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1、辞职信模板 1:Dear r * , I m witig to inm 告知ou out the ecision决定o rsgn 辞职from my urt 目前oston. ere re a fewfcr因素 nvolved.被涉及 Frst an oremost,一方面. Secodly, 另一方面 ast b not lea,最后但不是最重要的一点 wold like tae thi optunit机会toeprs y gratue 感谢forthe rewaring xience tat I hve enyed durin myplyen. 我想借此机会体现我的感谢之情,我在这公司过的

2、真的很开心 snceely wisyou could appe批准 of my rsgatin, an apoloiace 提前fony iconvenence 不以便hus caused.占用我真心的但愿你能批准我的辞职,不便之处,还请海涵。 Sinceel yours Ling模板 2Dear , sureitwillcome as no srprie I wis in my positin as (s背面加一种职位,例如 amarket ar,我相信我辞掉我目前这个职位,你应当不会感到意外). Though I a enjyed wrking wth youand otr oles in

3、 the company /rganizatin, hereareafew raons at force 逼迫me to give p放弃 my cure wrk.尽管我在这家公司和同事相处的很开心,但是还是有些因素让我不得不离开这里 F ne thing,一方面 For nother,另一方面Moreove / Besies / nadition,此外此外 .I ppreciate t plentyof hlpa encouragme鼓励frm you cstant不断地,ad am veryorry for any inconvnece hus ause promse that I ill

4、 stay toghthe next onto hep y in a repcmen for mypositi.我非常感谢长期以来你对我的协助和鼓励,我真的非常对不起由于我给你带来的不便,我保证我下个月还会呆着这个公司帮你找到接替我职位的人。 Sincerely yours, L Mng离职因素1、ater to monhs,I do fel thtii ntay fr e o getuse to te exa wr and night shift. 、thsalry has rovn o be mch lwer tha ou orignaly romsed, n ave large fmil

5、y t support. 4、My rson fr leaingm resn epoyt isat I amdesirous ofgetig rode xpeiencen rding 本人离职的理由:但愿在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。、Myreanr leaving he company stht I h to ge ino te advrtisnbusie 本人去职因素,是但愿在广告业方面发展。6、 mleaing our ofice to bwith my mothern care formyag mother ia distant cit 我为照顾住在远地的年老妈妈,而申请辞职。、ra

6、n for leavngmy present mplymets simpl because see ochanceof advement. 本人离职的理由是这样:本人深知无升迁的机会。8、I am desiou of lavin teofficein rderto gain mre expeinc i aextersoffice.本人但愿在出口公司能获得更多的经验,故愿转职。9、 adesirous o eaving the employtn order to iprom osition and he more reonsililty. 由于但愿获得更高的职位负更多的责任,而离开现职。祈求信模

7、板1:ea * , I anY Id likeo ak i you hav /anrvid me theinformin o . The resns fr yurgt 紧急的nee of re s folows: 1) ; 2) ; 3) Thfor,I wil e much obliged感谢 if a hel m las feel free ocal meat or furtherqustions. Thank youfryour timeand patence耐心, and lookforwarto盼望 oupo 尽快的rely答复Yours, Li n 模板 2:Dar , My na

8、m is , adI a I hav mae m mind决定 to write toyou inteope that yon funis 提供m wihthe infrationegardig有关我决定写信给你但愿你能提供应我有关*的信息。 .A he sent目前 amprprin /oin, nd am in ack f 缺少 that s crucial fth wok proe prorm. hereore, t woul be of great help目前我正准备做某件事,但是我缺少某个信息,对于这件事那是很核心的,因此,你将帮我大忙了if Ican havyourhep or

9、*.leae et back te ator liestcoeniec 在你以便时尽早s I havo *soon.如果你能帮组我,请在你以便时尽早的把信息告知我,我好尽早的去做*I a prayingorrepl tull pecation.我满怀感谢期待你的答复 Yous incerey, Li ing建议信模板 :Dear , amvery glad to har tha youwan t ek寻找somesuetions aut有关n rdr to为了. Frm m pt ofviw, 按照我的观点. Alo, to ou,I hhromend 大力推荐that On e oe han

10、d, 一方面 . O the otherhand, 另一方面 Besides,此外 s uecesar不合适or out . Coneuently从而, Ibeivethat . I hopehat my pion观点 r fhep t you, please feefree o ctct meforore ustions. 我但愿我的观点对你有协助,如果尚有别的疑问,随时可以联系我。You sincrl,L ig模板2:Dar , Im ritigtepress my views 观点concerning有关. In te irst place一方面, woul lieto saythkou

11、 for tehelp d eeyhinges you ab offering 提供o us.eanwhil与此同步, Iaso t t mkesme adice 建议t ber . Fistly,we haveoun 发现that ecody, w wnto . Fialy, hop tat I aoon orwards to your cosidratio考虑 aboutmy propoals建议 Thanks inadance尽快fo tha. Yur sincerely,Li Ming求职信模板 1:To Wo IayCocern,致有关人员 I haelarnt 理解fomyesteday npertht yo a emloyn 雇佣 wsh o conidere as an applicant 应聘者forheosition, nd beg 祈求to sat陈述 my quafians 能力条件asfollws: I myears ld, ajor stueto Unvsiy/College. 某某学校某某专业During my cademc s, I hveshn exellent prrmanend hae een awaded stclaschlai eahyear. Inaddition tomyducaonlbckgr, hav therich work



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