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1、北京语言大学21秋英语语音复习考核试题库答案参考1. Not a single mistake _ in the test.A.he madeB.did he makeC.he has madeD.made he参考答案:B2. Mice in northern Europe go away from homes when_.Athey are short of foodBthere is nMice in northern Europe go away from homes when_.Athey are short of foodBthere is not enough spaceCits

2、 getting warmer in the low landDits getting colder in the mountains正确答案:B3. Anita was accepted this fall at U. C. Berkeley, so shes taking some time off toAnita was accepted this fall at U. C. Berkeley, so shes taking some time off to get a masters degree._.A. That sounds exhausting.B. Thats good ne

3、ws!C. You bet.参考答案:B4. Functional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes inFunctional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes in a language.参考答案T5. There are two kinds of crosscultural communication: ( )communication and bilateral coThere

4、are two kinds of cross-cultural communication: ( )communication and bilateral communication.A. successfulB. verbalc. unsuccessfulD. unilateral参考答案:D6. The variations of FOB illustrate who shall bear _. A. the charges for clearance B. theThe variations of FOB illustrate who shall bear _.A. the charge

5、s for clearanceB. the charges for loadingC. the charges for unloadingD. freightB7. We are looking forward to your _ inquiries. Aspecification Bspecial Cspecify DspectifiWe are looking forward to your _ inquiries.AspecificationBspecialCspecifyDspectificD8. We didn t have enough staff _ the job: A. to

6、 B. for C .withWe didn t have enough staff _ the job:A. toB. forC .with参考答案B9. 32在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.thr/ow/nB.foll/ow/C.br/ow/nD.sh/ow/n参考答案:C10. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词disapp/o/int中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.dev/o/teB.P/o/landC.g/o/D.sh/o/ck参考答案:D11. Two nuclear power statio

7、ns _ in the past ten years.A.are builtB.have been builtC.would be builtD.are building参考答案:B12. If you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading: The Buyer shall estabIf you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading: The Buyer shall establish the covering

8、 letter of credit before 30th August, 2008, failing which the Seller reserves the right to _ the contract without further notice.ArestrainBrescindCreciteDreceiveB13. We take this opportunity to in form you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of theWe take this opportunity to in form

9、 you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of the goods.兹奉告,该商品可即期装运。在此例句中,译者运用了减词法,译文比原文大为简明,减去了take this opportunity这一陈腐的表达,省略了三个人称代词,还用“可”字代替了原文中in a position这样繁复的表达方式。14. What the organizer of Miss Digital World wants to do next is_.Ato sell pictures of bWhat the organizer of Miss

10、 Digital World wants to do next is_.Ato sell pictures of beauties for calendarsBto hold another contestCto put the digital beauties into practical useDto start an advertising company正确答案:C由文章最后一段可知,Cerami现在的梦想是成立一个虚拟美女公司,将她们推销给挂历、游戏、广告和电影等产业。据报道,已经有一位美女登上了花花公子的头版,由此可概括为使虚拟美女产生实际效益,故应选C。15. We have s

11、hown maximum flexibility in order to bridge the wide _ existing between the two sides.We have shown maximum flexibility in order to bridge the wide _ existing between the two sides.AgapBmapCcapDgayA16. Pay by credit card for the same protection you have when you are shopping in the real world.Pay by

12、 credit card for the same protection you have when you are shopping in the real world.使用信用卡支付,以便获得和在现实世界购物时同样的保护。17. Chomsky refers to the child s innate endowment as _, a set of principles which aChomsky refers to the child s innate endowment as _, a set of principles which are common to all langua

13、ges.A. language acquisition deviceB. innate knowledgeC. universal grammarD. basic grammar正确答案:C18. The ring gesture , where you form. an 0 by holding the tip of your forefThe ring gesture , where you form. an 0 by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb , means in France that you

14、 think something is ( )A. goodB. III kill you!C. worthlessD. great参考答案:C19. You should certainly apologize to the customer _ Athat you have acted so rudely BbecauseYou should certainly apologize to the customer _ Athat you have acted so rudelyBbecause of your rudenessCfor your rudenessDon your rudenessC20. Which of the following is NOT the benefit brought by teddy bears, according to the author?Which of the following is NOT the benefit brought by teddy bears, according to the author?AEliminating inequality among people of differ


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