back if we humans interfere with natureB . we should clone fewer babies to reduce Earths populationC . scie

9、ntist have succeeded in challenging questions of morality.D . the news that the first human embryo has been cloned successfully is very terrible.C . Work in pairs or groups . Fill in each blank with no more than one word according to the text (Page 4243) .Attitudes towards the first cloned human emb

10、ryoProcloningIt can produce tissues and organs that are of great(1)AnticloningWe are (2)to produce a reallife Frankensteins mother.Attitudes towards the birth of Dolly the sheepProcloningCloning is a wonderful (3)breakthrough.AnticloningCloning would (4)more disease in the animal world.Representativ

11、esIan WilmutHe never (5)to create copics of humans. Instead , he thinks research efforts should concentrate on(6)diseases.Faye wilson(7)to have a baby , she is(8)to have a child that is genetically related to her.Severino AntiniriHe wants to be the first to clone a human being.Chinese scientistsThey have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells.Chinahas achieved great(9)in producing clones of cows and goats ,and continue to research ways cloning can be (10)to mankind.Step 5 : HomeworkRetell the text in your own words.



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