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1、山西省朔州市怀仁某校2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第四次月考试题第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 60 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题3分,满分 45 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AFind the perfect way to keep fit with these websiteswww.activelife.co.ukThis site is perfect for those who like to combine living a healthy lifestyle with enjoying

2、 the countryside. You can get a list of locations that offer routes for cycling. There is also information on cycling competitions in BSwavedon is a national park with a lake, which offers many different ways of keeping fit in the great outdoors. There are three cycle routes around the lake and seve

3、ral woodland walks.www.fitnet.co.ukSteve Amos started this site for busy people wanting to keep fit. Fill in a questionnaire (调查表) and Steve will create a fitness programme for you. Although Steves fee is high, you can email him for advice whenever you want. Besides, Steve has designed many fitness

4、clothes, which anyone can order.www.fitnessonline.co.ukThis is a free government website that encourages people to keep fit. It gives diet advice, and allows you to work through a fitness programme without leaving your house. It also offers advice on equipment to buy and has a chat room, where you c

5、an compare experiences with others.www.sportsarena.co.ukThis website tells you how you can keep fit at this group of London sports centres. You dont have to be a member these centres run a pay-as-you-go system. They all have a pool and gym. The website includes information about locations, opening t

6、imes and prices.www.NAG.co.ukThe National Athletics Group is a site for people interested in athletics. It allows you to find out where your nearest athletics club is and provides information about races and other athletics events around the country. There is a popular chat room where athletes excha

7、nge suggestions and ideas.21.Which of the following websites has information on cycling competitions?A.www.sportsarena.co.ukB.www.activelife.co.uk.C. D.www.fitnet.co.uk.22.What can we learn about Steve Amos?A.He always helps people for free.B.He started the site to sell fitness clothes.C.He is unwil

8、ling to answer peoples emails.D.He offers personalized and convenient services.23.What can people do onwww.NAG.co.uk?A.Search for the best gym.B.Buy sports equipment they need.C.Find information about indoor sports. D.Communicate with other athletes.BBreathing is something you do all day long, witho

9、ut even thinking about it. However, you might be doing it wrong. Research shows that the way you breathe affects the amount of oxygen you take in, as well as how you think and feel.So which is it? Do you breathe through your nose or your mouth? Some health experts recommend people breathe in through

10、 their nose and out through their mouth. Others say that people should just focus on breathing easily, paying no attention to their mouth or nose preference. But mouth breathing has also been connected with bad breath, snoring, high blood pressure and bad teeth.Nose breathing may affect how memories

11、 are stabilized in our brains, according to Swedish researchers. During the study, participants smelled 12 different smells and then were asked to breathe either through their nose or mouth for an hour afterwards. Then, they were presented with the original set of smells and a new set. Those who sme

12、lled with their nose remembered the smells better.A research team recognized the differences in brain activity that occurred when seven epilepsy (癫痫)patients breathed through their nose or through their mouth. The team found three areas of the brain where activity is connected with breathing. These

13、areas showed more changes in brain activity only when volunteers breathed in through their nose.So, should mouth breathers change their breathing habits? If youre happy with the way you breathe and you arent experiencing any health problems, be yourself and just keep your own way. But if you think i

14、t might be time for a change, focus breathing through your nose until it becomes a habit. It might help you survive an emergency.24.What does the word “it underlined in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Your life style.B.How you breathe.C.How you think and feel.D.The oxygen you take in.25.What did Swedish rese

15、archers find?A.Nose breathing may improve memory.B.Mouth breathing causes health problems.C.Nose breathers are not sensitive to smells.D.Mouth breathers have a good sense of taste.26.What is the effect of nose breathing according to the research?A.It helps one to stay healthy.B.It cures bad breath a

16、nd snoring.C.It makes ones brain more active.D.It improves ones sense of smell.27.What does the author think of nose breathing?A.Its hard to get used to.B.Its suitable for everybody.C.Its what people have to do.D.Its what people can benefit from.CA company has designed a water bottle, the Memobottle, which is ideal


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